Screen size?

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by BeeDance, Feb 26, 2015.

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  1. BeeDance

    BeeDance Padavan

    The display size of the farms is now as wide as my screen which is nice, but it is now taller than the screen. That means having to scroll up and down to see/do things and I find it to be kind of annoying. Is it just my computer with the recent update? I don't see where I can change the display.
  2. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    Beedance if you go change your screen resolution you can make it smaller .... or maybe in your browser you have it zoomed in a little .... what browser do you use ?
  3. Neon-Lights

    Neon-Lights Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Nothing has been change in the game regarding screen size, so you must have made an adjustment in your browser / display settings
    SillyGuy likes this.
  4. BeeDance

    BeeDance Padavan

    Thanks igotfrogs & Neon-Lights... I can adjust the size in the browser. I feel dumb but that's OK - I relearned something and the problem is fixed.
    This thread can be closed.
    igotfrogs likes this.
  5. You are welcome, on behalf of all who assisted.

    Closing at OP request.
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