Septemberfest strategies!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Mir85-, Sep 15, 2015.

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  1. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    [​IMG] Septemberfest! [​IMG]
    Link to FAQ

    I am super excited about this event :D Great prizes :inlove: and lots of fun i hope :D

    An important part of the event will be collecting as many drop items as you can. So if you haven't read it yet, here is the link to the

    where you can read about how to maximize drops. Remember: No drops from stables or workshops this time.
    • [​IMG] Field bobbles drops from trees only
    • [​IMG] Festival blossoms drops from crops only

    Premium balls vs regular balls

    • Premium balls require twice as much of the drops, but give twice the amount of star coins
    • In addition premium balls require gold leafs (from gold leaf tree)
    • Benefits of premium balls: Less milling time and play fewer times (if you consider that a benefit :p)
    Update: Premium games give you more double coin figures and gold coin figures to aim at. For the same number of drop items you can gain a maximum of 54 star coins playing a premium game, or a maximum of 46 star coins playing two regular games.

    I might start out with regular balls to practice the game. Remember, a miss with a premium ball is twice as bad as a miss with a regular ball. After practicing I will definitely change to premium balls.

    Mini-game strategy

    From the video it looks like it is based on skill, and doesn't look too hard. But I guess we'll have to wait for the event to start to find out for sure :p What I am really wondering is how often the two coin figures show up.

    Increase drops with auto tree harvester

    The festival blossom drops can be increased with super grow and refinements to shorten growing time for crops. But it is a lot harder to increase the drops from trees. Those that have auto tree harvester (gold or diamond premium) have a unique opportunity to boost the field bobble drops. But you have to act quickly. I know it has been explained before, but I will give an overview of how it works here:
    • For this to work you will need to know your start time: the first time you can log in after the event has started.
    • My start time is 14 CEST.
    • Then subtract 39 hours, for me that is 23 CEST tonight.
    • At 23 CEST tonight I will fill my whole farm with 20 hour trees.
    • Deactivate auto harvester in the premium villa.
    • Then wait for the event to start.
    • Between 14 and 15 on Thursday I will log in (check the event has started!)
    • Activate auto tree harvester, harvest the trees and collect drops
    • At 15 CEST the trees will be ready for a second harvest and I will collect drops again!
    • Then I delete the trees and plant crops
    Important: For this to work, you have to harvest the trees after the event has started, but before the trees are ready for a second harvest! If you harvest both cycles at the same time, you get twice the fruit and twice the EP, but only drops for one harvest.
    You can of course vary this a bit, but I have tried to keep the instructions simple :oops:

    :D Good luck and lots of fun everyone :D

    PS. If I forgot something or made a mistake, please let me know :)
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
    davidb1yth007, sudhir, ivy87 and 14 others like this.
  2. Noelle20001

    Noelle20001 Forum Duke

    Thanks for compiling this info, Mir!

    What will you do if your trees don't provide you with the amount of drops you are hoping for? Will you leave some of them out?

    (I always keep trees around the edges of my farm but I don't have the auto harvester so I will have a different strategy than the one you employ.)
    ivy87, Mooboy, Doc425 and 3 others like this.
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I think I'll put out my usual XXL trees for sure. I'll also use some super grow to increase the other drop. Then based on the drop rates I'll try to find a balance between crops and trees :) I think it is best to err on the side of too many trees, at least if you are willing to invest some super grow towards the end.
    ivy87, mingling, Doc425 and 6 others like this.
  4. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Thanks for the info Mir.
    I never have good luck with drops from trees. I always strip my farm and go with 1x1's and longest crops. But as we need the trees this time my question is which is better the 20 hour trees or XXL.
    ivy87, mingling, Doc425 and 2 others like this.
  5. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but I think 20 hour trees are best, since they take longest, that is for event start though. During the event XXL trees might be better (if you can harvest them twice a day), because with 20 hour trees you "loose 4 hours" a day (without auto tree harvest that is).
    ivy87, mingling, Doc425 and 2 others like this.
  6. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Thanks Mir, that makes sense...longest time. I do have auto harvest and will try to set up all my trees as you said in your first post. I know someone else has done it before with drops and had great success.
    ivy87, Doc425 and alexis2112 like this.
  7. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I'll try it for the first time too :D I actually don't have premium yet xD I have been thinking about getting it, and seeing the great prizes for the event, made me decide to go for it :D
    ivy87, mingling, Doc425 and 2 others like this.
  8. Aetheria14

