Play It Cool Event Strategies

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by penguilnz, Mar 15, 2016.

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  1. Frenchmom14261

    Frenchmom14261 Forum Connoisseur

    About trees, just harvested 14 trees on island got 1 straw. harvested 20 trees on rain forest got 0, 0!!! straw.
    Trees are very slow to grow and very poor givers.
  2. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    International trading eh ? Make sure you pay your taxes properly.

    Welcome broke. Cool_carrot. I like the name.
    [​IMG] pnp, Where are you ? broke is hungry. tlcmom is busy with the event. Send him your CACs that you made with your bountiful harvest of carrots today. Even his name is carrot !! What a coincidence !

    [​IMG]. Never ever expected this. What shall I do ? I know. I request our Poet Laureate to compose a song for this newborn. Poem should have lots of carrots in it.

    David, As a token of our appreciation for your to be poem on behalf of the citizens of Farmerama we bestow you the prestigious 24 carrot gold ring for your poem [​IMG]. :D xD

    cool_carrot_broke, which market are you ? Hope you make millions and millions out of the .12 and trade with America & Europe. ;)xD

    I would have totally missed the above posts if not for poppyseed who pointed it out to me. Might have missed such an excitement. ;)

    xDxDxD mingling, I am sure after this no one would speak sparingly of your :inlove:Bat:inlove:. Never miss a chance, do you ?


    I have finished right side of the quest & might finish the left one tomorrow.
    farmer_broke, I was meddling with bigpoint few months back and tried to create an account and I ended up with creating 12ss121 farmerama acoount along with bigpoint account, that too in French.:p:D Subscribed for mentor before a month or so. I didn't know what to do with the account. Today it suddenly struck me that I will follow your foot steps and would refrain from levelling up and try market strategy there or try making millions of CCs. I am getting lots of workshops, animal pens/upgrades and tree upgrades from my mentor. And my mentor is a nice French Mentor, I think. He/she doesn't mind me not logging in for days.
  3. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    International taxation is such a wonderful area of taxation to specialize in. The avenue to play in the area seems like a lifetime ago. lol tax avoidance is legal hahahaha tax evasion is a crime and one doing such will find themselves in jail

    Ming has me thinking more and more about bats and I don't want to. Lots of market speculation with bats, the bred bats, and Guano too. I do not expect to perform extremely well in the area.

    The cool_carrot_broke farm is on market 10. And Mentor Brookeham is on that market I saw. How wonderful. SO Mentor Brookeham no longer has a broke-free market. And many have been so nice to that farm.

    The farm not leveling up is the spooky_broke farm which was started during the Halloween event and was assigned Brookeham as mentor. Brookeham was assigned at mentor on the mud_pie_man farm. This time I'm not leaving the nest so no ep and it only farms BAHA and the rain forest and plays the market. It does only the BAHA quests because no ep to level up the farm. Three of the Four BAHA land plots and rain forest open so choice is either to work the BAHA quests or try and send the farm to the TOP 1000 while still in the nest. (It needs to grow 10 times its present size for that this year and it is probably not going to be competitive enough to try it then.) Just keeping the mills spinning is incentive to check the farm. And a nice mentor ....... wonderful

    Finish the entire event today with about 48 hours left in the event.

    Best wishes on the event work.
    KaiCat33, 12ss12, marymac50 and 11 others like this.
  4. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    Didn't start the event but have managed to grow and sell and make enough cc to buy a piggy bank pig to dump into soup n friends, now continuing to make lots of cc to try and buy some more breeding animals for soup n friends. One very happy farmer.:p
  5. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    I just finished the event with 3 glasses of water to spare:p:p I haven't bothered putting out the stables or trees won during the event, have a feeling they really won't be anything great. Congrats to all who have finished and to others keep going, over 1 1/2 days left;);):D:D
    KaiCat33, 12ss12, marymac50 and 10 others like this.
  6. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Yay! I've finished the event and set out my pens/trees. Keeping fingers crossed that I will get something nice. :)
    KaiCat33, 12ss12, marymac50 and 8 others like this.
  7. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    8):inlove: Bat :inlove: awareness, it's a non stop job. 8)
    8) The :inlove: Bat:inlove: may be small but beware, big things come in small packages8)
    And in my case we are just being on line " :inlove: Bat :inlove:for MM Ambassador! :inlove: Bat :inlove: is the way to go!!!!!!:p

    Keltic farm done, ming just needs 6 water, will have the CR soon.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
  8. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    Sorry you are still struggling with drops gaura:(... but for today and tonight (and thru to the end of the event, if need be), I suggest that you grow extra event crops on both of your Baha fields. Even tho you will have extra left over at the end of the event (you will get some CC and EP for these after the event). The melons are longer growing crops than what you have to plant for long crops on Baha, so they will give you more drops than replanting more of the peppers and bromes will.:sleepy: And don't forget to drag the trophies over...
    Good luck, hang in there.
  9. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    What GuineaUp said.
    Baha, I have event crops growing because they be 6h to grow, ming is not high enough level to beat the 6h time with any other crop.
    I have thousands of event crops and a bit flittered over the lack of being able to grow barn stock but that just is, I have to take a lot in mind and right now longest/ep wins.

