"Sand of Time" Timed Event questions

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by Nordais, Jul 24, 2024.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Hello Mods,

    Just a silly question really, but since there's no time mentioned in the FAQ for the Hourglass drops' donations, does this means that we can donated them directly from inventory or they have to be obtained through drops inbetween the different timed crops?

    Ex: the first step asks for 730 Crop circles and the second step 95 Hourglass drops. Will we be able to use the Hourglass drops from the Crop circles we just harvested that went into inventory or will we need to harvest another land section for the event to fill the 95 Hourglass drops' mark?

    Also, if players do not fill the time crop request in the allowed amount of time, will we need to start over like in the timed FSQs?

    You may close after replying. Thank you!
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  2. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Nordais,

    The timed section of the event will work just like timed quests in the Farmer's Society. If you do not complete the requirement during the allowed time, you will have to begin it again.

    Drops will come from harvesting just like they normally do and, yes, you can donate directly from inventory as you normally do. The hourglass comes from more than one field so you will collect them when you harvest those fields.

    Closing as requested. :)

    Best wishes on the events :)
    upa70, sanddollar15 and Nordais like this.
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