Reward The Long Time Players

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by solotime, Aug 30, 2014.

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  1. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I have been playing this game for a long time now and would like to see some special BB offers .
    By this I mean something like, 2X BB for when you purchase some Barnyard Bills. Now I know
    Bigpoint wouldn't want to allow people to buy the best offers cause then they'll have lots of BB's. So it could have limits for how many times you can buy and what offers.

    It would be nice if this was a repeating event like every 60 or 90 days?
  2. marlenef24

    marlenef24 Forum Expert

    Your suggestion is good, but BP will not do a 60-90 day offer, because they need to maintain this game and other games with real money (Euro, US$ and etc.). I would love for your idea to be implemented!:D8)
    abubadi66 and penguilnz like this.
  3. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    :music: BP and REAL money??xD Anybody know where I can buy STOCK:D:DxD in this company?? (And please don't say 'the stockmarket'! 8)The question is rhetorical!...for laughs.);)lol

    Seriously, Solotime's suggestion IS good. We certainly spend enough real $ on BB's, and the higher level you get, the more you seem to spend!! A little 'thank you' reward of some BB's is not unrealistic at all, and would certainly be a less expensive way to create goodwill advertising than putting it all in their advertising budget!!
    FrootloopManor and penguilnz like this.
  4. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I know they need money to keep the game going. But what I'm saying is, having specials once in awhile for the higher level players would be nice.

    Farmerama is a great game but like to buy BB's when I feel I am getting my money worth out of it. (Or it's twin breeding!)

    Everyone can't be holding onto their hard earned BB's. I can blow them so fast when I got them. I buy random things with them.
    I know this game has kids so that does mean less money for Farmerama xD
    penguilnz likes this.
  5. penguilnz

    penguilnz Forum Veteran

    I don't think that this suggestion is necessary. You can earn BBs slowly by watching movies in movie theater. :D

    I did not spend any real money but now I have 151 BBs. :p Note: I am at level 52.
    I agree with you. At the beginning of the game, I spent all of my free BBs. :eek: When I knew that there were items like wonder trees, I always love to spend BBs on wonder stables and trees. Since I have opened confect, I am buying the pj recipe soon when I have 10,000 pumpkins.:music:
    FrootloopManor and bygo_cris like this.
  6. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I disagree. I don't think that being a long time player should entitle you to any extra benefits. If anything, it is the long time players who should be able to earn the BBs easily and do well in the game, given their experience, their knowledge of the game and the ability that such knowledge and experience brings them. It is the new players that need help and benefits.
  7. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Experience doesn't help you earn BB :(
  8. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    No, and I didn't say it did. Players who have been part of the game longer, though, should in theory have more BBs (how they spend those BBs is both up to them and their responsibility if they have fewer than desired). Furthermore, they've had access to the cinema for longer (unless they don't have access to the cinema at all - which is in fact a separate issue) so have had longer to build up those BBs. They also know what is and is not worth spending BBs on, they are aware of sales, they know how to save their BBs, and they may even have been around long enough to have the now non-existent BB tree. Additionally, they have also had longer to decide whether or not they consider the game worth spending RL money on. It is not the long time players that need the extra assistance. If BP were willing to give out more BBs, it would be the short time players who should be at the top of the priority list.
  9. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    solotime, I do like your suggestion, Have wondered myself why BP has not offered this type of promotion in the past, hopefully they will evaluate or reevaluate the idea and put it into action, other games do offer this bonus and it has it's advantages for both the company and the consumer.
  10. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Just a reminder, there are players who are unable to take advantage of the theatre due to country of origin or because they login through a third party provider that does not activate this feature.
  11. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    As I said, that is a separate issue that needs to be dealt with in an alternative way - such as making the cinema available to more players (though presumably the dev team is working on this) or providing some system of compensation in the mean time. It is not a reason for long time players who have the strategy to earn BBs, the knowledge of the game (which may provide willingness to pay RL money) and in lots of cases access to the cinema to be given extra rewards when it is clearly not these players that need the booster.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 27, 2014
  12. AnnTAngel7

