Reaching Level 300 with Instant Deco Items

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by *WisdomTree*, May 9, 2022.

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  1. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    Well, it's been 4 years since the mainland level cap increase was announced.

    No one has reached level 300 yet. It seems utopian to reach the level of 300 with the resources we already have.

    The EP TOP 1 currently has 3,483,486,912,512 EPs and level 255.

    So it takes 3453.9098900927884 x 3,483,486,912,512 EPs to reach level 300.
    That means 13,816 years.

    Bigpoint needs to prove to us that level 300 is achievable.
    Suggestion to Bigpoint is instant deco items. Reaching level 300 is only possible with instant deco items.
    Brookeham, marlenef24 and sapeli like this.
  2. sapeli

    sapeli Junior Expert

    :inlove::music: Ouh, not so many YEARS :eek:o_O very soon so...:wuerg::cry:
  3. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    To be honest if you look at the amount of EP to level up a level it just gets more insane per level when you get to certain level

    Bigpoint cannot justify the real logic to set impossible targets, lucky i dont have FOCD need to level up because at my level it not easy to level up anyway, also it is crazy to drain your barn stock filling farm house orders to boost levelling up too

    All the earlier givers and pets no longer help us level up quicker as we all need the latest pets and givers even the older CR does not help us level up quicker only the newer cloud rows sadly we cannot use buffs on Cloud Rows

    As Regarding to Baha which can be levelled up with Ease, As many Farmers are at Level 600 so all those TEP Pets, Givers and Cloud Rows and TEP are all useless and meaningless :wuerg::oops::wuerg::oops::wuerg::oops:

    Why cant Bigpoint move all these Surplus TEP into EP this is one suggestion :oops:
  4. upa70

    upa70 Forum Expert

    maybe an option button on the giver???
    like when you click on a field you get the manure,water,supergrow & suzy supergrow options, they would only need 2 options buttons tep or ep collection buttons...that way you choose which experience to collect.
    a lot of the older givers i have do not have the option for tep or ep just ep...not like most of the newer givers that have the option depending on which field you place them.

    like you say, the shipwreck bay and castaway cove are redundant spaces once you hit level 600 as you can only place givers on them. what about once you hit level 600 it opens an option to use the areas for any usage...trees, crops etc at least then they would be of some use to those who have nothing to level up for on baha?????:)
  5. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Isn't good to have long term goal? xD:p:D The game would be boring if it were "I want it all and I want it now". After reaching level 300 it would be like playing in Baha, when you are on level 600 or Moonlight world, when there is no FSQ left.

    I would not say that shipwreck bay and castaway cove are useless after level 600, they produce everything useful like crates, drops (my magic trees are there), +EP% for mainfarm things etc. None of my givers are there for plain TEP. TEP is just something extra.

    Earlier it took years and years to reach level 100, now newcomers reach it easily. Game gives better and better resources all the time.

    I would love that same decos could be stacked or upgraded in parks, I would be happy to have all my spin wheel rewards like Hellion hornets, Goat-in-the-boxes and Galaxy Shakes etc taking just place of a one in park, but giving effect of them all :inlove: