Please do away with this redundant feature.

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Malki68, Jan 13, 2015.

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  1. Malki68

    Malki68 Forum Greenhorn

    Dear Farmerama: I am level 84 so have been playing a long time. Various "new" and "helpful" items have been added to the game for various reasons. Some of these changes have been good, some bad. Whatever the feature is called by you , the gold band that pops up and grows are crops are harvested showing how many of each you got , it is redundant and interferes with harvesting things in that corner. It is redundant because I can IF I WANT TO, check my inventory to see how many things I have. Before this was added, I could easily see what VALUE each tree, each field and each stable was giving me because it appears as I clicked it. Seeing this HELPED me to know if I wanted to upgrade it, or get RID of it. I have no idea what value these items have anymore as they all count together under my level indicator. To know what each value is, I would have to wait and subtract what EP was added or search elsewhere. I can't even know how much a kiss to my married partner is worth if I send that as a gift anymore.
    So my suggestion is to return to what was a better idea in the first place: let us see what each harvested item is worth as we harvest it and get rid of that gold popup.
    Malki68ID: 16884536
    Pendoring78 likes this.
  2. Sheriziya

    Sheriziya Forum Master

    Errr..... If you hover your mouse over the crop/tree/stable/workshop you want to harvest, you'll see exactly how many points you'll get and how many crops/fruit/animals/product. When I start to plant/ put up animal pens and such, and I hover my mouse over the item, I get a pop-up telling the plotsize (if applicable), the EP and the time.
    Also, I assume you mean the pop-up that appear with the drops you got (not the crops)? In my farm it disappears if I hover my mouse over the crop/tree/etc.

    Maybe it has something to do with your graphic settings? I know I changed something a little while ago and now that pop-up disappears the moment I hover my mouse over the crop/tree/etc under the pop-up.

    I hope this was helpful for you :)
  3. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    It does sometimes get in the way, but I think it just needs to be relocated. I don't always look at it but if I do want to know what drop items I get from something, it's really easy to just glance at that bar. I don't think it needs to go, it just needs to be moved elsewhere.
    penguilnz and wolfeyesone like this.
  4. AnnTAngel7

    AnnTAngel7 Advanced

    I don't think it would matter where the bar is put. When you are harvesting 1X1 plots the ones that are right where the bar begins are a real pain to harvest. I just begin my harvest there so by the time any drops register I don't need to deal with making myself crazy. I believe that Malki68 may be addressing the bar that shows how much time you have left, ep, what the name of item is, how many you get from harvest, etc. If that is the case.. I find it very valuable to have and wouldn't want it gone.
    penguilnz and Sweet_Cassiopeia like this.
  5. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Just popping in a word of wisdom :p
    Whether it is the Harvest animations or the bar with drops, both can be turned off through the Game Settings ;) That way if you decide you do want to have this info showed, you can always turn them back on 8)
    msmeow, farmerumf, penguilnz and 4 others like this.