    AnnTAngel7 Advanced

    I agree with Sols's suggestion. There is a super deal for first time buyers (something like 300BB for the cost of 50 or 100, I believe) it would be nice if this deal was offered on occasion to those who are not first time buyers. Maybe a few times a year.
    Those of us who have been using BB to try and keep up with with purchasing the harvester know that there is no way to earn enough BB's using the cinema.
    MissSmartyPants likes this.
  13. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I could see some kind of bonus, but rather than a special sale, why not just a gift... maybe something like 10-20 BB per year (more, of course would be great) at the anniversary date?

    If you advertise it, it would be an incentive for people to stay. There could be an "active" caveate -- nothing too onerous, but something like must have clicked in at least once a month or been active or on vacation for x months, etc.

    Seems like a discount would be more appropriate as a reward for years of premium membership, rather than just playing. Also, they already do offer bonuses for BB package purchases. Maybe that could be increased for multiple purchases over a period of time.
    bygo_cris likes this.
  14. saturnia22

    saturnia22 Forum Great Master

    I going to throw this in here...If they offered a great deal on BB's then I would spend them like crazy and buy more. In retail all you do is put something on sale and people who otherwise wouldn't have a look will buy.
    Also, Not related to the BB's but relevant is; who/where do you find any info on the buffs? and why can't players receive more slots when they level up to assist the planting etc.? anyone know? I'm at L80 and have the same buffs as when I started.
  15. Cahethal

    Cahethal Forum Apprentice

    @woody, have you seen the BB bonus packs? The 3,300 BB one is $124.99 (US dollars) but the 3,300 BB alone is $99.99, so where is the bonus? Some of the other BP games have a happy hour once in a while.
    abubadi66 and jennifersiegel like this.
  16. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    The prices for BB's went up. It used to be that 33 BB cost $1 and 3300 BB cost $99.99. Makes sense.
    Yes. BP just left the price of the BB package at it's old price, but now I get only 26 BB's for a dollar.
    Ah, well just when I thought I shouldn't maybe be grumpy anymore about the advent calendar...

    What a mean way of offering a "discounted package"!
    The players with little RM to spend (and they still do it just because) are now forced to pay $1,30 for 33 BB's and are being used at the same time to make more players buy the bigger packages (now it is actually cheaper to buy in bulk).

    When did that happen?
    Not that long ago... I believe.
    I think the right approach would have been to discount the big package for now and then at some point maybe just raise the prices altogether a little.
    So plump. Sorry, but now we are talking business after all!

    And I guess it is just a response... I might just start swinging that way more and more as BP is pushing me more and more.

    And what are they doing again with that money? Introducing another new cloud row?
    Excuse me... but right now you are really just covering the breeding crazies, secret whatsoever lovers and cloud climbers interests.

    And for a player like me introducing cloud rows as buffers turns out to be a very bad idea (even if I might have mentioned it at some point myself). I was just trying to explain the game mechanics. Do some thinking!
    Cloud rows are no Crafting Products and are not even enjoyable/workable for me as such because of the cooldown time.

    So I take it that adjustments to financial sliders can very easily be implemented by the tech team.
    How about a couple of new introduction to a some other interesting features of the game for a change?
    A faster mill upgrade for the tree of wisdom or a way to mill BB's on Bahama for example or more space...

    BP raised the price for BB's and I must have missed the announcement, could someone please be so kind as to direct me to the right thread? I would like to know when that happened.
    Raising RM prices. But not even being able to tell me how many if any GBs I will need for the Corral Reef to even open it's doors... or did I miss that too?
    I was away over Christmas...

    Anyway this "discount" for the bigger package is a misguided vision, because the price used to always be 3300 BB's for $100,00 if you bought them by the slider.
    Instead all BP did is to take away even more fun from poorer players just to possibly easier sell bigger packages to already wealthy players.
    Because having at least a couple of BB's at this point to spend on occasion is essential to the overall fun of the game.
    So even the players that can not pay for BB's, should be able to get some on occasion (and without a cinema!).

