
Discussion in 'Players Introductions' started by pepsishot, Aug 26, 2014.

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  1. crzyjoyce

    crzyjoyce Forum Expert

    pepsishot, glad to see you here. You always seem to have tons of stuff going on, take a little time for you, If you don't do it no one will do it for you, and you know, people seem to say their kids are most important in their lives.. to that I say, well kinda, but again you have to take care of yourself first, or won't have what it takes to care for others. (((((((((big hugs))))))))) seems there is always a need for them even if we don't mention it:) Hope things get less normal and you have down time that you need to relax.
    penguilnz and -Mir85- like this.
  2. pepsishot

    pepsishot Forum Expert

    I did go from a normal, mostly quiet life to a rather crazy, fast roller coaster of a life for the last couple of years. :eek:o_O As my brother recovers from his illness my life will gradually go back to my normal. However, I do agree, I can't keep up with what's required of me if I don't take care of myself. ((hugs)) always aid in a recovery of any kind so thank you for the help. :) Once I get my son through his appointments today with a specialist I do have a calm weekend of "me time" planned. Just me and my crafts to settle the mind and body. I look forward to it greatly :inlove:
  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Pepsi - I hope you have a wonderful weekend that restores your spirit so that you can continue to take care of those you love. They are very blessed you take such good care of them. Hugs to you.
    penguilnz and -Mir85- like this.
  4. pepsishot

    pepsishot Forum Expert

    Thank you. I hope the weekend goes well. Plans may change a little as they are calling for -25 temps and that is without the windchill factored in :eek:o_O Buuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 13, 2015
    penguilnz likes this.
  5. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Come on over to my house for a spa day:) The fire is going so the house is warm, you can watch your favorite movies or read a favorite book, drink lots of hot tea...I mean red punch, I'll make you lunch and dinner, take a nap if you want, just whatever your heart desires....

    Stay warm!
    penguilnz, pepsishot and -Mir85- like this.