    Work on your trophy, somewhere a great farmer tells to get the LL up to 13% at least before you will see the drops increase.
    I am lazy, I don't drag the things around, and still I am doing ok, but I am half done on the 13% part of both quests.
    Ming will be rolling up the sleeves as my next goal is to feed the star eating tree the 300 stars so all fields get the benefit of the LL.
    KaiCat33, 12ss12, GuineaUp and 7 others like this.
  10. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    You are getting the type of advice you can't pay for gaura.:) Might I suggest going to the Game FAQs and reading through them as you have time. It takes time, but they answer virtually any question you might have about playing the game. :oops: You can also type in a specific topic in the search box to find information about specific things, like the LL rune, as you go along and have questions about topics you haven't learned about yet. o_O You've found the greatest source of information, the Forum and all the wonderful, helpful people who can advise you with the wisdom of experience.:D:inlove: Good luck and keep chugging along.:)
    Congratulations to everyone who has finished the event:D:music: and good luck to everyone still toiling away. :p;);):)
    KaiCat33, 12ss12, penguilnz and 11 others like this.
  11. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    http://_OnPX6AK1VtojiBOtYiERFuJhERAEREAREQBERAEREAREQBEUb42xx1PG1kRAlkNgdy1o3cB36geqhZZGuLlLZEoQc5KK3ZIZ23a4EXBaRbv02XljiancZrBh7IsRY9k3OluR0VnGolcO3NKdb/6jhr6FcLGKJosQNTueZ/FeQuKV22JRTLWq4fZTX+I2unqWL0R0XV4ex5FnSvL/QWYOWgsy9vHxU0VO0zC1jWte8ADQB7wB6X0WKLHp6R/WMke4A6se4lrh3a7eYUqeLVNqGGbZcMsjDOUXOi1cLrmzwxzM+F7A4evJbS9g84IiIAiIgCIiAIiIAiIgCIiAKrekWcmvY07NgGXfm55N1aSqPpHmH+ICxGkLf8A09UeI+4Zb0XvkarapoIDnAE7AnVZZIg61xexuFwMRkha+7mZ3uaNzo0bADz1XXoZA5jcmje47jwXLzr5UprKPfjLnbhLDX3uZqmcMF3EAd5XCxo_OD25mkEeCz409rfiZmsOfwjlquU17OrJYMtzqO4rfRUklLqarbJOTj0x+5bnRLU58Ojbe5jlkYdNu2XAf9XtUyVfdDEzfscjcwzfaXnLcXtlj1srBXWV+wuxztntPuERFMgEREAREQBERAEREAREQHxMzM1zdrgjTfUWXkbFBLTVE0Wd4LJXNu69yA4gE38F68VQdNvCsbzFVMGWR7sjzyJAu0279CFGTilmWxOGW8Lcqug4omjtcMkAcHWkYDq3VuosdCpPR8Zy1Ujj1F5CC4hlgPmVEjw5UX+AEd9xZd7AYo6S5kdd7hrl5eCoayenlVyxSk/BL+i7poWRs5nlfF/6fNTx1KY5acMjayQgPzNzHsnS19tVHa7FJHkuMhJJ8B9FtVeGGV7nxczexWH/AJQCX2aB43W+uzTwgorC+RpnC2U3Ld/EnnQHhPWVstU5pIiis13LO/Q+Zy391f6i/RphLKbDqdrGlpczrH3+IudqSfcAeAClCtIrPcIiIYCIiAIiIAiIgCIiAIiIAod0qUueizW1ZK123K+U+W6mK5PFlJ1tHUsva8LiD4gZh8wFCyPNBr5E4PEkynqM5m7clin4fbJqQsFI574xkf1brbllwtZ4qxoKsfuv5LlYxkpPlkk/1+h0TksdYt+X1N+PB2xfCuXjNyMo1JIAA5k6D5r9EdSfiq3OHhGPwWegpusq6WHU5pmAki33geW2ysU1t2LMs+fqkaLZpQeI48vRnoDDYOrhiYL9mNrdd9ABqtlEXSnghERAEREAREQBERAEREAREQBYayMOje12zmEHyIIKzL8cLiyAobB3dkWPhZdqM3C5dI0NfI22XLIW2tsA4i3sum0+y4rUrE2jq6HmKZiqNLrm4M4nEqMAXPXg+gufot+tf3LW4QYXYrShovlc4nbbq33PzVrhyzbEr654rZeSIi6s5wIiIAiIgCIiAIiIAiIgCIiAIi1qrEIo2l0kjGNG5c4AD3QFPYrBlrqpo/wB0nXxsf4rK2N1uS+uK5mHEJHRvD2vYx4IIIN220I3Gi+g/TZchr043y7nTaNqVS7GjUg2o_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 [​IMG]
    Welcome, cool_carrot_broke, to our farming game
    You have such a fine lineage, of renown market fame !
    and read all your Dad's postings, some measured by the acre
    but filled with knowledge and fine facts; he is an educator!
    and your great uncle mud_pie_man, another inspiration
    in the 1000's top ten for our english speaking 'nation'
    Your name has so much in it, for you to be proud
    I look forward to your progress, stand out from-the-crowd!
    I love the way a carrot, stands so straight and true
    Like an earthly iceberg, mostly out-of-view !
    The flourish of green foliage early in it's youth
    Full of hidden potential - this surely is the truth...
    and carrots are also used to give a diamond's measure
    cool_carrot_broke is such a name to treasure

