Mini-Event Renzo's Travelling Fair

Discussion in 'Event FAQ's' started by teddy.bear, May 30, 2024.

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  1. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    August 2021 edition

    Renzo Shop
    Renzo's Fair August 2021 Shop items.png

    Crafting Slot - 1250 chips

    You will only see this if you are level 40+ and that you don't have all 3 first crafts open.
    This will open one of the first 3 craft buildings,
    (Bakery, Confectionery and/or Floristry)
    if you do not already have all three of them opened.

    Once you've bought this prize, go to the Artisan's Village and open one of those 3 Trade Buildings, as if it was your very first one.

    It will NOT unlock the Bahami Spa NOR the Alchemist trade.

    Buyable only once!

    Flamingo Egg - 1200 chips

    flamingo egg 2.png
    see more info about this item here: {FAQ} Pets: Flamingo Domicile
    Buyable only once

    Trollophant Shed - 900 chips
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives: 1 Trollophant + 75 EP + 2 units of manure
    Buyable only once

    Bear Buddy (+) - 800 chips
    Bear Buddy.gif
    Gives: 9000 EP / TEP, 1 x Crate O’ Goofy Animals​
    Time: 20 hours
    Size: 2x2
    Level: 3​

    Buyable only once

    Bear Buddy is a limited Charge item. It has 15 charges only.

    *Note: It will be deleted if removed from the field (even if there are charges left) however, it will be replaced with a copy of the giver item, but it will hand out EP / TEP only, every 20 hours!

    XXL Soursop Tree - 600 chips
    XXL Soursop tree.gif
    Time: 12 hours
    Gives: 4 Soursops+ 680 TEP
    Buyable only once

    Blue jay Nest - 500 chips
    Time: 8 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives: 1 Blue Jay + 55 EP + 2 units of manure
    Buyable multiple times

    XXL Jabuticaba - 350 chips

    XXL Jabuticaba.gif
    Time: 12 hours
    Gives: 4 x Jabuticaba grapes + 500 TEP
    Buyable multiple times

    You will receive an upgraded XXL tree, which can be placed on the field directly. After you delete it, it will go to your barn as XXL upgrade + base tree.

    Standard items:

    500000 EP - 400 chips

    60 x Power-feed Stars - 200 chips

    60 Suzy's Super-grow - 200 chips

    60 Super-Grow - 100 chips

    50 Farm coins - 80 chips

    There will be 2 special Renzo Baskets this time!
    100 x Renzo Tickets
    30 x Game Chips
    30 x Pheromones
    75 x Super Grow
    20 x Power Feed
    2 x Pumpkin Jam
    Price: 4.99 Euros or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
    Buyable: Just once

    300 x Renzo Tickets
    30 x Game Chips
    200 x Super Grow
    50 x Power Feed
    2 x Carrot Apple Chutney
    Price: 9.99 Euros or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
    Buyable: Just once
    sanddollar15 and AMN50 like this.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    January 2022 edition

    Renzo Shop

    Crafting Slot - 1250 chips

    You will only see this if you are level 40+ and that you don't have all 3 first crafts open.
    This will open one of the first 3 craft buildings,
    (Bakery, Confectionery and/or Floristry)
    if you do not already have all three of them opened.

    Once you've bought this prize, go to the Artisan's Village and open one of those 3 Trade Buildings, as if it was your very first one.

    It will NOT unlock the Bahami Spa NOR the Alchemist trade.

    Buyable only once!

    The Enchantress Egg - 1200 chips

    see more info about this item here: {FAQ} Pets: Enchanted Castle
    Buyable only once

    Gargoyle Stable - 900 chips
    Time: 7 hours
    Gives: 1 Gargoyle + 80 EP + 2 units of manure
    Buyable only once

    "Piccolo" Wonder Box - 900 chips
    Find more info on the "Piccolo" Wonder Box here.

    XXL Ravenala - 600 chips
    Time: 11 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives: 4 Ravenala Seeds+ 680 TEP
    Buyable only once

    You will receive an upgraded XXL tree, which can be placed on the field directly. After you delete it, it will go to your barn as XXL upgrade + base tree.

    Gecko Terrarium - 500 chips
    Time: 14 hours
    Gives: 1 Gecko + 200 EP + 3 units of manure
    Buyable multiple times

    XXL Joshua Tree - 350 chips

    Time: 12 hours
    Gives: 4 x Joshua Tree Fruits + 660 TEP
    Buyable multiple times

    You will receive an upgraded XXL tree, which can be placed on the field directly. After you delete it, it will go to your barn as XXL upgrade + base tree.

    Standard items:

    500000 EP - 400 chips

    60 x Power-feed Stars - 200 chips

    60 x Suzy's Super-grow - 200 chips

    60 x Super-Grow - 100 chips

    50 x Farm coins - 80 chips

    There will be 2 special Renzo Baskets this time!
    100 x Renzo Tickets
    30 x Game Chips
    30 x Pheromones
    75 x Super Grow
    20 x Power Feed
    2 x Pumpkin Jam
    Price: 4.99 Euros or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
    Buyable: Just once

    300 x Renzo Tickets
    30 x Game Chips
    200 x Super Grow
    50 x Power Feed
    2 x Carrot Apple Chutney
    Price: 9.99 Euros or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
    Buyable: Just once
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  3. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    November 2023 edition

    Renzo Shop


    Crafting Slot - 1250 chips

    You will only see this if you are level 40+ and that you don't have all 3 first crafts open.
    This will open one of the first 3 craft buildings,
    (Bakery, Confectionery and/or Floristry)
    if you do not already have all three of them opened.

