Raise the rewards for FHO's...please.

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Brookeham, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Hi Brookeham

    Since This is Suggestion Thread. Here is couple of Suggestions that actually Motivated BigPoint to be able to implement actual Suggestions, which actually helps suggestions get a look in to or better the chances to make it happen.

    You have to bear in mind there is long list of Suggestions that is needed to be worked on by Developers and Games Team !!.

    Suggestion 1) We have Customer Service rune that gives more EP on Customer Orders, Why not make it into a Tier Rune so Each Tiered Rune gives more EP on Customer Orders at Each Level. To Motivate Farmers to Complete Customer Orders.

    Suggestion 2) Why not have New Cloud Row that will help boost Ep on Farm House Orders

    Hopefully This Suggestion Gets a Looked into ok ;)
  2. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    You've used the worst possible example: animals.

    For newer players, especially for them -because they don't have many CRs and/or givers-, nFHOs are, by the widest far, the best and most quickly way to level-up through the use of produce. (For Baha, they also have the choice of leveling-up through crafts, as woody rightly pointed out; conversely, for the Farm, this is not an efficient way).

    But, for achieving so, they must be picky.

    As a general rule, nFHOs that are mostly asking for long-timed crops are extremely rewarding (it's pretty easy to get long-timed crops from mkt at comparatively low prices, in terms of price/plot/hr, and fund those purchases with just some rounds of lower level crops; for example, right now -I've just visited my mkt-, by selling 500 carrots at 20 CCs each, you can then buy with the proceeds right now 100 leeks, which will be rewarded in nFHOs many many times over the EPs you would have gotten for a nFHO including carrots).

    The same can be said for those that ask for fruit: extremely rewarding.

    In some -many- cases, some animals are asked for along fruit and long-timed crops by, for instance, the first customer in the list, Vin Weasel: it's then when it's worth fulfilling an order including an animal. The same goes for Meghan Foxxs, who can also combine products: these nFHOs only make sense -and when they do, they handsomely do- when combined with fruit and/or long-timed crops.

    EP/B-EP rewards of all nFHOs are linked to the EPs/B-EPs every single produce yields, a fixed amount for each produce, as you know.

    Customer satisfaction (levels 1 through 5, the smileys) determines how many orders you get for that specific customer and what amount of stuff is asked for for each kind of produce: amount of orders is increased 1 by 1, from 1 to 5; fruit, 5 by 5, from 5 to 25; animals, 2 by 2, from 2 to 10; products, 1 by 1, from 1 to 5; crops, 20 by 20, from 20 to 100.

    By cherry-picking nFHOs, but on a constant daily basis, a lower level player can sky-rocket her/his leveling-up speed. For higher level players, it's just an additional way of leveling-up: I choose to use it, some don't.

    Constancy is key. Remember that nFHOs are like tomatoes: if unsold, they get rotten and the grocer must throw them away. It's the same for nFHOs: they are lost -reset- every 24 hs (and satisfaction of customers goes down). nFHOs must be taken as the daily huge opportunity of getting EPs/B-EPs that gets lost if ignored, just as it happens with a week-long event (for me, generally speaking, I get in a day from nFHOs more EPs/B-EPs than most week-long events yield). They're there for any player, it's just a matter of cleverly using them.

    PS for Brookeham: A CR that increases rewards from nFHOs is really a good idea -finally not just gibberish-. Nothing prevents BP from introducing such a thing and thus boosting nFHOs fulfillment (though this will put further pressure on mkts), making them more enticing. Even in the wheel you can get those CCs/EPs-B-EPs boosters from time to time, that apply to nFHOs.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  3. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Great idea Mooboy & Aluntino! Yes, a CR that boosts rewards from nFHO's is what I want!!!!:D
  4. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    In fact, Brookeham, the idea was not mine: I just supported it as a good one.

