Raise the rewards for FHO's...please.

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Brookeham, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I'm finding it almost painful to fill Farm House Orders(FHO's) recently.:oops: The prices in the market have risen significantly in recent months. It would be nice if the developers would adjust the FHO's to reflect this gigantic rise in the market. It may come down...but not by much.
    Customer Justin Beaver(I'm at level 5) wants 5 cooking pots & 5 honey..reward 5213EP
    - If I sold these items in the market(cookingpots 5,500, honey 3,000) I would get 30,500cc's. Do I want 5213 Ep's that Mr. Beaver offers or 30,500 CC's?????

    Customer Vin Weasel(level 5) wants 25 catalpas(25 x 83=2075)
    10 chickens(10 x 400=4,000)
    25 pinecones(25 x 65=1625)
    100 soybean (100 x 151=15,100)
    So do I want 4272 Ep & 4069 CC's that Mr. Weasel offers or 22,800 CC's????
    These are conservative offers. Some are even more ridiculous.
    I used to look forward to filling FHO's...but now...not so much! I have completely been ignoring Sealvester Stalone(more like Steal-vester) who asks for animals at insulting rewards!
    Please re-evaluate the FHO's...to be more in line with the market.:p

    p.s. If anyone feels the same, please add your thoughts.;)
  2. Noelle20001

    Noelle20001 Forum Duke

    I never fill any customer FHO's. They are just not worth it. Not even the best of them. All they do is keep you from making progress. Instead, I have invested all my efforts elsewhere and since starting my farm in June, I am now less than 1M EP from Level 87 on the Mainland. I'm at level 209 Baha and have a level 4 Confectionary, level 3 Bakery and level 3 Florist.
  3. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I agree Brookeham and the Baharama customers are even worse - you get more BEP from raising the crops and animals than actually filling the order and the cc value is utterly ridiculous. One I had the other day offered me about 300cc for 100 sugar cane - I can sell this for about 1000cc.
  4. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    Agreed. Same goes with most of the older normal quests which require a whole bunch of quite expensive items for awefull poor rewards.
    Brookeham and Noelle20001 like this.
  5. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    I agree Brooke, something needs to be done about this. I have always faithfully (painfully now) filled my orders but now find myself really picking through them.
    mingling and Brookeham like this.
  6. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Brooke - I totally agree, and thanks for bringing it up!
    Not that I've ever filled that many (only when close to levelling up, or when my Strategy Guru "A" has pointed out their EP-excellence) but lately they are on the verge of pathetic so I don't even go there anymore.
    BP realize the problem please, and Brooke thanks for bringing it up!
  7. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Thanks to all above, for putting me at ease....that I'm not the only one.;) JJenks, I too am trying to be faithful and fill orders...but you're right...it stings!:wuerg: LOLxD hatzeva, yes, our in-house "strategy guru" "A" does spout their value...but I'm just sure lately.:oops:

    Does anyone else have any comments?
    sanddollar15 and JJenks like this.
  8. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I agree with Noelle. I don't want to give my goods to any customer. I want to save them or either sell them.
  9. CylentLea123

    CylentLea123 Old Hand

    Farmhouse orders? What are farmhouse orders? lol
    Ha j/k I know what they are and even being new I have never filled one yet.
    I like ccs too much and I hate milling feed so I sell animals and crops to pay for feed and other things.
    I get enough EP/BEP to level up, without giving stuff away, for hardly any return. o_O
  10. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    I fully agree with what others have said! I stopped filling farmhouse orders the first year I played this game (2012). It didn't take long to realize I would make better EP/CC growing crops & animals and selling them on the market. Some of the orders are ridiculous in the amounts requested for such little return!
  11. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I stopped filling orders a LONG time ago. For a while, I cashed in the trees and some baha items, but they have long since become worthless. They might still offer quick cash to some newbies, but that would be about it.

    Personally, I think the biggest problem is not the sales, but that many newbies (I was one) get it confused with the market or somehow think there is a penalty for NOT selling items there. I would argue for doing away with the farmhouse orders entirely and maybe replacing it with something similar as part of the market (a "quick sell" option or some such that would offer occasional limited quantity items for varied prices, mostly less than the market price, but not too too much) OR make it an added feature to the pirate cove. That would stay in theme, since pirates sell cheaply, but also buy cheaply. I say that because I think the point is specifically not to compete with the regular market, just to offer a quick cash option.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2016
  12. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    The FHO have become more expensive the last year, and I would like to see an increase in the rewards, especially for animals and products. But there are still orders that are worth filling, namely those that request mainly tree fruit and long time crops. I never fill orders from Justin Beaver or Stealvester Salone. On the other hand I always fill all orders from Naomi Camel.

