Senior Moments

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by kmellish, Apr 3, 2015.

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  1. kmellish

    kmellish Regular

    We all have them, we all put the iron in the bread bin, the bread in the fridge and the butter in the cleaning cupboard whilst mentally multi-tasking with household bills, kids appointments, school work, cooking supper and tax returns ..... We all walk into a room, stop, and suddenly ask ourselves what we are actually supposed to be going in there for? What was your worst one?

    Mine was putting a frozen duck in my husband’s sock drawer. Fortunately found the following day, thoroughly defrosted and nestled comfortably amongst a load of, by then, very soggy socks. I have no idea what I was thinking about and I have not yet found the missing socks .... they are not in the freezer ... shame really, they were his favourite ones...xDxDxDxD
  2. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    LOLxD....great idea for a thread!!! I have a long, narrow that' how I get my daily exercise....walking to the bedroom(forgetting why) and then back to the kitchen(the farthest point) and then remembering..aha!...then going back & forgetting again! :wuerg:

    I have 2 others (I'm not very proud of either)....I once forgot to put stamps on all my Xmas cards(after going to all the trouble of photographing the kids with the easy feat!)....I guess the postal service was busy that year...I received them all back a few days after Xmas!:oops:xD
    The 2nd was paying bills twice....after a surgery...I had let them(bills) build just went through the pile/wrote checks and mailed(yes, with stamps!!!)....that actually worked well...saved me time the following month!:p
    grllvs2hnt, penguilnz, daisy and 7 others like this.
  3. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    If I ever stop laughing at your post kmellish I might remember some of mine. Oh my that is just to funny. xDxDxDxD
  4. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    I do that all of the time! I go from one end of the house to the other just to realize I don't remember why I am there! I go back to where I started and look around trying to jog my memory. This can happen several times a day. xD The DH ALWAYS forgets where he set down everything, but he comes to me and says, "Have you seen ***? I have looked everywhere!" And I can look for a very short time and find whatever it was! We make a great team at times. :inlove::inlove:
    grllvs2hnt, penguilnz, daisy and 7 others like this.
  5. sewinglady

    sewinglady Exceptional Talent

    DH did one the other day - I opened the fridge to get the half & half for my coffee and found the dogs' treat bin sitting there on the shelf... Then I was a tad worried about how his day at work was going since he was obviously half asleep when he did that and then left for work.

    My best one ever? Rooting through the freezer for a package of meat to defrost for dinner, I set several things on top of the freezer. Put everything back except for the Edward's Key Lime Pie... which then sat on top of the freezer until DH came home from work some 8 hours later and wondered why the pie was where he sets his keys... guess what we had for dessert that night?
    grllvs2hnt, penguilnz, daisy and 5 others like this.
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I think this thread is a great idea and I already love the posts here! I am on the run today but will eagerly look for more moments upon my return.

    Please forgive me for asking but I have seen it several times in the forum and I don't know what it means. Would someone please tell me what DH is?
    grllvs2hnt, penguilnz, daisy and 4 others like this.
  7. kmellish

    kmellish Regular

    LOL !!! I have just had to look up on google what DH means, Seen it mentioned here and did not want to look silly by asking, although obviously I will now... You Ladies are so polite !! Mine is Hubby if I am feeling kind, sweetheart if I am feeling even kinder and 'Who are you again?' during my senior moments....xD Sorry puppiesnponies, we both posted at the same time, I too had seen DH several times and was trying to work it out myself .... :cry:
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2015
  8. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    It's Dear Husband. When I like him it's Hunny Bunny and when I don't it's jerk. LOL
  9. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    LOL....being a Baseball Mom for many years,...I thought it was DH =Designated Hitter!!!:wuerg::cry:xDxD Which of course, if referring to a spouse would be a very bad thing!!!o_O
  10. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Dogged Helper, Devoted Heartthrob, Devilish Hunk? xD
  11. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    o_Oooohweee, let's not take it too far BlackCaviar!! LOL (PSSST, he's reading over my shoulder.) Can't have him thinking we like the men folk too much! :inlove::inlove:
  12. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Designated Honey-doer!!!!:music:
  13. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    It has hapened to me lot of times to search for something I used it right before and then realise I am holding itxD:eek: (ex. a pen)
    penguilnz, daisy, spotsbox and 6 others like this.
  14. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Can't find my reading glasses,.... hooked to the front of my shirt. :p
    grllvs2hnt, penguilnz, daisy and 7 others like this.
  15. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    Y'all are too funny! I generally have my very long hair tied up in a knot. As I go through my day I lose pens and pencils left and right. Then at the end of the day when I am taking my hair down I pull out every single pen and pencil I "lost". I'll never learn to look there I suppose.
    BlackCaviar, penguilnz, daisy and 6 others like this.
  16. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    We had been to the grocery store kind of late one night and when we got back after putting things away and so forth I realize I can't find my wallet. Send the DH out to check the truck for it. Called over to one of my bothers to see if one of them picked it up. Called the store and talked to the manager and they looked and didn't find it. Finally I decide to go check the truck myself and when I stand up I realize I've been sitting on it the whole time. :oops: It's a wallet/checkbook and isn't very small so how I didn't feel that I'll never know. xD
    grllvs2hnt, penguilnz, daisy and 10 others like this.
  17. saltypixel

