Septemberfest strategies!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Mir85-, Sep 15, 2015.

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  1. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    That's exactly what I'm doing. I love my crop square refinements.:inlove: I always get excellent drops from them. I also noticed that I have thousands of Suzy's turbo mulch saved up, so I used it on all my baha XXLs. Is that a waste? I rarely ever use the TM, so I guess now is as good a time as any. :music: But I really wish we had a crafting item or a cloud row that could reduce tree growth time.
    Doc425, Aluntino, meba091 and 5 others like this.
  2. Aetheria14

    Aetheria14 Regular

    In my market gold leaf is plentiful and not that expensive at around 300 cc, so my advice is to buy 8 gold leaf to get the extra 8 coins. Well worth it when you look at the value of the prizes.

    Edit: My market is now bursting with gold leaf, down to 140 cc. I overpaid, but you don't have to!

    Second edit: Okay, it now being given away at less than 100 cc. Oh well, I can always use my surplus golden leaf during the next black hole event.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
    Doc425, mingling, -poppyseed- and 6 others like this.
  3. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    It's not as a good a time as any: it's almost the best possible time, since megaEP day is on. The only better case would be if a Happy Tree Day were also in place. But now it's really good because this will help you get the drops for lots of valuable stuff. Happy Tree Day will only give you more EPs/B-EPs.

    You give me the chance of repeating something I mentioned a couple of times before here in forum: turbo-mulch is a highly valuable resource that I feel is underrated by most players -I always see complaints for getting t-m from the wheel-, and even more valuable because it's among the rarest: hard to get and with no frequent sales to help keeping its stock healthy.

    I hope I had the thousands you have. I barely have now 1,4K and I know it's low.......

    By the way, I've just got the key crop square refinement Mir and you are mentioning: I'll use it in the following days (my crop square stock got wrecked by the refinement quest).

    Another by the way: the 5 GBs for 120 star coins is a good prize if you are high enough level in Baha. For me, now, it means the equivalent of roughly 5M B-EPs. That's a lot. But, at the same time, even so, I'm not really interested in them: I've already unlocked in Baha everything that can be so far unlocked of any interest to me. So, I could get those GBs just to not have what to apply them on -for the time being: I now have 189 GBs in stock-. But it's an alternate way of seeing how to spend star coins as opposed to getting an additional B-EPs-yielding giver: a Basic Barrel Organ, that costs 150 star coins, would need 2,5 years to yield those 5M B-EPs, at 25% more cost...... I cannot even be sure that I'll be alive by then.... LOL.
    Doc425, mingling, meba091 and 6 others like this.
  4. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    I love turbo I creep off hoping someone will throw some at me xD they have slowed down on giving it as prizes and I'm running low.

    Congrats Aluntino on the crop square refinement, I'm still trying to get that one :sleepy: I've killed my stock and am headed to the market now.
    Overnight I think I will try Hatzvea's refined raspberry trick... it usually gives good drops.
    I've tried using Tiki timers one the island and rainforest with vegies but so far the drop rate is pitiful. I'm thinking of just turning them into a permanent forest for the time being.
    farmerumf, Doc425, mingling and 6 others like this.
  5. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    Actually, what I'm seeing so far is that the 50/50 dedication I've been following seems to be insufficient for getting enough blossoms.

    So, I'm starting to think to expand the crops dedicated area to 65% (around two thirds of non-barren lands), thus more or less mirroring the milling need -twice as many blossoms than bobbles- and see what happens.

    The key crop square refinement cuts its time by 45%. It's another way of achieving a virtual 65% dedicated to crops without pulling off trees.
    Doc425, meba091, -poppyseed- and 5 others like this.
  6. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    My complaints around getting TM is that they usually only give you 1. Really, just one? That does seem a bit low on the gift prize pool. I use the stuff though mostly if I need to sync up new trees to fit into my harvest pattern.

    I didn't do to bad on my tree harvest this morning getting 71 bobbles. I wish I had enough Baha trees to completely fill the rain forest but alas I can only do roughly 90%. Hmmm...might be time to unlock a new tree. My blossom drops are pitiful on the island I feel lucky if I get 5 for the full field at this point.
    Doc425, mingling, Aetheria14 and 3 others like this.
  7. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Well, guess I am NOT the village idiot after all!!xD Yesterday I wrote everything down for the event in my notebook like I usually do for events and I could not find those free balls no matter how much I searched my barn. Went and read FAQ's again and no mention of free balls-.--.-:( Good God am I going crazy? Then I see that I am not the only one who read that so I feel so much better. (thought they could pull a quick one over us, huh?) Sure would be nice to know what to plant to maximize drops. Not going to hold my breath for a CR so I am just going to plug away and have fun and enjoy this event! And then you have Renzo.........always wants to join the party lately:p;)xDxDxD
    And has anybody noticed the ep givers for the CR show a 1x1, and 2 2x2's but the picture of the CR looks like it requires 1 1x1, 1 2x1, 1 2x2. ???
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
  8. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I have Harvested Refinements of Lady's Bedstraw on Main Farm,Glade and Green Meadow got on Average 30 Festival Blossoms per harvest that 60 Festival Blossoms i did not have any to start with as I harvest my whole farm in Trees to Start with.

