Shop sale :D

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Mir85-, Nov 6, 2014.

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  1. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    Whatever you can afford. I gave you above a guide about timings. Think they yield both nicely high B-EPs and many CCs if you choose to sell produce in mkt. That's another way of seeing it: in my mkt, parrots typically sell at 800-1000 CCs; elephants, 1500-2000; sloths, 1500-2000; anacondas, 2500-3500. Hence, it means, parrots: 900 CCs/hr; elephants: 900 CCs/hr; sloths: 700+CCs/hr; anacondas, 1000 CCs/hr. All of them yield 1 poo.

    My gut feeling tells me, though, elephants will be the next animal to get breedable in Baha.
    -Niknar- and Sweet_Cassiopeia like this.
  2. -Niknar-

    -Niknar- Padavan

    Thanks Aluntino.
  3. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    Thanks, JJenks! That's a great idea. On MissSmartyPants I bought two owls and two chickens, and I have enough left over to get a Classic II parrot pen. I hadn't even thought of those, thank you so much! :D
    baw815 and JJenks like this.
  4. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    Call me crazy but the only thing I would've bought, would be Orange Chicken Pens...I'm not an EP Hog so EP Givers don't interest me...If I need, then I'll buy Products and eat them...but to get that I need "CC''s and that I get with Farming...3 Fields of Orange Chickens at 300-400 CC's a pop(manure with this Event) would've made me an EXTREMELY happy farmer were I in a position to buy at the Half Price Sale...!!!
    baw815 and steph2014 like this.
  5. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    With this half price sale coming up, I had realised I was about 5000 points from 40000 to get to level 4 of confectionery and buy CAC at the half price sale. I am at 39513 now and already had my 5 products to eat, just need to wait till reset. I have the 5% rune so I should be able to buy CAC after the reset and I finish the Quest. I have been making traditional chutney like a mad woman, buying lots of tomatoes and mushrooms. Hopefully soon, I'll be level 4. :D

    hatzeva, heidels, steph2014 and 6 others like this.
  6. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    Though I 100% agree with you about the orange chicken pens, BB for BB, parrot's ClassicIIs (that cost 2 BBs more than OrgChk during sales) are consistently better performers, at least considering my mkt prices, while they take practically the same time and, besides, the parrot's ClassicIIs yield pretty high B-EPs per plot while, of course, the orange chicken pens cannot.

    Poo at 300/400/500 CCs is an all time high, never seen before. The maximums I've seen in events with 8hs-crops, apart from current one, are in the range of 200CCs/poo unit.

    Therefore, since parrots always range between 800-1000 CCs each, and chicken range between 180-220 CCs each (typical prices in my mkt), feeds cost typically 35 and 150 CCs respectively, and both take roughly the same time, comparison in CCs terms would be as follows, using averages:

    Poo at 10 CCs --> OrgChk = 200*2+ 10*2 = 420 (-35) = 375; --> PrrtClII = 900*1 + 10*1 = 910 (-150) = 760 --> +103%
    Poo at 50 CCs --> OrgChk = 200*2+ 50*2 = 500 (-35) = 465; --> PrrtClII = 900*1 + 50*1 = 950 (-150) = 800 --> + 72%
    Poo at 100 CCs --> OrgChk = 200*2+ 100*2 = 600 (-35) = 565; --> PrrtClII = 900*1 + 100*1 = 1000 (-150) = 850 --> + 50%
    Poo at 150 CCs --> OrgChk = 200*2+ 150*2 = 700 (-35) = 665; --> PrrtClII = 900*1 + 150*1 = 1050 (-150) = 900 --> + 35%
    Poo at 200 CCs --> OrgChk = 200*2+ 200*2 = 800 (-35) = 765; --> PrrtClII = 900*1 + 200*1 = 1100 (-150) = 950 --> + 24%
    Poo at 250 CCs --> OrgChk = 200*2+ 250*2 = 900 (-35) = 865; --> PrrtClII = 900*1 + 250*1 = 1150 (-150) = 1000 --> + 16%

    Poo at 400 CCs --> OrgChk = 200*2+ 400*2 = 1200 (-35) = 1165; --> PrrtClII = 900*1 + 400*1 = 1300 (-150) = 1150 --> - 4%

    Hence, giving the 2 BBs the value of yielding B-EPs (63), all in all, Parrot's Classic IIs are only less convenient than Orange Chicken pens in situations like the one present in current event, never seen before. In all typical circumstances, BB for BB, the Parrot Classic II is a better investment. Of course, I buy both of them.

    In fact, due to this kind of analysis, I always strongly recommend to buy any of the still available Baha's ClassicIIs, of any animal. They are unbeatable.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2014
  7. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I did it, I have CAC now!!!!!!! Even made one in celebration. :D :inlove: :D :inlove: :D
  8. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Congrats baw! I am very happy for you!
    baw815 likes this.
  9. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    Thanks Aluntino for the lay-out...I must then not be the brightest spark in the bunch...:p because I somehow still figured that you get more CC's(during Events) from 3 Fields of Orange Chickens as appose to one field of Parrot Classics...:oops:....where would we be if not for Players like you who shows us where we go wrong...:D..:inlove:
    Aluntino likes this.
  10. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    Well, belinda, for sure you'll get more CCs during events from three fields of orange chicken pens as compared to one (and smaller) of whatever ClassicIIs in the Island. LOL.

