Shipwreck Summer - Strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Bhodho, Jul 14, 2016.

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  1. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    afraid that my drop may not enough, I thought that it will be impossible to get another set of giver,
    so I stop grow the junk when I calculate I could got all the mini prize, later, I found that I had enough drops
    to get all 3 extra giver only need to grow more junks... sad that time left little, I either drop the XXL toolbox
    or the 2x2 giver, I had many many tools on my barn, so, I chose the 2X2 giver, left 28junk, event time show
    I had finished 78%.
    I now announce that this event I had Done. :music::music:
    dutchboy, woody, Doc425 and 5 others like this.
  2. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Almost made it ...... 1 % and full of joy

    Don't worry, everything will be alright shortly!
  3. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I have to admit, I made a right mess of that one - despite all the helpful advice and hints given here, I tripped over that Seaweed and really don't know how I did manage to get the CR and at least one set of givers (may be others lurking in my inventory, who knows!), and most of the secret stables and trees I wanted. I'd like to make lots of excuses: fatigue, heatwave, intellect of a flea (a very stupid flea!) but to be honest, after all the growing and drop collection, I really thought I should have been able to make the odd blunder and get away with it! :p

    Illy had 31 bits of Seaweed left and managed 78%.

    That meant that I only needed to grow another 7,743 of the 38,000 total requirement to finish (just four harvests in the three fields I was using - these extra harvests would probably have netted most of the required 398 drops). So, with a little more effort, less work/ sleep, no power cut, this was do-able - I might have gone for it in different circumstances just to finish. :music:

    Chevrefeuille planted exactly the same as Illy, and went second so knew the pitfalls that Illy made but came up with just 71%! o_O

    This farm had 42 Seaweed so needed another 10,350 Buckwheat and 536 Baitworm. Another six harvests - maybe possible but a little harder but I wouldn't have bothered for this much - too much like hard work for little reward (got a bit fed up with 1000 CC, 1000 EP, 1000 TEP). :oops:

    Now baby farm didn't participate apart from the 1% start. Without doing any crop growing, just four fields of trees, this farm accumulated 678 drops - practically from one harvest a day. Now if I had grown a long growing crop, I might have been able to get the necessary drops for the CR! Except without growing the Buckwheat, I couldn't advance very far - but just saying, the drops were ... well dropping like Baitworm! Ironic, eh? :D

    I have to agree with what everybody has said: too many "prizes", layout not very user friendly and not clear how to proceed to get the required prizes. -.-

    If these last features were improved, I would really enjoy another event like this. :inlove:

    Now back to my trees! xD
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Well, no cloud row for me, though I did get all the givers and some other nice items, thanks to ChayaAvery. I just had too much RL stuff going on.
  5. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    That mulch detour cost me the same amount of drops that I was short of a cloud row. So I ended up buying extra worms. Thank you ChayaAvery for the map, without it I would have gotten all the mulch possible and no row. Thanks to the map I did managed to get there in the end :) Also a big thank you for all my friends and neighbours for digging deep into their compost heap to send me those baitworms :inlove:

    Congratulation to all those that entered the event and big admiration for those wise enough to stay out of it xD
    I'm off to hug a tree, been so long without them
    dutchboy, woody, tlcmom and 4 others like this.
  6. gaura

    gaura Junior Expert

    Well, I got a little bit-- 3 givers-- of this event, but I badly messed up. Grew 8000 too many buckwheat, tore up my fields and put away my trees. I used CAC and mech to do 1 x 1 fields, and my drops basically didn't exist as a result. Plus I had some IRL get in the way. I should never have put away my trees at least.

    In my paltry defense, I was 5 fish foods away from 2 other giver items.

    On the bright side, I got enough Baha experience to open up the chamber that has the kumquats and such. Finally starting to finish lots of the quests for Theme Party and Opening Gala II. Putting my giver items in Baha seems to really help.
    dutchboy, woody, trishap58 and 4 others like this.
  7. windirector

    windirector Forum Apprentice

    I had problems with this last event I couldn't get the cloud row... if only we had one more day I think many could have finished. :mad:
  8. dutchboy

    dutchboy Forum Great Master

    event 96% finished not enouhg drops so a lot of crops left over :p
    but happy with this result xD
  9. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    It's amazing how far some players got!! Good job!!:D:D
    12ss12 likes this.
  10. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    You mean me, julie ? ;) I went 74 % or something. Forgot. xD:p Don't get tensed up. I was just kidding.:p

    dutchboy, why didn't you do 100 % ?

    I bought one Jade wonder stable and kingfisher flew out of it.8) When am I going to learn not to buy them ?
    farmer_broke and BlackCaviar like this.
  11. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    I'll trade ya 2 apple trees for the king! Deal? 8)
    12ss12 likes this.
  12. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Done. We will seal the deal for this G&T. 8):);)
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