Separate Crops from Tree fruit in the Market/Inventory

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by BlackCaviar, Oct 27, 2014.

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  1. Greenpaperclip

    Greenpaperclip Forum Apprentice

    I like this idea as well.
    habalala and Noelle20001 like this.
  2. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    Could you please put the trees in a separate tab? I think someone suggested this already. Trees are not the same as plants.
  3. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    I agree, and the crops section is getting rediculously large. Baha could also be a completely seperate tab, for all following categories.
    habalala, Noelle20001 and TCRooster like this.
  4. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    It has been made before.

  5. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Uh... trees are plants.;):p

    but yes to the idea, since farmerama treats trees different from field crops.
    habalala and farmingfreebird like this.
  6. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Yes, I made this suggestion before. Maybe a Mod can merge the two threads?

    Neily35, my thread is only on page 2. Maybe you should look harder before creating a new thread?
    habalala likes this.
  7. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    I have merged the two threads and Edited your original thread BlackCaviar as it was specific to Market separation ;)
    habalala and BlackCaviar like this.
  8. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Thank you, shooger.sweet. (Trees are separate in inventory already. Trees, pens/workshops, deco. or Tree fruit, crops, animals, etc. in barn. As far as I know, they are only co-mingled in the market.)
  9. writerrochelle

    writerrochelle Forum Apprentice

    Could you, would you Please separate the Tree Fruit from the Field Crops? There are so many to sort through in the Marketplace. They're separated in the Barn Inventory, so why can't they be separated in the Marketplace?
    I am getting tired of sorting through all of the Tree Fruits to find a Crop item there. I know I can look by alphabetical order, but there are still so many. They would be easier to find if there were less in one place. Therefore, if you could separate them, it would be very helpful, and much appreciated.:D
  10. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

  11. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    YES!! :music:
    habalala, Noelle20001 and d5aisy like this.
  12. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    Gets my vote.
    habalala, Noelle20001 and d5aisy like this.
  13. d5aisy

    d5aisy Forum Inhabitant

    Many people have asked for this:) we all hope to see this feature soon:)
  14. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Me too.
    habalala, Noelle20001 and d5aisy like this.
  15. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    I agree - a simple change that would make the market crops easier to go through. :):)
  16. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

  17. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    It would save a lot of time clicking and clicking and clicking and...
    Thumbs up
  18. Pyratic

    Pyratic Advanced

    Totally agree!! :)
    habalala, Noelle20001 and d5aisy like this.
  19. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    I guess I need to make another request to the Mods to merge this thread with my original thread referred to in CaliChrome's post.
  20. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Gets my vote!!