    Not Really that impress with the Drops but did get Lady's Bedstraw Growing time under 3 Hours so I am Trying out how to get better drops on Refinements as some of you are doing Refinements of Crop Squares as it helps to know roughly how many Festival Blossoms you are able to get.

    For Newbies if they have Roses Unlocked I suggest to Grow Roses using Water and Manure use this crops to boost Drop of Festival Blossoms it takes 7 Hours and 40 Mins to grow as this would help who not got many refinement crops...But I am curious to compare about of Festival Blossom of Refined Crop Squares Verus NON Refinement of Roses but Roses does give you 20 EP more than Crop Squares weather this makes a difference in drop rates

    The Downside to Some Refined Crops it is not ideal to use as overnight crops as your farm will be idle while you are asleep, so it best to have couple of Refined Crops that suit best strategy for this Event

    I have about 1900 Super Mulch in my barn which i not use that much as i got 20 Super Mulch Trees in my Barn so I can get a decent amount of Super Mulch Back anyway.

    • As we do have XXL Trees, Chestnut Trees and Cork Trees...All can be grown in 12 Hours it helps to leave these in our fields to reap as many Field Bobbles as we can
    • But if you are Happy to use Super Mulch as it would be most effective to use them on all of the XL Trees that you have as i am sure many of you got loads of them you hardly use as Super Mulch Brings the Growing time to use under 12 Hours
    • It is a good Strategy to have XXL Trees without using Super Mulch and have XL Trees use Super Mulch on Them to Boost Speed Up Reaping those Needy Field Bobbles
    Once I got a Good Stock of Festival Blossoms I will use Super Mulch on those XL Trees and for Once in this Game it has some use to us
    Yes Agree with Aluntino that we can consume twice as Many Festival Blossoms than Field Bobbles which are needed to make Premium Balls for The Mill ;)
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
  9. Aristo1

    Aristo1 Forum Apprentice

    It's misleading - you actually mill a BAG of 15 balls, and it is these 15 shots that you use to play the game
    alexis2112, Aetheria14 and meba091 like this.
  10. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    The ice hockey season started tonight and my house is a mayhem of hockey fans. Excellent, as I can focus on my farm!

    I reckon the Field bobbles will be the hardest to get, for me, so I plastered my entire farm with 20 h/high Ev trees yesterday. Harvested and got 179 Bobbles, and is more than happy with that. After reading this thread I've decided to leave those trees out for another 20 h, the harvest will be well timed for when I get off work tomorrow, I hope.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel pretty safe with "crop drops", now that I have the option of refined roses :p

    Best of luck all!
    Banjoman, Doc425, Brookeham and 6 others like this.
  11. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Well deciding to forfeit levelling up for building up my tree stocks on Baha appears to have paid off; my Rainforest is full of trees and with the other periphery trees on all fields I got 152 drops - so I'm happy with that.
    hatzeva, Doc425, Willow and 3 others like this.
  12. TulipHills

    TulipHills Forum Apprentice

    This is the first time I heard of refined roses. What is that? And how to get it?
    alexis2112 and Aetheria14 like this.
  13. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    @ TulipHills Look in your farm house there you will find the Greenhouse. You can refine most crops there.
    Here is a Link to a great strategy thread for it. Good Luck refining :)

    Would you believe I have bought the market out of crop squares twice and I now have every refinement except the last early bloomer.
    I'll keep trying when someone decides to sell me some more crop squares... :oops:
    Aetheria14, Banjoman, Doc425 and 4 others like this.
  14. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    Definitely, blossoms' drop rate is horrendous.

    At almost 12 hs into the event, I have twice as many bobbles than blossoms, and it should be the other way around.

    To be able to assess as earlier as possible if the ratio between the 2 event's drops was kept at 2 (double blossoms than bobbles) while roughly splitting in half non-barren lands and dedicating each half to crops and trees, I decided not to use the auto-harvesting move Mir explained in her opening entry. That 50% is mostly covered with XXLs and some very high-end 20 hs trees in Farm and also a mix of the highest possible end XL and plain trees in Baha -apart from the XXLs-.

