Planting Fields

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by nm56, Jun 9, 2019.

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  1. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    I would like to see a change made so that we can plant some crops with manure, etc. while others are planted without it.

    Example: if I harvest part of my field and replant with a crop I might want to add manure, SG, etc. but I do not want to use it on what is already planted in the field. Currently there is no way to do this unless you do it manually.

    I would like to see a change where you pick the crop and then another window appears asking what you would like to use on it: water, manure, SG, etc.
    Lea2191, Nala777 and foreverokc21 like this.
  2. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Nice idea, nm56. I would like to see this added too. :)
  3. kkkkajkgfhu

    kkkkajkgfhu Forum Apprentice