FAQ Raccoons

Discussion in 'Game FAQ's' started by shooger.sweet, Apr 18, 2023.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Everything you need to know about Raccoons!​
    -CountryGal- and sanddollar15 like this.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Raccoons. Raccoon Feed
    • Raccoons
      • Raccoons can be raised from level 41. Raccoon breeding is available from level 41.
      • You can use Raccoons:
        • in Farmhouse orders
        • to supply your Disguise Shops (see below)
        • can be bought/sold in the Market
        • can be donated to quests in the Farmer's Society (including Farming Trophy quest - value 500 CC each)
        • to breed Coloured Raccoons
    • Raccoon feed can be made in the Mill.
      • It requires:
        • 4 x Peaches
      • Time Required: 7 minutes
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  3. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Raccoon Stall

    Price: 2900 CCs

    Building Coloured Raccoon Stall Upgrades

    stable creation.png

    Coloured Raccoon Stall Upgrades Production

    stable production.png

    Raccoon Stall I: Yellow
    Available in Shop for 12000 CCs

    Raccoon Stall II: Orange

    Available in Shop for 27 BBs

    Raccoon Stall III: Red

    available to build from level 41

    Raccoon Stall IV: Pink
    available to build from level 41
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  4. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Disguise Shop

    This production farm, as well as all the upgrades, require to be fed:
    1 raccoon feed AND 1 raccoon (from barn)

    Produces: Raccoon masks
    Upgrades buildable from level 41

    Building Coloured Disguise Shop Upgrades

    workshop creation.png

    Coloured Disguise Shop and its upgrades Production

    workshop production.png

    Disguise Shop I: Yellow


    Disguise Shop II: Orange

    Disguise Shop III: Red

    Disguise Shop IV: Pink
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  5. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Coloured Raccoons

    raccoons - all.gif

    Once you have started breeding raccoons, you'll get results similar to these:

    4 Raccoons will "normally" produce 1 Albino Raccoon
    4 Albino Raccoons will "normally" produce 1 Raccoon Burglar
    4 Raccoon Burglars will "normally" produce 1 Camper Raccoon
    4 Camper Raccoons will "normally" produce 1 Posh Raccoon
    4 Posh Raccoons will "normally" produce 1 Scarlet Raccoon
    4 Scarlet Raccoons will "normally produce 1 Vampire Raccoon
    4 Vampire Raccoons will "normally" produce 1 Fake Raccoon
    4 Fake Raccoons will "normally" produce 1 Raccoonman
    it's possible to get a "skip" to a higher valued animal!

    Exchange values for coloured Raccoons:
    Raccoon: 500 CC
    Albino Raccoon: 2.800 CC
    Raccoon Burglar: 8.000 CC
    Camper Raccoon: 26.000 CC
    Posh Raccoon: 82.000 CC
    Scarlet Raccoon: 260.000 CC
    Vampire Raccoon: 830.000 CC
    Fake Raccoon: 2.600.000 CC
    Raccoonman: 7.600.000 CC

    Coloured Raccoons in holding pens
    give EP every 9 hours

    raccoon - solo.gif
    Single Pen:
    Raccoon: 1 EP
    Albino Raccoon: 13 EP
    Raccoon Burglar: 26 EP
    Camper Raccoon: 39 EP
    Posh Raccoon: 52 EP
    Scarlet Raccoon: 65 EP
    Vampire Raccoon: 78 EP
    Fake Raccoon: 91 EP
    Raccoonman: 104 EP

    raccoon - group.gif
    Group Pen:
    Raccoon: 3 EP
    Albino Raccoon: 39 EP
    Raccoon Burglar: 78 EP
    Camper Raccoon: 117 EP
    Posh Raccoon: 156 EP
    Scarlet Raccoon: 195 EP
    Vampire Raccoon: 234 EP
    Fake Raccoon: 273 EP
    Raccoonman: 312 EP​
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  6. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Raccoon Runes

    There are 2 runes for the Raccoon breeding in the Tree of Wisdom:​

    20 Raccoons
    20 Pheromones
    10 Power-feed
    1 single holding pen
    Cost: 50 stars

    Gives: 1 Scarlet Raccoon
    Cost: 60 stars​
    kibsnfebs and sanddollar15 like this.
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