"Sands of Time" Timed Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, Jul 24, 2024.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    This is a timed event, which means we'll have a set amount of time to grow a certain crop.

    This will work like the timed FSQs.

    The first step is asking for Crop circles, this is a main land crop. The Main land and Green Meadow are needed for the other event (see Pirate Heven). The easiest way to do this is to grow the Crop circles on the Magical Glade, else players will need to delay the start of the Pirate Heaven Event because the Crop circle has a higher growth time (5h40) than the 2 Pirate Heaven crops (4h & 5h).

    Also make sure that the Bahamarama normal crops statues are opened in the Golden Banana Temple before starting this event!

    For this event players will receive the Hourglass drop:

    You will get this drop when harvesting the 3 main lands, bahamarama plantation and the rainforest from crops and trees.

    Crops needed to be grown for this event:

    Step 1: 730 Crop circles (5h40 main farm normal crop) under 6h
    Step 2: 95 Hourglasses (drops)

    Step 3: 1060 Bell Peppers (6h bahamarama normal crop) under 7h
    Step 4: 155 Hourglasses (drops)

    Step 5: 730 Watermelons (5h28 main farm normal crop) under 6h
    Step 6: 450 Hourglasses (drops)
    Step 7: 1060 Yams (5h30 bahamarama normal crop) under 5h
    Step 8: 400 Hourglasses (drops)

    That's a grand total of 1100 Hourglass drops needed to complete the event.

    This event will require players to actively manage the event. "Punishing" us with the Crop circles & watermelon normal main farm crops while the Main farm and Green Meadow are needed for the Pirate Heaven Event is not a cool thing to do (yes I'm being polite here).

    The cloud row is not bad because its cooldown time is 23h and offers 150% EP/TEP multiplier for givers:

    Sands of Time Magic Stalk Row
    Rewards: 150% extra EP/TEP when harvesting deco items for 2 hours, 1 x Crate O' Farm Supplies VII
    Cooldown Time: 23 hours
    Requires any ten 1x1 deco items

    Good luck to all who will be attempting this event!
  2. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Northy, thanks for starting the strategy thread!

    I'm in on the usual farms. Hoping I have enough of the mainland crops in reserve.

    We don't have to actually harvest them during the event quest duration to use them as donations to the event quest, do we?

    Put your longest timed crops out on every last field you can access just in case and cross your fingers (and your toes) and have all the Howies in your inventory out!
    Jarrow, MeadowCrossing and Nordais like this.
  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Yes, that is how timed quests work. The required amount has to be harvested during the timed section. The advice I remember for doing timed quests was to have the crop ready to harvest and then start the timer. I don't have enough open spaces on Magical Glade so will need to use some plots from another field but there is time to do that for the crop circles because it will take a little while to get those starter seeds from the other event going. The watermelons will need that additional space too but as I can easily get the needed amount with just CAC from one field, I don't really see this as too big a hiccup to balance with the other event. It may not be as ideal as it would be if all crops needed were tropical, but I like the cloud row and no milling :)
    davidb1yth007, upa70, Jarrow and 3 others like this.
  4. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Yes, we do need to harvest them during the event timer, no bypass around.

    If I was sure to get at least 700 Hourglass drops from the previous night crop harvest, I'd do the main field with the Crop circle, Green Meadow with the watermelon, baha with bell pepper and rainforest with the yam. Harvesting each one at a time and using a 100% crop bonus in the Gold Slot. Then I'd jump on The Pirate Heaven Event. But it's a big if!
  5. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    Thanks for details, Northy, and for strategy tips Pups and Northy. I'm not a fan of timed events, which is why those FSQ remain languishing. Where I am focused now in the game, I dislike events which force my ancient brain to move off the beaten track and do something different. I'll likely skip this and the other event and keep doing what I'm doing.

    If anyone needs drops, please send IGM and I'll send to you. I usually go down my list of neighbors and friends in sequence which means unless someone has expressed a need, I'll send most neighbors/friends a gift every few days. Good luck everyone!
  6. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    ah, crumb (that is NOT the word I actually want to use here).

    Okay, so I've prepped fields for maximum drops. I'm just going to have to juggle crops because I am NOT ripping up my magical glades...ick.

