
Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by CandyDandy, Jun 22, 2016.

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  1. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    If you're going the CAC route then it's best to focus on growing grapes. If you have the time to harvest (about every 30 minutes) then you can tack on a ZAB, and Island Paradise Jam (Green Mateato). Grapes are the most profitable crop on the islands when you take into account value vs. time grown. With the buffs you'll do quite well.

    I should be noted that this method is time consuming, but if you've got nothing better to do, and want to be active. It's the best way to get the most bang for your buck. If grapes are 22 cc each on the market it will take about 4:30 hours to recoup the cost of the buffs alone. After that, it's all profit, and you're still making very good TEP. The earliest buff expiring in 12 hours gives you another 7:30 hours of profit farming. Green Mateato is only 6 hours and is the same price but gives 20% more TEP than the IPJ. If you're willing to stick out the rough part than Green Mateato will definitely give you more. Consider throwing on a Pinkie Pie Pie to extend it a bit longer at a much cheaper price.

    If you want the lazy farming way, then Goji tree's are the best. Technically Wampee is the best for non-upgraded tree, but good luck getting a lot of them. Also, when you factor in Goji XXL and to a lesser extent XL, then Goji is king. Without any buffs at all it gets the most bang for the buck. The downside...they are expensive. VERY expensive. Fortunately, Macadamia Tree's are right behind them and are a much cheaper. They sell better too. The only real downside to a Macadamia Tree is the awkward 14 hour harvest time.

    As far as getting GB's quickly...that's a different story. The quickest you can get banana's is buying them, or buying the TEP needed to level up quickly. Chocolate Pancakes, Langos, Mango-Orange Smoothies, and Red Punch all give TEP boost. Of the 4 of them Red Punch usually gives the most TEP per CC.

    The next step is to unlock Shipwreck bay and max it out with givers. Harvest this at least twice a day.

    I'd avoid workshops as the amount of time needed to harvest is very prohibitive. Not to mention the "feed" cost, as well as the materials needed to build the workshops themselves are all counter productive. Last but not least, they are one of the worst profit makers in the game. Just buy the chopsticks off the market to complete the quest when they are low. On my market they are one of the few products which haven't been affected by the inflation caused by the menagerie.


    Crops = Grapes, CAC, ZAB, IPJ
    Trees = Goji or Macadamia
    Quick TEP = Chocolate Pancakes, Langos, MOS, Red Punch
    Unlock Shepwreck Bay
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi CandyDandy, you have gotten some good advice already :) Here is my two cents...

    Try to get cloud rows from events. In the long run they'll give you much more TEP than what you put on your fields. Extra items from events are great too, you can put them in the park for now and move them too shipwreck bay when you get that open. For short time I'd go for FSQ and unlock the statues needed to complete the quests.

    Good luck :)
  3. CandyDandy

    CandyDandy Active Author

    Wow Decree, that was really informative!! Thank you so much for taking the time out to put this all together :inlove::inlove: You have given me a lot to consider and many different ways to go about it :D:D

    Unfortunately, I don't see any of those trees coming in my near future so I will make it my own personal goal ;)
    Oh yea, what is ZAB? I may have to take the "growing grapes" route right now, but I can always change it up as time/leveling/CCs permit!!

    Chasing those golden bananas now 8)8) Thanks again Decree, that was some awesome information :D
    flwrsndnc, farmlily3 and MARLYMAR like this.
  4. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    ZAB is Zucchini-Apple Bread +60% on sowing seeds.
    CandyDandy and MARLYMAR like this.
  5. CandyDandy

    CandyDandy Active Author

    Hey Decree.. actually the Macadamia is not that far out of my reach :D:D, only 25 GBs to move that little arrow along just once to open several other options with that being one of them!!!
    Ok, I know what ZAB is now.. that is a great buff, Ill keep that in mind. Gonna keep an eye on the market for those leveling crafts, I keep forgetting about things like that!! Yep Yep, that'll work great when I got the CCs ;);)

    Hi Mir85.. I am in the process of working that quest in the farmers society, thank you for adding that!! I am stuck on one of those sheep (baldy) I think!! I have so many different things started and going on at once, it makes my head spin Haha :cry: Looking forward to opening that magic stock though :):)
    farmlily3 and MARLYMAR like this.
  6. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    Yeah. I remember having EP givers on my actual island because it gave such good TEP at the time. Anything to level up...
    MARLYMAR, shellhappybj and CandyDandy like this.
  7. CandyDandy

    CandyDandy Active Author

    Yes, I have 3 givers sitting on my island now.. combined they are giving me over 2000 TEPs :D

    Have chosen to go with your "grape" theory today since I have the time!! I used the ZAB and found another helpful buff in my pantry that gives another 30% EP. I forget what its called but it is some sort of red wreath!! I kept what rare trees I have up and running!!

    mingling, I found a red monkey playground that I choose to keep out, so I'm still making those little critters dance xDxD

    I just want to thank everybody again, you aren't only helping me but probably many others who are just starting out on the island themselves!! It all was such great advise :inlove::inlove:
    farmlily3, Willow, MARLYMAR and 2 others like this.

    MARLYMAR Forum Ambassador

    candy I just would like to remind you not to double post if no one has posted after you edit your previous post I wouldn't want you to get banned for double posting like one of our dear farmer friend did ;):sleepy:
    farmlily3, CandyDandy and mingling like this.
  9. CandyDandy

    CandyDandy Active Author

    Oh Noooo, MARLYMAR .. I wouldn't want to be banned :eek: :eek:From here on out I will be more careful, thanks for bringing that to my attention :oops::oops:
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
    farmlily3 and MARLYMAR like this.
  10. crops

    crops Forum Apprentice

    Thank you all for your comments on the Rainforest!
    I just opened mine and I am thrilled at how spacious it is!!
    I should have saved my stars for this feature from day 1.

    Happy farming :)
    mingling likes this.
  11. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    o_Oo, this was a very useful thread. Thank you all for sharing your wisdom or knowledge!
    jollyfama65 likes this.
  12. clonahmon

    clonahmon Forum Veteran

    @Candy: Congrats on opening the rainforest!!
    I think I will never be able to open up anything soon, having just 14 GB and only 20 stars :cry:
    I presume, I have to work on my strategies:music:
    @All: Thanks for your advice in all the posts. Very useful for a later stage in my game!!:inlove:

    Happy Farming to all
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