    Instead BP is actually just raising prices for players that can not just pop out an extra $10,00 or $100 at once.
    And that comes just when I thought that BP wanted to expand as a free game!
    Into the whole wide world.
    Oh well, „free“ doesn't really apply since the advent calendar anymore anyhow...
    But as long as everybody enjoyed their presents at least...
    I guess - everybody else is still okay with the changes then???
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 29, 2014
    saturnia22 and abubadi66 like this.
  17. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I'm fine with the changes, and here's why.

    This game is free. Anybody who says otherwise is misguided. There is literally no part of the game that a player misses out on, can't participate in, can't unlock or can't join if they choose not to spend RL money. Anything that is purchasable with RL money is either an upgrade to an existing feature, or a bonus. At no stage is anything that one purchases with RL money necessary for involvement in the game. Essentially, at the end of the day, every player has equal opportunities. The difference is that some players may, for instance, unlock the confectionery sooner. They may have more BB in stock. They may have more clients in the Farmhouse. However, every player will be able to unlock the confectionery, every player will be able to earn BBs, every player will have clients in the Farmhouse. That is why this is a free game - because every single feature of this game is free. That doesn't mean you can't spend RL money on certain features - you can. But there is not a single core feature of the game that you must pay RL money to access.

    Some choose to. Some choose to spend RL money to get extra BB. Some choose to spend RL money in order to open their confectionery. However, they do not have to, because they will still be able to access those BBs or the confectionery for free.

    Consequently, I have no issue with the price change, simply because BP is not forcing us to pay it. If we were in a situation where we had to pay RL money for certain core features like a new artisan trade or access to Bahamarama, it would be entirely different, because BP would be forcing us to pay extra for core features. However, they are not forcing anything on us, but rather giving us a choice. If you would like to open the confectionery early, this is the price you must pay. If you would like these extra 3300 BB, this is the price you must pay. You do not have to pay it, but if you would like the bonus, we ask for this much RL money in exchange.

    The reason I have no issue with this is because it does not affect a player's ability to participate. If you would like to pay RL money, you may do so, and it is up to you to decide how much you are willing to spend, and whether or not you consider certain prices reasonable. However, if you decide that something is too expensive, it doesn't matter, because you can still play the game to its, and your, full potential.

    You can still participate in every event, you can still grow every crop, you can still access every field, you can still master every artisan trade, you can still get Farmhouse clients, you can still access the cinema (in certain countries), you can still enjoy the greenhouse etc. You are not excluded from any feature of the game, and your ability to progress is not blocked. You can reach the top level without having to pay a dime. This is why I have no issue with the price increase - because making the bonuses more expensive does not stop any player from being able to enjoy every feature of the game.
  18. FrootloopManor

    FrootloopManor Forum Apprentice

    got a point there.
    How about they give us an anniversary present?
    On the anniversary of our sign up-date they give us a few BBs. Just a thought.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 29, 2017
  19. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Not everyone can get movies. And.. there is a big difference between level 52 and level 80, never mind 90. Even 151 BB is not enough to buy a wonder pen package with a gauranteed animal.

    Right now, there just don't seem many rewards for higher level players. A few, but not many. Players who have been here for several years are feeling slighted (for many reasons), and that is just not good for the longevity of the game, for long term prospects for the future.
  20. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I use to watch Cinema to get BB as i am from UK.....But Lately not be able to watch any movies for a while.

    There has not been any postings by any mod to warn us that Cinema is not able to send Videos for us to watch. As not all of us can watch the Cinema. Perhaps one of the Reason is Cinema could or might become scrapped. As it might deemed unfair to some players in the world.

    The Gamer Club Perk has been Scrapped as it deemed too much hassle and totally unfair as BP could not devised a FAQ Rules of Gamer Club Member so whole thing is scrapped. Now i am Convinced that Cinema will eventually be disbanded.

    Being Farmerama is now under new ownership as they will do anything to get Farmers and Players to Buy BB. Rather than Earning easy BB !! o_O