    Today I filled 13 normal FHO. They cost me roughly 187k CC, total rewards were 103k EP and 58k CC. That means I paid 1.3 CC per EP. For comparison, the cheapest EP product I could find in the market was christmas cookies which cost 2.2 CC per EP. That means they are not worthless to me.
    mingling, meba091, farmerumf and 4 others like this.
  13. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I did fill orders when I first started playing. The time spent trying to figure out which orders were possibly worth filling and which were not was too time consuming for the reward for me. I stopped filling them as I have too many other things on my plate.
    farmerumf and CylentLea123 like this.
  14. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    nFHOs ("n" stands for "new": for those still too new to the game, you should have seen how pathetic the FHOs rewards used to be...) should NOT be understood as a means to make CCs, but as a means to quickly level up. So, proposals to replace them with any market option scare me for a single reason: they'd wipe out the single most effective EP/B-EP-yielding feature of the game, as far as produce of any kind is concerned -this leaves out EP/B-EP-yielding items placed in parks, that is, in barren lands-.

    (It's somewhat amusing that many regard many FHQuests -both permanent and, in many cases, some temporary ones- better and are willing to hand in loads of stuff for a meager amount of EPs/B-EPs, after endless pain and struggle, but at the same time disregard nFHOs: except for permanent FHQs that yield useful -even precious- resources, like PF, BBs, SG, Suzy's turbo-mulch or Suzy's spray, and the temporary ones that generally -there are exceptions- don't over-stress on asking for produce but give you good items and/or CRs, I can safely say that FHQs are, by far, unlike nFHOs, the worst way of investing produce).

    nFHOs can be classified in two types: those that only yield EPs and those that yield both CCs and either EPs or B-EPs.

    The first type must only be assessed for their efficiency in yielding EPs. I've long ago found that, generally speaking, with the exception of the animal-only ones, they're the best way to invest produce.

    The second type generally involves yielding, in comparison, less EPs for the same amount of stuff, plus adding some CCs. I see these CCs as a way of recovering some of the CCs that I directly or indirectly invest in keeping my barn healthy. Could these CCs rewards be better? Yes, they could and they should -given the generalized inflation experienced in the last year and a half or so, to stay-, but I don't expect that to happen, since CCs rewards are calculated based on the ExV of each produce involved in the nFHO, which is fixed for each produce.

    All Baha customers reward with both B-EPs and CCs their nFHOs.

    In general, for me, nFHOs that only ask for animals are not worthy, at all.

    The real problem is not the nFHOs: it's the in-game inflation. Like I said before, it's here to stay: there are too many animals, products and crops to produce in limited space and, lately -meaning last 18 months-, permanent quests and some events have put gigantic demand pressure on items that have limited offer and involve all kinds of resources -directly and indirectly-, and also nFHOs have played a role in that sense; I bet that, if rewards of nFHOs were to be substantially increased, prices in mkts would further rise. So, the real problem is that now the nFHOs have become costlier. But it's also as true as that last statement that now there are many more means to easily make CCs with little effort that can help any player to fund fulfillment of nFHOs. An example: when nFHOs were introduced, hay sold for 4/5 CCs/unit. Now it's hard to find an offer at less than 30 CCs/unit. So, 44 2x2s could translate into more than 5K CCs after having used those plots for just 25 minutes. The only way the nFHOs could return to be cheaper is that the general price level lowers, and that can only happen if demand pressure is eliminated, which won't happen, because those quests are there, those events will go on happening.

