
Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by sofi!!!, Sep 10, 2014.

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  1. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Hiiiiii everyone ... :)
    i think that is a good idea to create it the selection of recantation when we planted ..
    In other words in the famrland many times many of players as well and me of course , we have made mistake and we have planted other plant seed from what we want . So , i believe that must have created this choice . To be specific, if for example we want to plant tomatoes but by wrong put on , in the farmeland carrots , is a good idea to have the ability to correct this ..picking the seeds .. which maybe no to loose and return in our stocks.i hope my idea to be feasible and you liked it :oops:
    Edit : it is a pitty to wait to ''become '' the seeds or to delete the farmland and put an another one!
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    farmlily3 likes this.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    A lot of times I have made a mistake of planting something else than what I wanted so this is a good idea!

    Sofia if you make a mistake you can press F5 the exact moment that you made it so the action won't be saved;)
    it works for me but you idea will be more safe:)
    farmlily3 and sofi!!! like this.
  3. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Arileh the truth is that the choice of F5 i did not know it ...But i have pressed this button if the game ''blocked '' and after i had problems with my login and connection! :oops:

    Anyway thank you very much!! :) Yes it is the safest way ..
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    Arielh likes this.