    saltypixel Regular

    Senior moments? I must've been born one then, because I've had them since I was 4. :p
    penguilnz, daisy, dgirl_200 and 4 others like this.
  18. kmellish

    kmellish Regular

    Ughhhhh... Four attempts to get out the driveway this morning. First attempt, I made it nearly to the back door convinced I had everything, nope, missing car keys .... back I go, get to front door and stand there scratching my head, oh yes, car keys. Got them off the rack, out the back door, lock up, then realize that I have not picked up my flask of coffee so back indoors, take muddy boots off, get flask, boots back on etc etc etc. Got as far as the back gate and it occurs to me I might not have put the obnoxious and destructive parrot back in his cage so go right back and sure enough there he is hammering bits out of my favourite picture frame whilst muttering unpleasant things to the house dogs. Parrot safely caged, flask in one hand, keys in the other hand I finally made it to the car ..... wait, have I left the heating on? Its supposed to be hot today .... forget it, it can stay on, I need to go before I am late or have any more senile moments..:cry::cry:
    abubadi66, penguilnz, daisy and 6 others like this.
  19. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    xDxDxDOh, what a wonderful start to my day! Will chuckle all morning now ;). kmellish, I totally get where you're coming from, my husband constantly complains when we go somewhere, because we almost always have to come back to the house at least once before we actually get on the road :music:.

    Two of the funniest fits of senioritis I can think of, one was on my birthday about 2 years ago. I went to renew the registration for one of our trucks, stopped at the store, ran a few errands. Started home, realized it was awfully bright (my eyes have gotten more sensitive to light as I've aged :p), oh yes, I didn't put my sunglasses on. Not on the dash, not on the seat, did I leave them on the counter at the store? I got as far as pulling over to check the seat better (not to mention more safely) and turn around to go back to the store, reached up to scratch my head - and found my glasses.:sleepy: I never even thought to look there because I never put them there, my hair's too long and they get stuck!:D

    The other was when I first got a cell phone. I rarely use the thing, it's one of those inexpensive ones you add airtime cards to to keep it activated, it's for emergencies and so the elderly in-laws can reach us when we're not home or available by land line. Anyway, I was constantly losing it. Once I'd lost it and had been looking for it for several days.:oops: I looked everywhere I could think of, I asked DH if he'd seen it, I tried calling it, all to no avail. I basically gave up and went about my business, hoping if I'd dropped it somewhere whoever found it would call and let me know. After about a week of this, I opened my oven to get out my cookie sheets I keep there, and lo and behold, here sits my phone xD. No wonder I didn't hear it ring, it couldn't get the signal:p!

    (thanks for asking what DH was, pnp, I didn't know either, lol. Mine hates to be called dear, so of course I call him that when I want to annoy him.;)xD)
    abubadi66, penguilnz, daisy and 9 others like this.
  20. kmellish

    kmellish Regular

    LOL Spotsbox.... I really get the glasses thingie ..... !!! I used to lose mine all the time .. I had to leave spare reading glasses scattered all round the house. Solved the problem last year though and got myself contact lenses which are brilliant, however, the pollen count is now going up and I feel like I am wearing two Rowntree's Fruit pastilles in my eyes complete with granulated sugar...LOL .. going to have to dig those reading glasses back out I think...:cry:
    penguilnz, daisy, dgirl_200 and 4 others like this.
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