    One possibility is that we could do some event crops from the other event and some of the crops needed for this event on the same field - the timing of the event crops is shorter, and juggling that will be some ugly, but especially for those who don't buy event baskets, you'll have most of the field available for watermelons and crop circles - and might be able to knock them out in that first harvest, then just wait and replant with all event plants next time around (usually, I harvest and then figure out what would finish at the same time and fill the empty plots with that (something like sunflowers or oats).
    MeadowCrossing, Jarrow and Nordais like this.
  7. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks, Northy, for starting this thread. I'm okay with a timed event but as the same time as another event using the same fields, not so. Plus I am not that interested in the prizes. -.-
    But I am interested in events again so will probably do this one, maybe not the other one ... but who knows? May change my mind! :D
    I have prepped all my fields for best possible drop results, let's see what happens! xD

    Good luck all! ;)
  8. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I planted the longest crops on main farm. Two events need drops from main field and Green meadow. I ripped some of magical glade, there should be enough room for the first crop. I hope I remember to save my +1 grains cloud rows to this event. If there would not have been any need for drops, I would have planted all needed plants tomorrow morning to be ready at afternoon, when event starts.
    I still have event plants on Baha to get something more from star coin shop. I'll plant after next harvest the plants, which have suitable duration.
  9. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Northy for also starting this thread! I like the CR in the other event, so I will skip this one, and go for the
    Pirates Heaven:music: Good luck and I hope you all reach your goals!;)
    Nordais, MeadowCrossing and Jarrow like this.
  10. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Timed deliveries usually mean you must harvest required crops within the given time, so you must grow them.
  11. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    To do the event using only the Magic Glade for the mainland crops you need 730 / (4 x 2) = 91.25 squares free on the Magic Glade. I'm assuming using only CAC as a harvest bonus here and water to speed the crops.
    The sequence is wait until the first batch of crops is ready, start the timer, harvest and replant. The second batch of crops will be enough to complete the event. Only do this when you will be able to collect the second crop promptly.

    It's been a long time so correct me if I'm wrong, but I think with these timed events you actually have to start the timer (it doesn't just start when you finish the previous step) and if you fail a step you can reset the timer and have another go.
    Jarrow, Nordais, upa70 and 1 other person like this.
  12. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Yes, the timer must be set manually. It can be stopped and reset. If the harvest is not made in time, the timer runs out and everything has to be done a second time in full.
    Jarrow and MeadowCrossing like this.
  13. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    I'm going to skip this event. If we could just donate already-grown crops i'd be all in, but I don't want to have to time things so carefully to pull this off. I'll cheer others on and happy send drops, but for me just send toolboxes. I need to open slots in my museum and menagerie, and I'm way short on the required tool donations.
  14. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    It is possible to do one step without "timing". Just enough plants to harvest once to complete one step.;) That's my plan, because I probably would miss another harvest in time.
    Jarrow, dumbunny and MeadowCrossing like this.
  15. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Well the baby farm got 681 hourglass drops from reeds & saguaro and the main farm 706 with Chrysanthemum & Ixora (didn't bother with the howies). So I did one field of each: yam, bell pepper, watermelon and crop circle. I'll be done with the timed levels in about 4h15! I did use CAC & 100% Crop silver bonus, but it was worth it! 8)
    Jarrow, dumbunny and MeadowCrossing like this.
  16. Raelyn

    Raelyn Forum Apprentice

    I tested the howies on the last event, we had 2 event fields, one field I used 6 howies and the other none.. it had Zero effect on the event drops, I received the exact same amount of event drops on both fields. I believe howies only work on regular drops. Maybe I am doing something wrong.. curious.
  17. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    I'm sorry if I put you off. The only steps worth timing carefully are the two mainland ones, to avoid using the main field and green meadow which are needed for crops for the other event. And that's only a way to do it without completely stripping the magical glade, where most people grow long term stuff like tree crops, animals and workshop products. If you're willing to use the whole magical glade you can grow everything at once. Start the timer when the crop is ready and immediately harvest to complete that step. The same applies if you want to use only part of the magical glade but are willing to activate more harvest buffs than just CAC. And there's only two steps of the event that any of this applies to. The timed steps on Baha you just cover all your free fields in the right crop, no real need to count fields or anything. It sounds complicated but this is a really easy event and we have several days to do it.
  18. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Much depends on what else you have that affects drop rate...do you have cloud rows and givers and pets that can also affect drop rate? That might be why you didn't see a difference.

    Also, the duration of the crops and trees on any given field affect drop rate.

    The more things that affect drop rate that you can stack on top of each other and the longer the crops take all will give you a better rate.

    Also, each howie adds 5% - like everything else stacking them helps...having one on a field gets you a little bit more...having 6 or 7 on a field can make a sizeable difference.
  19. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    (note to self...) Start Timer Before Harvesting... STBH... STBH....
    STOP! THINK! get that bloodyhandawayfromtheharvestbutton....xD
    Edit: I was Much younger, last time I did a timed quest.....(mutter, mumble, grumble...)o_O
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
    hatzeva, Jarrow, BlackCaviar and 4 others like this.
  20. teeceebeemee

    teeceebeemee Advanced

    and the interweb was a fax machine made of wood... xD
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