Renaissance Fair Event..Mystery Seedling result..

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by belindamotion1, Aug 29, 2014.

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  1. marlenef24

    marlenef24 Forum Expert

    Let's get back to the issue at hand Renaissance-fair-event-mystery-seedling-result, here it comes: 2- XL Pine tree, 2- XL Almond Tree and 2- XL Pear Tree, how about it?...does this stink or what >:(:wuerg:
    But, hey, No cata... tree, yuppie:D:D8)
  2. -Niknar-

    -Niknar- Padavan

    I got a Salt tree from my mystery, but I do not have the bakery open so it is of no use.
  3. harry011975

    harry011975 Forum Mogul

    I think that the cata...tree plague has come to my farm. Yep I got one cata...tree. Oh well it was free.
  4. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    I got a sugar tree, can always use lots of sugar!! :D
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