    So, just to leave your conscience at ease (if needed....: I don't think you do need it.... LOL), I tell you this time I bought the following:

    * FIVE orange chicken pens; (now I have 40, plus 1 red, for sure less than you do);
    * one orange rabbit pen;
    * one orange duck pen;
    * ONLY two parrot ClassicIIs; (now 12); -you convinced me to buy them: I hadn't planned to...LOL-;
    * one sloth ClassicII; (now 3);
    * one anaconda ClassicII; (now 3);
    * Island Paradise Jam recipe.

    (I also have 10 elephant + 1 monkey ClassicIIs; the latter, an exchange I made last BG&T; I usually chase for ClassicIIs, both farm's and island's, during BG&Ts).

    So, it seems I followed your advice.... LOL
    puppiesnponies likes this.
  11. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I did consider buying some classic II parrot cages, but decided against it. I am going to wait until parrots are breed-able and then start acquiring orange parrot cages. Firstly, I prefer orange over classic II, since they give two animals for one feed and doesn't have to be harvested as often. Another good thing about orange stables is that they can be build and not only bought with BB.

    I think it is safe to assume that parrots will be breed-able within the next year, and I don't think I want to buy 30 classic IIs before that (I like to do parrot farming with around 30 parrot cages). And I definitely don't want to end up with some classic IIs and some oranges.

    Until then I will continue my quest for a full field of orange chicken coops :D
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2014
    Aluntino likes this.
  12. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    Well, I partially disagree with you, Mir, just in one sense: ClassicIIs rock, both for Farm and Baha, depending on how long they take: the longer they take, the higher the benefit -at least for my real life habits-, because that means the orange pen takes much much longer and that timing may become them useless for me. (Though I know we're discussing here Baha's, shorter-timed).

    Needless to say, preferences depend on what we need and seek for and there are no rules.

    It's as true an orange pen yields 2 animals for one feed as it is developers always design them in such a way they always take more than double the time than a ClassicII takes (it's a consistent pattern, for all pens).

    Therefore, it many times means I end up preferring the ClassicII over the orange pen, even if I have both of them. The best recent example is, for me, the donkey ClassicII vs. its orange version. The latter takes too long, and doesn't fit well with neither my usual buffs' windows nor my real life. Hence, I almost never use the orange pens and almost always use the ClassicIIs when I have to make the choice. Same happened with fish and ostrich.

    As for Bahamarama's, they are shorter-timed in general, as compared to Farm's. But they yield high EPs/plot/hr and I tend to use them more when events are in place and I'm around -typically, I try to avoid using the Island for event's crops- because they yield more poo/hr. Specifically for the Parrot ClassicII, I know I will go on using them when parrots get breedable precisely because their timing fits almost exactly that of the orange chicken pen.

    The other reason why I like ClassicIIs is they provide flexibility. Many times, I have a few buffing hours left and orange pens wouldn't fit but ClassicIIs would. The same happens before going to bed: many times I have some time but not all the time an orange pen needs and ClassicIIs fit better. This is especially true for Baha's pens. I know, for example, I'd produce more camels and pandas than I do if ClassicIIs existed for these two animals, just because of the timings. But, unfortunately for me, they don't and they won't.

    Anyway, analysis above (I mean, the one I posted yesterday) is mainly centered on today's picture with an eye on the future. As I see it.
    CaliChrome and JJenks like this.
  13. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    That orange chicken and classic II parrots take approximately the same time is a very good argument for the classic II's. Didn't think of that.

    What is the basic time and bep for a classic II monkey pen? I want to compare it to the orange monkey.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2014
  14. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    I don't have Orange Chicken Pens...just the odd 3 or 4 I got with Mystery Stables..:( ...unless you count the Orange Horse Stables with the Mystery Seedlings...:p...Our Currency of 12:1 makes it impossible to participate in most of the BB Event's...:cry:
  15. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    I only have one Monkey ClassicII -got from an exchange in a GB&T- and, by far, it's the one ClassicII I use the less in Baha (though I've been constantly using it since the day before yesterday, soon after I finished the timed task, during the day, to get the most possible poo for sale at these insane prices, along with 3 anaconda, 3 sloth, 10 elephant, 10 (now 12) parrot, all ClassicIIs, and 35 org +1 red chicken pens in Farm; I've made over 0,5M CCs just from poo these 2 days, by only harvesting them when I was around). I also have 10 org monkey pens, all bought in sales.

    It yields 99 B-EPs and base time is 03:00; B-EP/hr ratio = 33 (orange: 221, 06:40, 33,13). So, if you put aside the fact both take 1 feed, they yield almost exactly the same B-EPs/hr/plot at same output. With same buffing I mentioned yesterday (Easter row active + ChB + VP), it just takes 01:42/43 if I recall it correctly; orange one, 03:50. So, I many times use it before going to bed. It's that or nothing....
  16. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I am not really interested in having monkey pens. I just asked after that because it has both a classic II version and an orange version.

    So the BEP yield per hour is exactly the same. Now to produce two monkeys (rune+water) takes 4:18 with a classic II pen, with an orange it takes 4:48. With an orange you save 1 feed, but it takes 30 minutes longer.

    Harvesting classic II parrots together with orange chickens definitely make them attractive. On the other hand, since the classic II takes a few minutes less than an orange, I would guess I could get two rounds of orange chicken in for every round of orange parrots, which would also make for even harvest!

    Anyway, I don't want 5 or 10 classic II parrots - I want 0 or 30! I will have to consider it very carefully next time the half price shop sale or happy stable days come along :music:

    Thank you very much Aluntino :D
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