Sailor Duc

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by BlazingBlades, Nov 3, 2014.

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  1. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    I won a Sailor Duck at the Mill.

    Is it something that I should keep for the future? (I'm only Level 26)

    Or should I sell it? It sells for about 55,000 ccs.

    What would you do?
  2. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Save it and get 3 more to own an Orange Feather Collecting Station.
    If you are absolutely broke then think of selling it. Prices fluctuate, so keep an eye out.
    BlazingBlades and CaliChrome like this.
  3. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    Thanks, Banjo! :D
  4. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    I would certainly advise keeping it for now. As you progress in the game you will be better able to assess what is the best strategy for you - you may want an orange feather collecting station or there may be something you need more and you could consider selling then. As Banjo says, keep an eye on the market, as prices for such animals fluctuate particularly during breeding events. Good luck ! :);)
    BlazingBlades likes this.
  5. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    It's decided then. I shall keep the Sailor. Thanks again for the input!
    muscaricat and BlackCaviar like this.
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