Septemberfest 2014

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by belindamotion, Sep 17, 2014.

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  1. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    Is this correct...:(...14 500 8hrs crops...!!! and 65 000 Tea barrel value..?? :cry:..Thats like 650 a week...! :oops:..If I've done it right, then I think I might sit this one out...WOW isn't it a bit tight..? Or have I miscalculated...:oops:
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Your calculations are right :) (maybe not what you wanted :oops:)

    If you use your whole farm, 1x1 and CAC, you only need 6 harvests in addition to the starting seeds. The 6 harvests can be done in two days, and with the harvest helper day starting tomorrow it is not too bad.

    According to my calculations we get 700 tea brew barrels from the first quest, so turning in 634 extra strong tea brew and 64 light tea brew will do the trick (Warning: no room for mistake here :oops:).

    Now I am going away up in to the mountains this weekend :D But according to my plan I can still make it :) We will see :music:

    Edit: To my neighbors: Tea bags will be appreciated during this event. I will not be able to give gifts on Saturday.
  3. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    What worries me is the fact that Event Crops don't give good drops..with the amount they are asking, I am most probably not going to have enough time to plant long, overnight Crops to help with drops..:oops: Not sure I want to remove the trees that are around the edges as they help with the drops...either they stay and I have to do more Harvests, or they go and I'm stuff with not having enough drops...:cry:..and 650 barrels at 16hrs, on ALL the Fields is a looooong time...especially if I can't harvest the Event crops within a good time frame...:oops:
  4. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I understand :( But on the bright side: The drops aren't strictly necessary to finish.
  5. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    belinda - you can do it! We have a week and you can still leave your trees in place. I plan on leaving my sugar trees out since I am working hard to get to level 5 in Confectionery and need all the sugar I can get. ( I plan on seeing the dentist soon. :p) If you decide to sit it out, you can make a lot of CC by selling event crops, animals and manure. Manure is still going for a nice price since an event just ended yesterday and more people will be using it this time since the event is all 8 hour crops rather than a mix of 4 and 8. That is what I do on my alternate farm. Last time I did not use Baha for the event but kept it in its own island crops to keep making Red punch and MOS ingredients. I haven't decided what I will do this time. I would like to get it done as fast as I can and then go back to trees and animal pens.

    Thanks Mir to you and Suzee for getting us started with strategy and total event requirements, along with the number of harvests we need.
  6. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Event crops are not saleable. Only normal crops are...
  7. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    But strawberries, cranberries and carrots might fetch a nice price
    Arielh likes this.
  8. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Sorry for the confusion Bhodho...I should have been more clear. I meant the crops required for the event, not specifically the actual event crop. If you don't have the carrots, they can easily be grown in between the event crop as has been suggested to improve drops. There will be players who don't have the strawberries or cranberries and may not wish to grow them but actually purchase them.
    steph2014 likes this.
  9. Ladyjazzy

    Ladyjazzy Forum Apprentice

    I have all my crops aother than event and will do silver all the way down but all 3 when its barn stuff so I get tea brewing as early as I can
  10. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    Thanks everyone..:)..I think I will go full out and do ALL the Event Crops for the 1st few days and then only donate them...with my lack of Maths I'll likely find out, I either have too little Event Crops or not enough time for the Barrels, when I do a little bit of I think that way is better for me..plant ALL the Barrels one time on ALL the fields afterwards...that way, I either got it right in the time frame given or not...:oops:..:oops:..:oops:
  11. Mar_Bear

    Mar_Bear Regular

    Belinda i was event shocked just like you.. like you i need to leave out some trees and animals to get what i need for drops and the event. By my calculations i need about 8 harvests to get all the event crops if i had all the seeds necessary if I use CAC. This could be done in 3 days but the problems is getting all the seeds. It will take me probably 2-3 days to get the seeds needed for all the fields. This happened to me the last event. After that last event i am just about out of manure, i think i have 1 CAC and 14 supergrow left. I cant make CAC and i have used almost all my CC for manure and i dont have many BB's as i am not able to get them from the cinema regularly due to to many movies not giving points. i may sit this one out as i am really doubting i will get close to finishing and i only want the last prizes anyway. I like a hard event like this once in a while but not back to back like this. Good luck to you and everyone else and i hope you make it!!
    Arielh likes this.
  12. Ladyjazzy

    Ladyjazzy Forum Apprentice

    ok what not to do delet your first round of crops by deleting the ground 3 mins befor its complted thank hevens for the 5 replacements
  13. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Mar_Bear -- tried to send you an IGM and received a popup message that the player does not exist. If you will send me an IGM, I will send you a PJ. I do not have an extra CAC to send but as our strategists have pointed out, this event is possible just using PJ.

    I only use manure for the initial 2 rounds of seeds as event prices are too expensive for me. After the first rounds, I only use water. I have also left out some pens and trees but will devote the rest of the space to event crops. No matter what strategy each farmer selects whether it is to grow event crops in limited space, use PJ or CAC, reset with BB, or sit out to make some nice CC, I wish you all the very best in pursuing your individual goals.

    Ouch Ladyjazzy! Good thing it is still early in the event and only the first 10 seeds rather than a whole field!
    steph2014 likes this.
  14. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    you have left with few goods such as supergrow..
    I suggest the next time that the train event happens you should try to get from the train seedlings the Super Jumbo Tree so you can have 4 super-grow almost every day.
  15. Scarlett

    Scarlett Active Author

    What is the train event? There is a tree that gives super grow? Can you enlighten me please? :p
  16. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    Hi Scarlett

    Hope I copied and pasted correctly...:p

    Enjoy..currently this is by far my best Event...I use CC not BB's...if you can get a value of 350 then play with CC's..I REALLY can't remember but I think I bought XL Cherries and something else...:oops:...WOW...old age...bummer..:p
    Sweet_Cassiopeia and Arielh like this.
  17. Scarlett

    Scarlett Active Author

    Thank-You so much BELINDA for the details. I will watch for the event and give it my best try! I can relate to the age & remembering comment LOL :D
    Arielh likes this.
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