    In other words, and as a wrap-up, nFHOs are worthy only for those who can and do play the markets as a means to make enough CCs to fund fulfilling them and want to get the most EPs/B-EPs from produce. The only way is through the markets, which are the place, in the game, where some players capture value generated by others, the place where the different patterns of space/own's time usage are balanced. And, for this very same reason, for a player who doesn't do the markets, doesn't balance her/his space/own's time usage pattern through them, the nFHOs may not be an option.
    woody, sanddollar15, Willow and 5 others like this.
  15. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Under Current Market Conditions it is Lunacy !!! to Complete all Farm House Orders. Due to Rising cost of Crops, Animals,Products. It Actually Quiet Costly to fill these Orders to Gain Baha EP or EP

    This week it has gone mental on Animal Feeds Prices. This week i have been selling Animal Feeds for More than the Costs of Animals in the Markets. It is not practical to Grow any Island Critters at All due to any Island Critter Except Parrots. That it is not Effective to waste Island Critter Feeds to Produce Island Animals to Fill Farm House Orders for Van Ramme or Tiger Dood or if you Even Spend 30 GB unlocking Laura Croft Customer aswell !!

    I am working on Alternative Solution to Gain Extra Baha EP, without the Need to Drain My Barn or Crops,Animals or Products to fill BFHO. Also will not need to buy any Crafting Products such as Red Punch, Chocolate Pancakes or Mango Orange Smoothie. To Gain more Bahm EP either. Nor I would need to Make them to Consume them too. I simply turn them into CC Making Factory plus use the Island Mill to Mill Feeds to Sell.

    I do not Bother Filling Orders of Other Customers as Gaining more EP is no longer a Priority, Also it is complete waste of Barn Stock and Resources too. There is no Actually Benefit to get Higher than Level 96 on Main Land !!!

    The Price and Value of Crops, Animals and Products are much Higher in the Markets than they use to be, Therefore These have become more Valuable to Generate Loads of CC (Millions of CC) Which i have been Generating Loads of Millions for last Couple of years. Trying to get to higher Place of Existance (Levelling Up) Does not help you get your Farm to become Richer Nor Healthy Barn either. I Rather Adopt for Latter Concept of Farming !!!

    Really to Summarize this Whole Game, There is Far More Consumption of Crops,Animals Products etc than Farmers Actually Producing....down the line there is short fall of something which Triggers shortage of Stocks for the Markets or for your own Barn Stocks !!!. Therefore Consumption is outweighing Production Hence for many prices increases in the Markets.

    As I recall what the Markets was like few years ago, many things was much cheaper in the Markets Filling Farm House Orders was very Productive and useful. I feel sorry for Newbies to cope playing this game, Everything is getting very Pricey NOW !!!-.-
  16. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Could never see the point of farmhouse orders...only did it a few times when i first started at Farmerama

    My farm makes enough EP and CC's. daily.. without doing that

    My cloud rows and the park with decorations ...do far better than any farmhouse orders

    AND I don't need or want to give my crops and animals etc away... that take a long time to breed & grow & making feed for these animals... and trees using super grow:(

    Am not aiming to be farmer of the year ... my farm ticks over and that's good enough for me

    Why would i want to give Vin Weasel 2 turkeys for 72 eps 69 CC's and 10 smiley faces ?
    Exchange rate for one Turkey is 115cc ... would be better off selling them at the market ...they are selling 2 for 3,069,46 at my market

    Could then buy 2 basic turkey runs at 1200 each... 2 turkeys runs would give 90 ep .. they can be used again and again

    It seems ridiculous and certainly doesn't seem a good deal in my book

    BUT then again I don't know what the 10 smiley customer points do or give ?

    IS it good For new players ? when they could be selling things at the market ?

    I see Farmhouse orders as being out of touch with what is happening in the game

    Maybe i am wrong to see it like this ?
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
    CylentLea123 likes this.
  17. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I agree with this, particularly in Baha. However, the confusion is one reason why I think separating it might be worthwhile.

    That said, buying craft products like red punch is a far more efficient way to level up in Baha. When I was working on this intensely, I would buy as much red punch as I could and then fill the farmhouse orders when I had bought up all the cheaper punch.

    Now, as mooboy indicated, none of it really matters any longer. I would like to get laurel, so I can mill my own kiwi feed, but that is literally the only milestone I have left for leveling up. I cannot remember if there are products after laurel or not, but the point is they have no real purpose, so getting them doesn't really matter. I mean, if I can fill one last level of a farmer quest, it is something, but not much.

