Reward The Long Time Players

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by solotime, Aug 30, 2014.

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  1. nlm24

    nlm24 Forum Pro

    Have to agree with you regarding the Cinema.

    I always watched the Cinema so that I could earn BB's to buy at least 1 new mystery pen or tree when they were offered so that I would have a chance at getting the new item. When the Cinema works it is a good way to earn the BB's but it hardly ever works.

    Lately I have not been able to purchase any because the videos have not been available -- I get the "We're sorry, but there are no videos available right now. Please try again later." message or I watch one video and then get the same message. You have to watch a minimum of 2 movie clips (15 points max.) to trade in for 1 BB so this is very time consuming and frustrating.

    It was posted somewhere that you either got the Cinema or if you lived in a country where the Cinema was not available you got a BB Tree. There have been many times I wished I had a BB Tree instead of the Cinema. I don't know how frequently you harvest the BB Tree but if it is every 24 hours I would have 30 BB's this month or if harvested every 48 hrs. I would have 15 BB's (more than I have now). I have 12 BB's and was not able to purchase new pen to try for the Axolotl.

    It sounded like a good idea to have advertisers post videos for us to watch so that they actually paid for the game instead of us but whatever the reason the Cinema has never worked correctly -- that is why Bigpoint has a monthly thread under Technical Problems for Cinema issues.

    I just hope it gets fixed or they provide a BB Tree so that I don't have to miss out on any more new trees/pens.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 29, 2017
    FrootloopManor and joanc123 like this.
  2. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Then that doesn't make this a free game as Advertised If we have to buy BBs

    The Movies isn't the most reliable source of making BBs's hit and miss day you get them the next you don't ... has been like this for a long while...years in fact and doesnt get any better
    Needs another source to make these...but cannot see that happening .... people wouldnt buy them.. if they did that

    Having the BB tree back again would be good ... we could at least make some BB a day ... is better then None And its reliable
    Movies were probably a good idea to start with...but life has changed over the years
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017
    FrootloopManor and joanc123 like this.
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    For some people there are a few offers in the "Cash for Action" (found in the bank), but you DEFINITELY have to be cautious, even if the offers are available in your country. Some of the surveys, for example, are decent (I recommend the Nielson survey for US users) and FREE, but many are just plain scams... you click and click and get nothing. Similarly, if you are in the market for items offered, then some of the store offerings are reasonable. BUT... not if you are buying things just to get BB, and while the surveys are free, the purchase items are not.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2017
  4. FrootloopManor

    FrootloopManor Forum Apprentice

    Like woody said, "not everyone can get the movies" and I'd like to add... those of us that can? sometimes can not, they are just not there. Every once in a long while when the movies have been down for quite some time there will be a survey. It takes about 10min to complete, but you are rewarded with either BBs or movie coins to buy a couple. I can't remember. Hope the survey is offered to those that can never get a movie.
    **just checked to see what was going on there are NO movies and no survey. **

    Also, not everyone has all day to be on the computer. They have just enough time to pop in and out and do what needs to be done. That's all the time they have and sometimes when they pop in, they are very o_Oshocked to find that weeds :mad:have grown :cry:and wonder how that could have happened?!?!?!?!?!. They think, 'I had 17 hours crops planted in comfort fields with only a little drop of water :( how can there be weeds:eek::mad:

    ~~~How do you have enough self-control to save the slow collecting BBs?? Good on you!
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 29, 2017
    joanc123 likes this.
  5. jumbo782

    jumbo782 Someday Author

    I have had a similar problem recently not being able to play any videos. I am from the UK and found it very helpful in collecting bbs.

    I would like to continue.
    joanc123 and FrootloopManor like this.
  6. FrootloopManor

    FrootloopManor Forum Apprentice

    I do know it was never the movies or the tree. From what I understand the BB Tree was once a mystery tree and/or a limited prize on the farm wheel. It is harvested every 24 hours for 1 BB.

    I also wish that they would bring back the BB Tree. It would be wonderful for the poor farmer or the young farmer who's parents are not kicking out money for a video /net game.
    People who buy BBs would not stop just because they have this tree. The tree does not give that many BB
    I know this because my friend (who started playing years before me) does have one and he still spends crazy money on this game.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 29, 2017
    baw815, Brookeham and joanc123 like this.