    Once you've bought this prize, go to the Artisan's Village and open one of those 3 Trade Buildings, as if it was your very first one.

    It will NOT unlock the Bahami Spa NOR the Alchemist trade.

    Buyable only once!

    Gingerbread Rudy Egg - 1200 chips

    see more info about this item here: {FAQ} Pets: Gingerbread Rudy Cottage
    Buyable only once

    Squidling Lair - 900 chips
    Time: 7 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives: 1 Squidling + 90 EP + 2 units of manure
    Buyable only once

    "Piccolo" Wonder Box - 900 chips
    View attachment 37122
    Find more info on the "Piccolo" Wonder Box here.

    XXL Kapok Tree - 600 chips
    Time: 7 hours and 45 minutes
    Gives: 4 Kapok Tree Seeds + 460 TEP
    Buyable only once

    You will receive an upgraded XXL tree, which can be placed on the field directly. After you delete it, it will go to your barn as XXL upgrade + base tree.

    Roadrunner Nest - 500 chips
    Time: 10 hours
    Gives: 1 Roadrunner + 145 EP + 3 units of manure
    Buyable multiple times

    XXL Rainbow Eucalyptus - 350 chips

    Time: 4 hours and 45 minutes
    Gives: 4 x Rainbow Eucalyptus Fruits + 290 TEP
    Buyable multiple times

    You will receive an upgraded XXL tree, which can be placed on the field directly. After you delete it, it will go to your barn as XXL upgrade + base tree.

    Standard items:

    500000 EP - 400 chips

    60 x Power-feed Stars - 200 chips

    60 x Suzy's Super-grow - 200 chips

    60 x Super-Grow - 100 chips

    50 x Farm coins - 80 chips

    There will be 2 special Renzo Baskets this time!
    100 x Renzo Tickets
    30 x Game Chips
    30 x Pheromones
    75 x Super Grow
    20 x Power Feed
    2 x Pumpkin Jam
    Price: 4.99 Euros or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
    Buyable: Just once

    300 x Renzo Tickets
    30 x Game Chips
    200 x Super Grow
    50 x Power Feed
    2 x Carrot Apple Chutney
    Price: 9.99 Euros or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
    Buyable: Just once
  4. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    May 2024 edition

    Renzo Shop


    Crafting Slot - 1250 chips

    You will only see this if you are level 40+ and that you don't have all 3 first crafts open.
    This will open one of the first 3 craft buildings,
    (Bakery, Confectionery and/or Floristry)
    if you do not already have all three of them opened.

    Once you've bought this prize, go to the Artisan's Village and open one of those 3 Trade Buildings, as if it was your very first one.

    It will NOT unlock the Bahami Spa NOR the Alchemist trade.

    Buyable only once!

    The Grouch Egg - 1200 chips

    see more info about this item here: {FAQ} Pets: The Grouch Cave
    Buyable only once

    Wendigo Cave - 900 chips

    Time: 9 hours
    Gives: 1 Wendigo + 200 EP + 2 units of manure
    Buyable only once

    "Piccolo" Wonder Box - 900 chips
    Find more info on the "Piccolo" Wonder Box here.

    XXL Boojum Tree - 600 chips
    Time: 9 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives: 4 Boojum Catkins + 564 TEP
    Buyable only once

    You will receive an upgraded XXL tree, which can be placed on the field directly. After you delete it, it will go to your barn as XXL upgrade + base tree.

    Secretarybird Nest - 500 chips
    Time: 7 hours and 15 minutes
    Gives: 1 Secretarybird + 100 EP + 2 units of manure
    Buyable multiple times

    XXL Cannonball Tree - 350 chips

    Time: 7 hours and 15 minutes
    Gives: 4 x Cannonball Fruits + 424 TEP
    Buyable multiple times

    You will receive an upgraded XXL tree, which can be placed on the field directly. After you delete it, it will go to your barn as XXL upgrade + base tree.

    Standard items:

    500000 EP - 400 chips

    60 x Power-feed Stars - 200 chips

    60 x Suzy's Super-grow - 200 chips

    60 x Super-Grow - 100 chips

    50 x Farm coins - 80 chips

    There will be 2 special Renzo Baskets this time!
    100 x Renzo Tickets
    30 x Game Chips
    30 x Pheromones
    75 x Super Grow
    20 x Power Feed
    2 x Pumpkin Jam
    Price: 4.99 Euros or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
    Buyable: Just once

    300 x Renzo Tickets
    30 x Game Chips
    200 x Super Grow
    50 x Power Feed
    2 x Carrot Apple Chutney
    Price: 9.99 Euros or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
    Buyable: Just once

    Last edited by moderator: Dec 21, 2024
    sanddollar15 likes this.
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