Screw up of the day

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Mir85-, Dec 5, 2014.

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  1. piskica

    piskica Forum Apprentice

    Been there done that. :cry::cry::cry:
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I harvested half of the tree EP amount for the first step of comic event 7, yesterday.
    so I had to go to my farm before 7 o clock today to harvest again my trees so I would complete the step....
    ....I forgot it completely and I went now(9 o clock):cry:....time ended and I didn't get all the PF and all the party tickets:cry:
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    That's too bad Arielh :cry:
  4. msmeow

    msmeow Junior Expert

    What a shame Arielh:cry:...but good luck with your spins:D
  5. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    I am repeating this in this thread (already posted in the Comic Library thread) to doubly remind myself to check things out before I waste my precious stock:

    So I got to the end on this farm and had a choice between 5 Mandrake (I haven't opened any artisans yet so I already have about 15,000 of these), 3 hours farm machinery or Haywatch. Even went to the trouble of searching for this to find out what it was but no info found so took a chance that I could use it for one of my cloud rows and selected the Haywatch. o_O
    What do I get: a 1x1 item that gives me 25EP every 10 hours! -.-

    So Illy finished the thing too. Same sort of choice: 5 Sugar, a Sandcastle or 3 hours farm machinery. I already have lots of Sandcastles in the clouds and a couple hanging about collecting dust in the inventory and 5 sugar goes nowhere so, at the end of my farming day, I choose the farm machinery - selected before brain engaged only to find that it wasn't a voucher, as I thought but I had just activated it to do nothing as I was logging off! :cry:

    Both completely wasted! Would have been better off with the trade products. :(
    farmlily3, spotsbox, Banjoman and 3 others like this.
  6. Potatoes - raise you wheat and clicked supergrow. That was before sg grew on trees :)
  7. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    Began setting up my buffs for the event earlier, CAC, fruit cake, white innocence ect......
    Only ...instead of white innocence, I had terror bouquet highlighted...
    Lost not one but two as I had upped the quantity.:wuerg: :(
  8. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Oh wolfeyes :cry: . Mine was a major blooper - decided to make some pinkie pie pie using, yup ostrich eggs. Now I have no ostrich eggs to donate to the quest :p. Oh for an ostrich egg tree.
  9. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Need to Be Careful when using Buffs, it helps to plan out using Buffs for Events.....

    TC Rooster.....would it been better to Buy Pinkie Pie Pie in the markets than to make them it would be very expensive to make Pinkie pie pies

    I made a blunder today, that harvested all my Fields not got a single battery there was a glitch in the Game then it crash when new event started gain 0 Batteries :(
    penguilnz and TCRooster like this.
  10. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Aww Mooboy, that's not good. You're right about the pinkie pie pie, but I have this weird thing about making my own stuff - a certain sense of achievement if you will (I have to be the least sensible farmer here!:p)
  11. StingyMoo

    StingyMoo Forum Apprentice

    Just removed my fields on my low level farm... had loads of empty fields, and some with those event nuts....... of course I just removed my only event now I have to wait. Old hand farmer...Ohmygoodness how dumb can one be.


  12. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    This new Confectioner level 4 with a new recipe (half price) for CAC and lovely 1x1s all around..... you guessed it, forgot to make sure a CAC was running before harvest this morning! :wuerg::cry:
  13. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    just make a screw
    I want to done Elvus LV 1 donation.It only want 2 beaver which is pretty easy to me.
    I finally got enough sweet clover for finished. But instead of press the deliver button
    I press the cancell button. :wuerg:
    So, Need to wait 2 hr for re-set. I only had 1 timer & I won'twaste my BB on this!
    My bedtime near, I won't stay awake for such stupid mis click. To discover next LV had to wait for tomorrow.:sleepy:
  14. penguilnz

    penguilnz Forum Veteran

    oh no dnin21cent, that's so sad! So sad that I have to force myself not to click on the "like" button.:cry:

    I forgot to change plots to 1x1 yesterday so I did not use a pj today.-.-
    Now I have changed them to 1x1, hoping that I will remember to use my pj tomorrow, and most important: produce pjs!

    Guess I will forget them, the pjs...:(
    Bye, have to sleep now, it's 11.42 pm here.:sleepy:

    I'll tell you tomorrow if I made a screw...:music:

    Edit: Fortunately I remembered to use the pj, but I had another screw. Forgot to move the trophies!!!:cry:
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2015
    Arielh and bygo_cris like this.
  15. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    In a hurry, forget to check my CAC ..
    so harvest 2 field of 1X1 nuts without CAC
    to make me feel better. I tell myself. I'm lucky.
    I only had 2 field ready for harvest. what will I feel if I harvest
    all 4 field xDxD
  16. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    I play this game for so many years, but I didn't knew that Suzy's super grow, increases harvest too not only EP :oops::oops::sleepy: The current event, I thought to use Suzy. Almost half the amount I used on trees and the rest on plants for the event. Then I saw that the number of harvest was more... I don't have Suzy anymore ...:cry::cry::wuerg:
    Arielh and penguilnz like this.
  17. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    I'll raise your facepalm for a desk slap!

    Managed to get Ms Bunny to ask me for something reasonable - honey - so was a little mystified as to why I couldn't donate. Only to see that I had only 8 Barbados Nuts! Miscalculated both crops and now today I have to speed grow 8 hour crops! :cry:

    I did that too! So frustrating! >:(

    This event has definitely tested my strategic ability lol! xD
  18. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I knew from yesterday's OA that MM was today but for some reason thought it started at 15:00 instead of 14:00. I am fine to start the event on pnp since I was growing a short crop but on BW, crops will not be ready for another hour.

    Note to self: don't just write down dates....write down times too!
  19. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    pnp, don't forget to use your TB before planting! :)
    penguilnz likes this.
  20. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thank you BC! I did remember to use one on pnp. I don't have any on BW so no problem there...but I did remember to eat CAC on both farms so I did do something right today!:pxDxD
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