    Thrust straight into marketing, before you're in long pants
    imitate farmer_broke's dominance in his market stance
    I wish you all the best, in earning lotsa cc's
    I look forward to some postings, regularly, please !

    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
    KaiCat33, 12ss12, marymac50 and 10 others like this.
  12. gaura

    gaura Junior Expert

    I am trying to hang in there. Replanted to zukes and peppers (before I saw this) but you are correct in saying that the shorter times probably reduce drops. All that said, there has been a rotation, dragged the trophies again, and did get better drops. Not sure why they were so crappy early this morning, but the mid-morning round did help considerably. All told, it's helping some. I'm at 55 left and 45 right. Will I finish? No. Would I have finished had I dragged trophies from the beginning? Possibly. Will I get the three giver items? YES, and that's something by itself. I'm probably going to decide where to stop on the left side and try to catch up on the right side.

    I just hope other newer farmers are paying attention and trying to apply the remedies as well. I feel badly for taking up so much time, but it will be worth it if others pay attention too.

    As for growing more melons, I really hate growing more of anything (beyond the 10 seeds) than I absolutely must. I don't hoard. I'll admit that one reason I did this quest was for crops to Baha-grow that would get me a couple more levels so I could unlock the chamber to grow pepper, chili, dragonfruit, etc. but I have serious reservations about growing more than needed. I still have 8k or so melons. Still, if I decide I'm short tomorrow, I'll gladly plant into melons overnight Monday (event ends 7A Tuesday, and I have to be up long before then)
  13. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Glad you are persevering with the event gaura, and please don't feel bad for asking questions. We want you to do well, have success in the events and enjoy the game! Hope you achieve more than you thought possible!

    Put out the stables and trees after finishing the event. Another stork, yellow sheep shearing shed and an orange duck for the pens. XL medlar, XXL kiwi and (happily) an achacha (only had one).:)

    Best of luck to those still working away!
  14. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Growing extra event crops will help you in three ways gaura. First, your drops should be better on Baha than with any of your current Baha crops. Second, you will get TEP from growing the event crops on Baha which will help you level up there. Three, you will get EP and CCs from the extra event crops when they get converted after the event is over. :)
  15. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    I didn't get any memorable trees this time, but I got my first swan:inlove: It's so pretty-- I think I'd love to have an entire field of them.

    Willow is right, gaura. It's good to ask questions as there's so much to learn about this game. I'm still learning new things. Besides, every one of us was new once.
    Good luck to everyone still working on the event. Don't give up, there's still nearly two days left!
  16. alexis2112

    alexis2112 Forum Pro

    Whoa ... I don't know where these drops have been, but they're suddenly raining on my little farm and island!
    I've also been getting some unexpected and very welcome gifts from fellow farmers - thank you so much!! :inlove:

    Suddenly, all that's left is 3 glasses of water. I can't believe it. I really thought there was no way I could finish and now the end is only a dozen straws away!

    Thank you again, to all who helped me, and congrats to everyone else nearing the finish line!!! :inlove::inlove::inlove:
  17. flwrsndnc

    flwrsndnc Exceptional Talent

    I finished on this farm and I still need 168 straws on my MARLYMAR farm hopefully I will get them soon :)
  18. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Drops always seem to pick up towards the end of events. A good reason to not give up. ;)
  19. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    No mystery on my Mystery stables and trees. Nothing I didn't already have. -.-
  20. gaura

    gaura Junior Expert

    Alexis, send me some of that big-drop mojo, please?
    KaiCat33, 12ss12, marymac50 and 6 others like this.
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