Show more leniancy in event strategy threads ONLY

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Nov 9, 2016.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I know that I am not the only one disappointed by having so many posts removed because they were "not strategy". The answer given is that if threads go off topic, then why have the categories.

    I can absolutely understand that for any general feature. However, events are different. They are short in nature, naturally limited in focus.

    The suggestion to just use a different thread is unwieldy. The biggest issue is that a lot of what you are calling "non strategic" discussion, while in the narrowest definition of the term are not strategy, do spur on thinking, analysis and approaches to the various events as well as the game itself. I feel I am safe in saying that these threads are a BIG part of what makes events pleasurable. It is definitely a matter of opinion as to whether these are strategy or not, and I would suggest that leaning toward the opinions of the users, players is warranted.

    Farmer Broke's whole diatribe is a perfect example. Not only are his posts humerous, but they offer a different approach to the game that does offer people something to think about. Similar stories for many of the others.

    IF you truly feel a particular line is "getting out of hand", then a simple "hey folks, scale it back a bit, stay on topic" post is sufficient. This has happened, (I have been guilty) and we all comply. Removing the posts is necessary only when the posts are nasty or otherwise violate the rules -- not just because they stray slightly off topic.

    You have made many changes recently, many not popular. PLEASE don't make this one yet another nail in the Farmerama coffini! Please reconsider and allow slightly more leniency in the event threads ONLY.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
  2. sirpippen

    sirpippen Forum Master

    I agree with woody on this issue. In the day to day grind of the event some levity is to be desired. Deleting posts because they have strayed from the topic, yet have stayed in the realm of the participants conversation, is simply a bad move. Moreover, suggesting that we limit our responses to topic only, never sharing what else is happening in the day to day farming while the event is going on simply drains the fun out of the game.

    I don't agree with the way some farmers play the game. It simply isn't for me, but it works well for them and I appreciate what they post. Like woody says: "It offers people something to think about."

    I'm posting in support of woody in the hopes to get heavy minded people to stop and think about the welfare of the game. It's supposed to be fun. Please, let it be fun!

    Happy Farming, Pipps
  3. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    Sometimes this game can be stressful. I thought it would be a relaxing easy game. If I could resist the call of the many events, it would be. So when my stress level gets too high I come to the forum for a break. I laugh at silly pictures, celebrate successes, and cry over tragedies. This is good for my health which, like many who play, is not great.
    Please allow some levity leeway, otherwise more people will have to leave for their health.
    I forgot to say thank you woody for starting this thread. I have learned a lot from you and other long time players. All your advice has made this complicated game more fun and easier to navigate. I surely would be lost without you all...
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
  4. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I endorse all that woody, sirpippen and joanc123 said. What they say is true and practical. There is more wisdom in it. The strategy thread is practically not attractive now. All the humour is gone out of it. No one to tease about, especially broke.
  5. playful123

    playful123 Forum Pro

    i never saw a game with so many rules and regulations what fun is it to play n chat if u feel like your being wiretapped by the -edit-? why does everything have to be in catergory's so why nose in anyway . you dont listen to whatever we complain about . but u sure pay attention to what all the fun chat is about. oh yes let me know where u move this post too ! i guess the word police refered to in german is not allowed either they edited it i rest my case :p :p :p
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2016
  6. clonahmon

    clonahmon Forum Veteran

    Sorry, but WHY aren't we allowed to get off topic?
    A forum is living from what people post.
    And it is leisure time we are spending here. Not our workplace, where people have to behave in the way the boss wants.
    As long as posts are neither radical, racist, rude or whatever negative you can think of, please let them!
    Especially event threads. Who is harmed by posts, which are somehow off topic as long as they are polite, funny or any other positive way?

    Are you not laughing in your workplace? not chatting about all and nothing in your workplace?
    Talking about things which have nothing, absolutely nothing to do with workplaces?
    Then I wouldn't want to work there!

    But I want to be here and I want to have kind of fun in my leasure time.

    Real life is stressful enough. And nobody needs stess in a game / game forum!

    So make your lives easier and don't delete or over-edit posts. Easier for us and easier for you.

    Hope this was polite enough not to be deleted or edited.

    Happy Farming
  7. Neon-Lights

    Neon-Lights Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    It may not be your workplace, but it is Bigpoint's - therefore you agree to abide by their rules
  8. clonahmon

    clonahmon Forum Veteran

    To me it seems, that neither feedbacks nor suggestions will be dealt with in a construtive way.

    The only answer to all of it is from the non-player side: abide to the rules... seems there is only black and white and no grey inbetween.

    Sad..very sad
  9. blessedlady2

    blessedlady2 Old Hand

    May I please ask where it says in the rules that we are not to engage in fun while we play this game.?
    I thought I read the rules but failed to see that
  10. elena516

    elena516 Advanced

    I completely agree with everything that has been said before.
    And I would add, this forum should be a place of support for players, not a place that scares them.
    Don't you think about all the people that from now on will be afraid to ask, and therefore leave the game because it's too complicated to play without support?
  11. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    There is not much point of me posting anything here as this Forum has hurt and upset many of my Buddy Farmers who some of been my buddies over 6 years

    It Certainly very Sad that this Forum is not longer Supportive or Fun to Enjoy Reading to any Farmer using this Forum.

