Prize Eggs or Prize Envelopes or Prize Balloon dart wall game

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by BeingStella, Jul 18, 2015.

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  1. BeingStella

    BeingStella Padavan

    To put a spin on the Wonder Stalls and trees. I suggest our lovely programmers put together a prize game event that has a wall of either eggs or in an egg tree or balloons in a balloon bunch, or prize envelopes or nuts hanging from a special prize tree, whatever image your designers feel like creating.
    You could create different ways for us to select like allowing the player to throw a dart or just point with the clicker to hit/select one of the envelopes which in turn grants one of the stalls or trees after paying BB for a each attempt.
    Making it fair and fun by having the prize tree or board randomly shuffled after each try. If using eggs for instance present us with two dozen or so eggs, hidden under the egg would be the opportunity to win one stall or tree or even BB or coins.
    Make the prizes better! Like a first place prize a second place prize or a third place prize so one could pay as little as 5bb up to like lets say 15bb. It would be nice to have more opportunities to win a pink stall, or current new item, or one most recent past newer items or even one historic item or even one stall or tree item that the player is missing. Of course make the other 20 on the board of 24 one has to choose from plus the boobie prizes like those dagummit beaver stalls, yellow or classic stalls or egg farms.
    Do a prize board or awards tree for animals and a prize board or balloon bunch for trees.
    I know I would be sitting here tossing or taking a chance on it!
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
    bygo_cris likes this.
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    This sounds a lot like the easter event and the more recent fishing event. It would certainly be fun, the only issue is that I think the prizes you suggest are a bit more than is usual for one of these events.... and these events are already big givers.
    Nothing wrong with suggesting it, though.