    Aetheria14 Regular

    So many gifts, no way enough time! If you just go for the prizes of powerfeed and the three cloud rows (and givers), that will require 1550 coins. If I read this correctly, it will work like the arrows in the Valentine's game, one ball per target, and I expect/hope to be able to average at least one coin per ball. My plan is to strip all of my lovely stalls and workshops from all of my fields. I will start with forests, every tree out, with 1x1 carnations or green tea on whatever is left. I will also be gifting bobbles to start, as I never have good luck with tree drops. If anyone would like to trade drops with me, just send me a note, as I don't think this event qualifies for an SOS. I raced to the market to stock up on gold leaf - but I'm hoping I won't need to use it. I will not be taking the upgrades off my trees, they are far too nice to leave in my barns. Also my very pretty cork trees will stay out too, just cause I really like them.

    I love that we can choose whatever we like to grow for this event, and there are lots of small prizes for those who choose to not strip their farms of stalls and workshops, (or who are unlucky with drops).
    ivy87, Doc425 and alexis2112 like this.
  9. tpabird

    tpabird Active Author

    Mir, I have read and reread your strategy. Perhaps I am confused on how the tree harvest works. I thought trees without auto harvest only harvest when I get around to it and then the timer restarts at the full 20 hours or whatever the tree growing time. So if I have auto harvest off until 14:00 CEST wouldn't the clock on the second harvest start when I turned on auto harvest and not be retro active to the planting time?
  10. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Seems like an interesting event with great rewards but I have no idea for which I should go first. I won't be able to log in on Friday and on Saturday so I will loose 2 days but I already know I can't get everything anyway.
    I hope there will be again a practice site like the previous time we found out we could try the fishing game. If anyone searches the other fora and finds anything similar let us know;)
  11. alexis2112

    alexis2112 Forum Pro

    Wow ... this event is truly overwhelming. I guess this happens every September?

    My work sched is ridiculous right now, but I am desperate for golden bananas (although that seems like a long shot). I guess I'll strip my fields and put out all of my trees, but I'm not sure I can manage to compete. o_O
    ivy87 and Aetheria14 like this.
  12. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    alexis2112 Septemberfest doesn't happen every year. I think last year was the first time. Here is the FAQ it was a totally different event from this year's, it was a "normal" one. Usually Oktoberfest happens every year.

    I knew I had seen some of the rewards before so I saw in my Park that I have one of them, so I searched the forum and I found when we had the chance to win some of them.
    Required items for the Oktoberfest 2012 row:
    Thumping Party Tent
    Size: 1x2
    Gives: 225 EP in 5 hours

    Brew Buddies
    Size: 1x2
    Gives: 275 EP in 6 hours

    Thirsty Hamster
    Size: 1x1
    Gives: 265 EP in 11 hours

    FARMERAMA Bavarian Bears
    Size: 1x2
    Gives: 333 EP in 6 hours 30 minutes
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
    ivy87, Aetheria14 and alexis2112 like this.
  13. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi tpabird :) that is always a cause for confusion ;) the button in the premium villa activates or deactivate the auto harvest harvesting mode. The only thing it changes is if your trees are harvested or not by the auto harvester when you visit the fields. The time is still saved even if the if auto harvest is off. So after planting the trees you can leave it off until you want to harvest. That also has the advantage that you can activate pets and other bonuses before harvesting. Then after harvesting turn it off again until next time. The only thing you have to be careful with is to not harvest the trees manually or with harvest helper, then you will loose the saved up time. Was that understandable?
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
  14. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Thank you so much Mir for the strategy guide! :inlove: I agree, the reward look very nice, and farmers can choose what they prefer to go after.:)

    I have started putting away pens after harvesting, and put out my two turbo trees. Been sorting through my trees to pick the best EP choices for the event; and will probably leave a mix of XXL and 20 hour trees up since I don't have auto harvester. A check of my mills show feed production should end right about start time for the event. Fields will be my usual refined 1x1 carnations and ginger for the start.