    Mooboy -- you can see the priciness in two ways. It is a cost, but it can also offer newbies more benefit now, too.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
  18. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    My point was that there's no feature or workaround in this game that matches nFHOs in terms of speeding up leveling-up through the DIRECT use of produce. This is true, regardless of the expected claims that nFHOs don't make sense and are a waste: they do make sense and they are definitely not a waste for those willing -for whatever reason, at whatever level (especially lower levels)- to speed up leveling up.

    Of course there are better ways to level up in Baha: first and foremost, givers with appropriate buffing, and, then, depending on how much someone is willing to spend (and to play the markets and to produce for sale), buying and consuming B-EP-yielding crafts (which would essentially be the most effective way of INDIRECTLY using produce to level-up....). Needless to say, to be able to buy, someone must first -and alongside- amass what to buy stuff with.

    But that's not the point of this thread. It's not, either, to say that it's better to make CCs than fulfilling nFHOs because this thread is about increasing the rewards of nFHOs and, besides, making CCs should have a purpose on what to spend them on and an aim.

    It seems to me that a key fact is missed in some of the contributions to this thread: the whole point of this game is leveling up. That's why I pointed out that it appears amusing to me that many struggle to get stuff to be donated to FHQs and events but disregard the nFHOs as stinkers, while it's the most effective way to DIRECTLY use produce of any kind (except for animals) to help leveling up. When people go through endless pain to finish events that give CRs and items, bottom line, they are going through it because they care to level up. All PF, SG, turbo-mulch, Suzy-spray, is, in the end, used, bottom line, to level up. And the same goes regarding CCs and all the rest of the things. It's always, bottom line, about that.

    If my aim at this game were to become "richer" (LOL) in CC terms, then I'd have long quit playing it.

    For the record, I fulfill nFHOs every day, the ones that make sense, and, at the same time, I keep a healthy barn and a healthy CCs current account, usually in the several hundreds of millions, through daily playing the markets and choosing what I produce. If this means anything, at least it means that people play this game for several reasons, an all of them are right, just because they make them happy. My reason is optimization of effort (my own time) and space usage, and seeing progress based on that. It's one reason and I wouldn't dare to expect others to share it or be patronizing with those who choose or have other reasons.

    If for others is getting "richer", well, so be it. But calling those that don't as lunatics is unacceptable, under any standard. Disrespectful and void of substance as it comes. Not surprising at all.
  19. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Thank you all for your input. ;) I especially want to thank my good friend, Aluntino for opening my eyes for the purpose of nFHO's. Perhaps, I've become maligned as such an old player....that I forgot the real purpose of FHO's...which as Aluntino kindly pointed out...is to level up! Their purpose is Not to receive cc's(that is a side benefit).
    Recently, my goals have changed. I am not chasing EP's as I used to...so I could level & level & level again. I have everything in the game....even a ton of GB's. I now am chasing to upgrade my production pens & finish breeding quests(who knows if that will ever happen?).
    I guess my frustration is....with all the added animals & then products, new trees etc. I'm(and all of us) are running out of room to produce everything ourselves, so the market price on everything has risen tremendously! I used to be able to sell some to buy some of what I needed to fill FHO's. With prices so incredibly high, it is becoming more difficult to keep up this schedule. Thus, I cringe when one of the customers asks for items that I have to pay through the nose for.
    I also try to keep my barn comfortably stocked.....so I will not be caught off guard for events.
    Then I ask myself....What am I saving all this for? It's all virtual. LOL So, I'm going to take a deep breath....and relax and enjoy. I will pick & choose which customers orders will get filled. I especially like Van Ramme, he gives good BEP for products, animals etc. I don't need over 500 chopsticks.:wuerg: LOL:pxDxD
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
  20. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    Things to do.
    Things worth doing.
    Things I am willing to do.
    Stuff I got and stuff I want.
    It's a game, it will change, things added things forgotten.
    But updates all around are needed as time goes on. Many players are coming to the end of the levels they need challenges.
    middle players are getting doors slammed in their pixel faces As the out with the old in with the new goes on. New players are overwhelmed with high prices and little return.
    To me I looked and tried comic and order filling, I walked away after getting ep givers that give less than 100 ep and what's up with awards that offer less than that?
    Make filling orders a long goal, fill all the camel for so many times get an old tree, fill an order so many times get a star something is better than 350 cc, I off and on only fill I think 3 animal orders depends what I just got done growing.
    I'd rather grow wheat for a month than play those outdated areas.