"Seasons Magic Stalk Row I"

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by loyajova, Jun 23, 2024.

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  1. loyajova

    loyajova Junior Expert

    Magic Stalk Row I"
    missing items; "Buzzing Bee Souvenir, Blossom Souvenir, Surfer Souvenir, Seasonal Fruits Souvenir, Poltergeist Souvenir, Cornucopia Souvenir". These items;
    1. Must be added to the "Gift and Trade" event.
    2. It should be sold in the shop with cheaper farm coins.
    3. There should be a sale of farm coins for those who do not have enough farm coins.
    4. Missing items must be offered for sale for BB or money.
    tlcsquared likes this.