Pink vs neon

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by mingling, Feb 9, 2016.

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  1. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    I have found myself in the middle, space saving is a big thing here on the farm. And that brings me to thinking <yes smoke was involved> as to go ahead and get my pinks built up as to also getting reds. Well looking at the market -.- I use to like neons but now farmers are snagging up the same animals I was getting for reds and I just know it's for making them neons. Driving the price sky high.

    So as I can't whine, :music:I'd do the same thing if I had the CC :p so what does a null do? < null being not new but not having many shinnie things>

    Go for things in your farm CC bracket? or hold out longer not having a thing just to buy them higher breed animals?

    What are you doing on your farms?
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I didn't understand which prices are high. For animals that we have pink pens?
  3. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    For all near breeding animals to get to a gold for all neons. On my market all prices have tripled. I am in the market getting breeding animals to get me reds, the megas are buying pages of them at a time to get to breeding golds, if I am going to pay triple the price for a breeding animals that would get me a neon bull why get pink bull? I am thinking just skip pink and go for neon, like the megas farmers are doing.
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I have enough neons for right now. If I want more, I may try to trade in the next G & T.
  5. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    Ummm, trading is like math for me :sleepy: not all that.
    I guess yet again my thoughts are not getting to type, I think for myself I will go for higher level breeding animals in the gone neon animals and just skip pinks and go for neon's.
    I will need to look up the regular animals and guess what to buy in upgrades before them neon's make buying a hard pinch.
  6. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    Hey Keltic,

    You know the thought for me is not so much just pink pen vs neon pen as it is neon pen vs pink workshop. Since it takes two of the highest level to build a workshop and only one of the same animal to make a neon pen. Just makes those workshops seem harder to ever be able to obtain. I'm holding on to a dollar duck right now for that very reason. I've got good duck pens including several red so I can't see using my duck on an additional neon pen instead of holding out for another one to get a pink feather factory. I'll see what happens next breeding cycle and maybe that will help me decide.

    Meanwhile I have been gaining red pens and workshops also and yes the prices have skyrocketed for the animals. I've done most of my gaining via G&T though instead of purchase.
  7. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    huh, I have the neon pens, didnt know they were selling neon animals in the market. I have not put them out and opted for the pinks. The market is expensive. I have a dollar duck as well...i need one more...the bride duck is expensive. For some reason I thought I had a dollar duck and I had three brides so I bought a bride thinking to make another dollar...I was wrong. That bride was expensive. I am looking to those animals that are not in high demand...

    DBAYES Count Count

    You can blame the prices on me 'The Queen of Pink'. I have noticed the big change in prices of Pink animals since the 'Pink Royals Club' has been quite a competition...By the way it's a GREAT club! I too, can't afford the Pink animals and can't get the ones I need either...LOL! Plus...think we are saving the Big Pinks we have, like the Dollar Duck etc...
  9. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    A thought (or two) crossed my mind that you might be getting a "kick-back" from BP for starting the
    PINK-ROYALS-CLUB !! Oh, how awfully suspicious of me !
    Now, I have decided, that if you are Not getting one, then you Should be !!!
  10. DBAYES

    DBAYES Count Count

    LOL! King " Kick-Backs" here, but a Queen can dream!:inlove:
  11. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    I hear ya, I had to sit back and re-do some thinking, I need workshops, but them neons have really made a wide slash in the market. I am vary happy for G&T, I am really running all over trying to get goals while they still are goals, as soon as a neon comes along the game plan is shot.
    -.-I'm good with that, I blame you then.:p The animal breed area I peek in, not worthy to play there yet. I am holding on to Wilbur <my pink pig> As I see a neon...but the truffle... and the pink grrr so many ways to go.

    I have failed on my goal of reds :( as they went neon, so close too. But it really makes it a stopper when 4 compared to 3 animals. and the new prices o_O It makes my head hurt.
    I just don't see making a pink ones they go neon, no matter how hard I try to justify the pink. It sort of tarnished my pink chicken :sleepy: I should have held out for the neon.