    The crops I planted overnight more or less mirrored the time the XXLs won through auto-harvesting (two harvests of the XXLs in the first 3 hours of the event, a third one done minutes ago). So, I've already run a round of SGed refined roses on 2x2s in farm, to help boosting blossoms: the result was pitiful, only 50% of the 2x2 plots yielded blossoms, whereas I recall the Kitty event meant at least 75% of normal 2x2 plots yielding an event drop and 90+% of them on CFs.

    What I read from these results is that I will have plenty of bobbles -I expect to have gotten around 250/300 of them in the first 24 hs- but I can't match to have twice as many blossoms.

    So, it's time for me to start removing trees and adding plots, bringing them to at least a 2 to 1 ratio (probably insufficient; maybe 3 to 1 would be needed). I'll boost this with refined crop squares and other non-refined crops and, when the Chestnut CR becomes active, some rounds of refined roses.

    But, so far, as a conclusion, surprisingly -for me-, the problem lies in blossoms, not in bobbles, as I had expected.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
  15. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    I do not think this game is for me.
    I got the roses up, the harvest was just plain sick for drops, MM is coming so my grow goodies are saved for that. My refinements of late have been geared for items that I be using a ton of garlic, onions, etc. I have berries and crop circles/squares on the to do list garlic made a lot of market farmers happy off me while I worked on that little so in so.

    I will be killing the trees when they ready good trees are up, and go back to regular goals. I still need to many goodies to play well at games as this. I will wait for the fair, that I can do.

    Good luck to all I hope the drops improve for yeah's.
    Aetheria14 and alexis2112 like this.
  16. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    Hey guys!
    Unless I missed in all posts above, I don't see anyone referring the comfort fields. If you use SG LOVE refinements to get crops instantly finished in a second, no matter how long they are, use them in comfort fields instead of regular 2x2 plots.
    Remember that these fields in this fashion, in theory they last 4 times longer on its basis. But even if they would take 76 hours to mature on its basis, with SG LOVE at 25% and the right combination of buffs (White Innocence, Fruit cake and the chestnut Cloud row) it takes zero seconds. Even without the cloud row, it's less than 3 hours to mature a 60-hour long crop (with comfort field that is).
    The great reward is 1 SG = 1 crop drop. 100% drop rate per SG used.
    I just tested with onions and it never failed.
    Plus, onions have the refinement ability of "fertilizing with SG without effecting your SG reserves". But other crops have them, too...

    That way, you can manage better the whole rate of crop drops and tree drops.

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck to all!!!!!
    kastakar, meba091, crzyjoyce and 10 others like this.
  17. blessedlady2

    blessedlady2 Old Hand

    Can someone tell me what event or where the chestnut Cloud row came from. I have looked and looked and I don't seem to have it. Thanks.
    Aetheria14 and alexis2112 like this.
  18. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Hi blessedlady:)
    The chestnut cloud row came from the Chestnut Festival that was in November 2014. Hope that helps:)
    meba091, Aetheria14 and alexis2112 like this.
  19. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    I've decided to change my approach to this whole crop/drop thing. Since I can basically harvest trees twice a day, once for all and then a second time for the XXLs, I've decided to plant crops that match up to that. I'm going to try it for tomorrow at least and see if I can even out my drop ratio a bit that way. It's not like I don't need to replenish some of my longer crops in my barn anyway. ;)
    meba091, JJenks, Aetheria14 and 4 others like this.
  20. Mar_Bear

    Mar_Bear Regular

    hi all....
    i really wished my trees gave me drops like most of you are getting.. i harvested my trees which are out on all fields and are rare, high ep, and/or xxl trees mostly and i managed to only get 30 yes 30 bobbles!! i have 1/2 the glade and 1/4 of the meadow in trees not to mention the ones lined around the main field.. on baha i have both fields with 1/4 filled with trees.. this was a pitiful pitiful drop amount.. i also had the 10% ep for all trees and the 20% ep for tropical trees along with a pineapple cake running and i have 2 howies out and my trophies are at 26% .... i put out carnations and refined roses and have gotten good drops from those..

    i milled a bag of regular balls and played 1 round of the game.... hope you all dont have the same results i did.. i only got 23 coins.. i did not miss but i did waited 40 minutes till i gave up waiting for the double coin targets or the queen sheep anymore after initially getting the queen only 3x and the double coin target only 5x.. the joker racoon pops up the most then the knight pig.. they say in the FAQ you CAN get 30 coins with regular balls provided you hit the queen or the 2 coin target but geeze how long do you have to wait to do that if in a 40min time frame neither showed up?? so i would suggest to NOT mill the regular balls if at all possible!!

    Good Luck to ALL!!
    Aetheria14, hatzeva and alexis2112 like this.
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