    Will definitely be practicing with regular balls to see how the game works before deciding about premium balls. My first inclination is to go for the gold cloud row; and then choose where to go on from there. As Mir said, we don't know how often the 2 coin figures appear (or vanish), which will make quite a difference on coin collecting!o_O
    ivy87, mingling, Aetheria14 and 3 others like this.
  15. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    The problem will be both the event's drop rates and if the ratio between the 2 kinds of drops is kept at 2 (twice as many blossoms needed than bobbles to mill any ball) or not. If so, balance of usage of non-barren lands should be kept at around 50% for trees and 50% for crops (no exact comparison can be made, because it depends on how long the tress or the crops take to mature), a rough estimation only true if 1x1 plots are used for crops.

    Only the items for the 3 CRs (3 CRs....: can they be less complicated?) will require 1790 coins. As already mentioned before, this event seems to be like the one with the balloon thing. If so, these were very easy to correctly shoot. But let's suppose they are not as easy as then and that the 3 CRs are gotten after having shot 1/3 of 2 coins things and 2/3 of 1 coin things. That roughly means 100 tries at the shooting game, fed with 100 bags of balls -regular or premium-, that will enable 1500 shots (15 enabled shots per fed bag of balls), no mistakes made. Or, 3000 blossoms and 1500 bobbles. Will drop rates be so generous? This event will last only 6 days. Those numbers mean getting 500 blossoms and 250 bobbles per day, only for the items for the CRs.

    Editions in red as a result of Mir's comment below and having checked FAQs.


    I guess calls will need to be made, to pick what to get.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
    ivy87, Aetheria14, Doc425 and 3 others like this.
  16. FarmerMolly22

    FarmerMolly22 Exceptional Talent

    hmmm i dont have auto harvest for trees, at least that I know of.....i wonder if i should?? Any input would be appreciated....... for the trees! Wow this really makes me sound like a newbe!!!! Looks incredibly confusing, but I'm going to lighten up and read through it slowly for the second time.
    ivy87, Aetheria14 and alexis2112 like this.
  17. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Aluntino, 1500 throws means milling 100 balls, which requires 3000 blossoms and 1500 bobbles in total, which means 500 blossoms per day and 250 bobbles per day. Still a lot though...
  18. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    Deep breath ... and time to think about this event lol .....

    Thanks for the help Mir ... thinking how many trees to lay down might lay most of mine down fill in the rest of space with long crops ... try and get that 1st real high harvest in
    ivy87, mingling, Aetheria14 and 3 others like this.
  19. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    My calculations were wrong -they should have been worse, based on what the QA says, 10 times larger-, but I don't understand why you say a ball enables 15 shots. The FAQ says: "Each try of the game will begin with 15 balls and it gives you 15 shots". I understood this as 1 ball per shot. What did I miss?

    I'll check other fora's FAQs to see if I can understand this.

    EDIT: Gone to the Italian FAQ. There, it is clearly said each ball -actually called "bag of balls"- fed to the shooting game enables 15 shots. In addition, it says every time the game is fed with Premium bags of balls, the number of enabled shots is kept at 15, difficulty is the same, but the result of hitting a coin-yielding thing doubles: that is, if the thing hit yields 1 coin, 2 are credited, if it yields 2, 4 are credited.

    I'll edit my previous post in accordance.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
    KaiCat33, 12ss12, Aetheria14 and 2 others like this.
  20. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I am a little confused as well...I understood it to mean that it was 1 ball per shot. It also says each try begins with 15 balls. Does that mean we have to mill 15 balls before we can attempt the throws after the first free 15 to get started? I have been gone most of the day so will reread the FAQ again carefully. I asked this morning if the EP givers were going to give BEP as stated in the FAQ or if it was an oversight. I was told to keep an eye on the FAQ but last time I checked it was still showing BEP.

    Depending on how the game goes (drop rates), it may be a good opportunity if you don't care about trying for all 3 cloud rows (really? 3? sigh) to consider trying for the 1x2 EP givers for future use in the clouds.

    I have enough trees to cover my farm completely on all fields. I am wondering if that is the best way to go for the initial harvest or a combination with long crops as well to see how the rate will be and then adjust accordingly.
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