Possibility to choose forum language

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by farmerana, Sep 7, 2014.

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  1. farmerana

    farmerana Forum Greenhorn


    I believe there should be an option in the game that allows players to select the forum that they want to be directed towards. The forum is an important part in the game, especially the official announcements. This is something everyone should check periodically. Nonetheless, the in-game button always directs players to the forum corresponding to the language they play the game in. I strongly believe that more options should be provided.

    The reason I am concerned about this is that I play the game in a different language, my native language, which is not English. Nonetheless, I strongly feel that my native language forum is a horrible, horrible place and I do not want to be exposed to that. While I still want to play the game in my native language, I want to use the English forum. Or other language forums as a matter of fact. But each time I check my native language forum I am left wondering why am I still playing this game and whether I should find a different relaxation game which would not have such bad side-effects.

    With the previous forum, a quick on-line search would lend me directly to the forum I wanted. But now, as this is a new forum, it is harder to find. What I am doing now is access the forum from the game and then change the link to go to a different forum just to read the official announcements.

    Also for writing this post I had to change the language in the game because there is no possibility to connect to the forum other than through the game. As one can imagine, this is not very practical.

    Please provide forum language options in the game!

  2. Neon-Lights

    Neon-Lights Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hi farmerana
    If you simply change the game language when you sign in (the flag at the top right) when you click the forum link you will be taken to that language forum.
    If you simply wish to browse the othe language forums without logging in, then simple change EN in the url https://board-en.farmerama.com/.... to the language of choice, DE, FR, ES etc
  3. farmerana

    farmerana Forum Greenhorn

    Yes, thank you, that is what I do now. I connect to the game in my native language, access my native language forum and change the link to read the English one without logging in.

    I do wish to continue playing the game in my native language. I want just the forum to be in a different one. And it is not very practical to access the forum this way, each day...
  4. escalonilla

    escalonilla Forum Commissioner

    This is what I do and it works

    I log in to the farm in spanish.Then in to the spanish forum.
    Then, I just change es by en in the url and click ENTER.

    This way I am logged in to the english forum withut having to change the language every time
  5. farmerana

    farmerana Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you for your advice! I have tried it and it works. Unfortunately, it only works if you use the same browser and don't delete the cookies.

    I use several browsers (different PCs, different operating systems and from different locations) and my default browser setting is to delete cookies each time I close the browser. So using this method lends me on the English forum without being logged in. Nonetheless, I am not really bothered about not being able to write on the forum, I usually don't write much.
    What I actually do is read the forum, even several times a day, almost on a daily basis. So even if there are tweaks that can be used to get to a nice forum, I would love to have a permanent practical solution.
    I am sorry for not not being able to clearly explain what the problem is and what is the solution I propose. :) I give it another last try:
    What I am proposing is to have a drop-down selection box in the general account setting in the game. Using that one can select the forum one wants to access by default when pressing the already existing forum button.