    In the same vein, though, here's another fresh idea: for the same reason, a new craft could be introduced, maybe as a recipe prize in an event; it could even be a short-timed one, like, for instance, 30 min, more than enough for browsing all nFHOs and pick those to fulfill; it could even be from the Alchemistry, but slot-usable and marketable (I think I haven't crafted a single thing there since the introduction of Pinkie Pie, nothing at all, and it's frozen at level2); or even a new pet could yield this effect of increasing nFHOs rewards by some % once a day.
  5. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    A new CR, Pet or Craft would be a great addition to boost the FHO's.
    I do browse mine faithfully every day...all customers are at level 5. I find myself really picking through them more and more but I always at least fill 1 per customer a day. The EP/BEP you can get from them really do add up and there is always a way to make up the CC's is some way.
  6. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    LOL, JJenks. I used to faithfully keep all customers satisfied enough so that to get 5 orders from each of them every day.

    But starting some months ago I let downward-slip the ones from Sealvester Stalone, who asks for animals only. I then started fulfilling exclusively those that only included 1 animal kind -or, at the very most, 2 different kinds- of the lowest possible level (chicken, rabbits, goats maximum; sometimes, some sheep, because I get them as a by-product of breeding brownies) or that can be rather quickly replaced (only geese in this category).

    So, I'm now at level 3, meaning I'm now asked for 6 animals of each kind in each of the 3 orders, but I'll soon fall to level 2. I'll let it slip to level 1 if I don't get enough orders with the kinds of animals I've just mentioned.

    I absolutely had to pick something to slow down nFHO fulfillment and I chose animals. They are too hard to get and it's very difficult for me to keep stocks as good as I like them, given all the demented requests we get from events, the constantly high prices in mkt and the large need I have of them for feeding breeding sessions. But I do fulfill worthy combined nFHOs from Vin Weasel and Meghan Foxxs that include animals, any kind, and those from Brittany Asparagus that ask only for bats combined with fruit (in this case, again, just bats, because I also get them as a by-product of breeding albinoes).

    For puppiesnponies: One of the perks of Diamond Premium Membership -that I know you've just gotten- is that you get 3 free sets of nFHOs from Meghan Foxxs, at no additional BB cost. They pretty often are among the juiciest I fulfill every day.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  7. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Thank you Aluntino i understand how it works now;)
    Brookeham likes this.
  8. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Aluntino -- I did not mean to disparage your comments. I did use the orders initially to level up a great deal, particularly before I was able to buy craft products, became truly acquainted with craft products.
  9. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    Don't worry. I know YOU didn't. In fact, I also use crafts for leveling up, especially in Baha, from time to time. I even mentioned that you rightly pointed out that.

    And, besides, I don't have any problems with people disagreeing with me, but I do have it with those who are disrespectful and characteristically say things without any sound grounds. It's not your case.
  10. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Aluntino- I really like the idea of a FHO buff/recipe that comes from the alchemist! I too have ignored alchemy since PPP was introduced. A pet would be great also. But I prefer the alchemist suggestion....that way any/all players could achieve it when they reach a certain level. Plus it would put alchemy on the map, so to speak.:music:
    Megan Foxxs/customer must of heard my complaint...she offered me 27k for not too painful of a trade...which I took her up on. xDLOL

    pnp - I fully support the gold premium membership for the 3 Megan Foxxs customer offers. In my opinion, they are the best FHO's.:) It also gives you a free pheromone with each breeding cycle...and free water!!!:p
    CylentLea123 likes this.
  11. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    You dont have to FHO orders...especially since you are just starting out. U will make more CC's by completing the challenges. I didnt start doing the FHO until i was higher up and only because i needed points to level up. So enjoy the, do the challenges and then later on do the FHO...but for fun
  12. leannkat

    leannkat Advanced

    I have to agree that the rewards on this aren't worth the efforts event the ep isn't worth what is asked for it.
    CylentLea123 likes this.
  13. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum Ambassador

    I fill orders when I need super FAST CC's. Come to think of it....that is the only reason....and I abhor myself when I do it:wuerg:
    CylentLea123, baw815 and elimeno like this.