    I have been giving feedback and Suggestions many many times hardly any of them get heard by Bigpoint. Just wondering if hardly anyone makes any suggestions or give feedback will the game be good for us to continue playing this game.

    Now we have become Paranoid to post any thing in this Forum. At the moment it is very off putting and taking the fun out of this game.
  12. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    I have been reading posts for the last couple of days and I told myself I was going to keep my thoughts to myself but......this whole situation really saddens me:(:( I understand people being upset about posts being deleted and how we should be able to chat about whatever we want to. However during some events I have had to scroll past posts (sometimes many) which had absolutely nothing to do with the event. I am not trying to upset anyone further by saying that but it is true. That being said, yes, it probably got out of hand with some deletions. Hopefully there will be a solution. I don't know....maybe I'm just talking out of my you-know-what but being a person who has to deal with major depression daily, all this bickering just really brings me down:(:( Once again, this post is not meant to offend or upset anyone.
  13. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Dear Neon,
    Do you know what you have said ?
    Am I to laugh or cry at this statement ?
    As usual my humour got better of me.
    I see the humour in it.

    May be you have missed the point.
    Forum is not the work place of Bigpoint.
    It is a place for socializing and a community for the players.

    And players are not the workers of Bigpoint.
    And they have not signed any contract of master and workmen relationship.
    The contract is only to play and not to engage in illegal/ unlawful activities.

    Please put away your anger, cool down and try to see from the point of the players too.
    Your authority has never been undermined anywhere.


    That's what I feel too. Whenever I post a post without them I feel terrible. I cannot even share my happiness with them in the strategy thread. I bought a Tabby cat for 9000 & odd CCs. But I do not feel like putting it and bragging about it in the strategy thread. How can I be happy when they are not.:(
  14. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello farmers,

    We know that many of you are upset and I would hate to see this thread or any other closed to stop you having your say :(
    I would just like to remind you that the Forum does indeed belong to BigPoint, so therefore the rules set by them need to be followed. Being disrespectful towards any player, Mod or fellow farmer is against the rules as set out by BigPoint. You agree to these terms when starting a Farm and using the Forum as stated in the Forum Rules.

    Carry on with your suggestions, not your arguments :oops:
  15. sirpippen

    sirpippen Forum Master

    Sorry to have upset BP with my posts. I'll go back to playing by myself.
  16. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    ...and therefore I agree to run away from this forum and their too strict rules. But... yr right, that's our choice if we find the rules to be too strict.
    That's not BP's problem in any way.

    Please continue enforcing the rules.

    On four people....

    'Cuz most left to greener pastures.
  17. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Thank you for at least acknowledging it. With no comment from the mod team it is easy to believe that you don't care. Which I hope is not true.
  18. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Have read the forum Netiquette
    Can someone tell me where any of this applies for a room to be closed because of going off topic...this has been going on for years with nothing said about it

    Can you point it out to me where this is stated on the netiquette please ?

    Not one of these were posted in that room

    Verbal altercations.... Political/Religious opinions....Spamming...Impatient behavior....Cross-posting....Threats etc etc

    All i saw was people being polite and having fun ...Isn't this what games are meant to be ?
    Please Correct me if I am wrong ...because i do not think I am
    This has caused a lot of unrest in this game over nothing

    This is from Netiquette....
    ***Thanks to the users, a community is able to flourish in which everybody can participate. So that this community can be designed to be as fair as possible, there are a few rules that exist for dealing with each other that absolutely must be adhered to. Nevertheless, constructive arguments are always welcome.

    With what has happened wont flourish has alienated people...very nice happy friendly people...which is very sad
    Without people ....there is NO game

    What arguments shooger? ....because i don't see any here and didn't see any in that room that was closed... all i saw in that room was people having fun and game advice...which is helpful to newbies and even older players

    IF this is the case then .... Not speaking off topic should be added to Netiquette which it isn't
    The chat room and steam room have been closed where else do we go to talk ?
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2016
  19. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Then the cause of argument should not have occurred in this thread.
    But I am finishing with these issues. No going to say anymore on these issues. Can only make people understand who don't understand. Not people who refuse to understand.

    Will wait patently for my friends to return and have a loving and jovial forum one again.
  20. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Greetings lovely Farmers,

    We are truly sorry to hear you feel this way, and I can assure you that your feedback and concerns have been heard.

    We will do our best to lighten up the mood in the near future, and we count on your understanding as well.

    Without going into too many details, and referring to the strategy threads in particular, we would appreciate your cooperation in using the other sections of the Forum for non-strategy topics, and saving this section for brainstorming on best farm practices - which will help your fellow farmers find the information they need when looking for tips, instead of going through many off topic / side chat. I hope this makes sense :oops: .

    We do want you all to socialize, share your farming experience and we hope you will have a lovely time in the near future.

    Best regards,