problem with unity

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by Lea2191, Dec 25, 2020.

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  1. Lea2191

    Lea2191 Forum Inhabitant

    I don't know if I am the only one having problems but since unity the game sometimes plants the wrong crop. Today I planted an event crop with supergrow, only to come back to have lettuce planted. It has happened enough times that I know it isn't an error on my part. I am using a harvester. I used supergrow and suzy's and buffs to speed up the supergrow. I wasted all of these on lettuce. I haven't yet double checked to make sure the right crop is being planted or if it turning the crop to something else after it is planted.

    This is one of several problems I have noticed with unity and a particularly annoying one.
    1. losing supergrow and suzy's
    2. losing time in an event growing lettuce when I planted event crop
    3. potentially losing an event.

    When it happened in the past the harvester won't even destroy the field; I've had to do it manually.

    Another problem is there is no red sign that comes up with storehouse buildings for animals and workshops There is no indication that the storehouse is ready. The other red signs seem to work ok. This problem is pretty consistent. I don't think the red signs ever show up anymore.

    Also the harvester sometimes fails to feed the animals. I think it feeds some animals but not others, although I'm not sure about that. It isn't because I am out of feed. I've gone in an manually fed these animals when this occurs. I usually keep an eye on the water supply to make sure it goes down an expected amount, and that clues me in that the harvester didn't do it's job.
    Sue46 likes this.
  2. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Count Count

    I encountered same problem once. I am sure I planted event crop, watered and manured it. After taking care of every other area I returned to main field and found wheat ready to harvest :eek: Luckily I had enough event plants to seed, so I lost only a lot of manure and a little bit of time.

    Farm droid fails often to feed the animals. It happens every time, when I am too busy. I always must wait after removing manure, before I can feed them. There is always a big lag. If I do that too fast (or better said in normal speed), it fails.
    Sue46 likes this.
  3. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Lea2191,

    This can happen when you are trying to complete actions too quickly and moving through your fields too quickly, as the Game may take a few seconds to load each action. Try slowing down a little and check that each action has taken before moving onto the next field. The missing "ready" sign for items, especially trees is known.

    Have you tried the Standalone Client to see if that runs more smoothly?

    Can I assist you further?
  4. nortonc

    nortonc Forum Pro

    Sorry to mess up your thread but I hope you're not saying that this is standard Unity behavior which we should accept as normal. That would be ridiculous. This is so serious that I would appreciate some clarification, especially when some are saying that Unity is poor platform.
    Sue46 and BlackCaviar like this.
  5. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    nortonc, it often has been the case if actions are completed too quickly, they may not take and you should wait a second before exiting a field to ensure any actions have taken. Unity is still being improved from the Game Team, so there may be a bit of a lag for some players. If you have further questions, please start your own thread rather than hijack another players post.

    Can I assist the OP further?
  6. Lea2191

    Lea2191 Forum Inhabitant

    I will try to harvest and plant at a slower pace. However, please pass it along that it a flaw in the unity platform to the developers. It never happened before unity was implemented. Please also pass on that the red signs are not working on the buildings to indicate the animals and products are ready. I am having to run the mouse over them to know if they are ready.
    Sue46 likes this.
  7. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    You are welcome.
    The Game Team are aware of the missing harvester symbols ;)

    ~NFQ~ closing thread
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