Secret seedlings & stables

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by mjc102853, Nov 24, 2014.

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  1. mjc102853

    mjc102853 Forum Apprentice

    I have collected a number of secret seedlings & stables through past events. Was wondering if there is a better chance of getting rare/XXL results when placing them during a "secret seedling/stable" event or if there is no advantage to waiting until the next events? Since there is no way I will be able to get into the top 1000 for this event I thought I might just place them all now while waiting for this event to finish.
  2. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    Depends on how old your seedlings/stables are, they are more or less good only for the items available at the time you purchased if they are not the latest edition you'll not receive a "Buddha's Hand" for example.
    In my experience it doesn't make much of a difference if you sit out the current seedling/stable event or you plant them immediately.....sorry, they don't get better with age....
  3. mjc102853

    mjc102853 Forum Apprentice

    Thank you for replying. I guess I didn't make it clear what I was asking. What I wanted to know was...are the rare/special items that were included during each event still available by using the seedling/stable that corresponds to that event & also are the chances of getting better items increased if these are planted during a future secret seedling/stable event.?
  4. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    Your seedlings/secret stables should still give you the chances to get rare/special items that were available or announced for that very event....I don't think that there's a limited number assigned....more or less your seedlings/stables are hardwired, meaning that they still guarantee you the same outcome as at the time of the event. Only thing I don't know is the influence of the changes that were made regarding what they called the interest level. Because it turned out that the higher your level was the less chances you had (at least that's what the most players felt) to receive decent items, but there were changes implemented.....
    To the second question I can give you a clear and decisive I don't know.....In my opinion it doesn't make a difference whether you plant them during or after an event (again, I think they are already scripted to give you a certain reward).
    I hope I'm getting closer to answering your question.....I'm not a moderator, so maybe they can give better insight once they get to your thread.....
    Happy Farming and good luck with your seedlings and stables

    P.S. Possibly in this section there are others that had different experience with this, be patient, sooner or later someone will share.
  5. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    My understanding it that the outcome has already been decided as soon as you buy them, so planting them straight away or later will not alter the result. Of course someone else more knowledgeable may know different.
    Arielh likes this.
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Umf - that is my understanding as well
    farmerumf likes this.
  7. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    That used to be my understanding as well. But, right after donkey breeding was introduced, a German player claimed to get a red cookware forge from a secret stable from a previous event (when there were no red donkeys). So now I am confused.

    I think what is definitely true, is that the only rare stables you can get, are those possible to get from that particular secret stable event. But it might be that which of those rare stables or which upgrades your stables turn into, is not decided until you plant/harvest them.
  8. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    I can confirm, Mir, that that's my experience, like the one of the German forum guy. I always keep any mystery seedlings/stables I win in events (I have many in storage right now) till the next MegaEP day, when I finally "plant" them, which sometimes coincides with a new mystery seedling/stable mini-event.

    At least once, if I recall it correctly, a mystery seedling turned out to be something not available at the time I won it in an event: it was something introduced afterwards. I have no doubts about it (though I now don't recall what it was), because I always plant those mystery whatevers separately, where I cannot confuse their origin.
    penguilnz and Arielh like this.
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