FAQ Relocation of Features

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by teddy.bear, Aug 23, 2014.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Overview of the first relocation of features
    • Sticker Album - Redesign - goes in the farm house as a new section
    • Customers are moving from farm house and Bahamarama to Farmer's society as a new section
    • Crest creator is moving in the farm house as a new section (still accessible from the crest sign in the main farm)
    Will be implemented in future:
    Mentoring System
    • Goes in the post office as a new section when the new social system is implemented
    Comics Library
    • Goes in the farmer's society as a new section once implemented
    • The player profile is going to a new section in the farm house (social system phase 2. Development dates to be added)
    • Each building will have a Navigation Panel outside and inside in the top left corner to allow navigation between sections like in the multishop
    • Each building has a building title and a section sub title
    Final features location

    Farm House (everything related to you)
    • Player profile : statistics and various informations that you can optionally share with others
    • Crest creator: create your farm crest here
    • Sticker Album: View and organize earned stickers
    • Green House: Breed plants and create special buffs

    Post Office (communicate and share)
    • Contacts List: see and manage your social contacts and neighbours
    • Mentoring: New players meet experienced players here
    • Photos: Share photos of your gardens and parks and rate other players photos

    Farmer’s Society (complete tasks and earn rewards)
    • Quests: Complete quests
    • Customers: Complete customers orders
    • Comic Library: Discover the story of Farmerama
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