Show more leniancy in event strategy threads ONLY

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Nov 9, 2016.

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  1. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    Thanks Teddy, glad you are finally here to read/see all that has happened...

    But reeling us in so tightly after all of you having been so lenient about us having a little fun in all of the short lived strategy threads in the past doesn't do much for damage control now. Once the events are over the threads are moot anyway, so what's REALLY the issue with us having a little fun and enjoying ourselves for a few days? As it has been stated before... the strategy threads are put on by members, for the members, not by not mods/admin... so the members should be able to set the tone as to the restrictions of staying on topic or straying a little while having fun. I am sure MORE users have complained about the iron fisted over modification as of late than anyone has ever complained about the amount of slightly off topic fun we have in those strategy threads. Sad to say that if we can't have a little fun in the strategy threads, not many will be posting in them... unless that is what you guys all want?
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2016
  2. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Hi, teddy!! Missed you! Thanks for the response;):)
  3. sirpippen

    sirpippen Forum Master

    Thanks for your response Teddy. I appreciate it muchly. I got the message. Event only, period.
  4. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    Thanks for your reply Teddy.
  5. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    Thank you Teddy. Happy farming.
  6. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    For my part I want to be in a forum where I enjoy posting, that is my intended outcome, nothing more nothing less. With regards to my own actions, I don't mind mostly staying on topic as long as:
    a) a little off topic is allowed, it is just inevitable
    b) rules are clear
    c) any necessary moderation is done gently, so players don't feel whacked over the head [​IMG] or that action has been taken out of spite [​IMG]

    Coming to a resolution requires communication. Unfortunately at the moment one party is very quiet. A vague:
    is not enough. BTW teddy, will you be here to follow up? If not I'd rather hear from the mods that are going to be here regularly.
  7. CylentLea123

    CylentLea123 Old Hand

    Intrepiduer said: Unfortunately at the moment one party is intent on their own outcome without regard to their own actions.

    Yes, I agree totally- Neon Lights really needs to lighten up
  8. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    My entire post was just deleted, because of an "unapproved link".
    First of all, it wasn't a link. There was no www, and there was no dotcom. It was not clickable either.
    Still, if you guys deem me thát unwanted......gee.

    I'l leave. today. right now.

    here is my post once more, without the offending "link". You could've just asked me to remove the unwanted words ya know? this is exactly the punishment no one deserves, and the "removal of a post is just easy for you".
    Oh, am I allowed to say a googalable word? Like -edit-? I mean, that is something anyone can google, but it's not a link, right?

    anyway, since this is the last time I will post here,
    here it is:


    Edit: my highest level of maturity? really? Let me explain what really is the highest level of maturity: leaving.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 15, 2016
  9. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    Please. If anyone's feelings were hurt, I am sorry. But how we feel about anything is our choice. Posting that choice shows our level of maturity.
    Please choose your highest level of maturity for all to see.
    This is a game. I come for the advice of wiser people who know the best way to navigate the events. But mostly I come here to enjoy stories, it beats watching the beets grow.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
  10. Neon-Lights

    Neon-Lights Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Please note: in accordance with the rules
    sirpippen, OzoneRaia and joanc123 like this.
  11. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Glad to see you back Teddy
    Am sorry to see you are leaving Free bird
    Makes you now wonder how many more will do the same :(

    This used to be a nice FUN game to play am not so sure it is ...with all that is happening and people being made to feel uncomfortable for doing something extremely trivial

    Oh by the way i am using an Acer mouse and haven't got a car ...because i cannot drive..
    And this has nothing to do with the nature of this thread it allowed ???

    Neon has Just stated that we can do this ?

    Very confusing considering this thread is...
    Show more leniancy in event strategy threads
    When we Supposedly cannot go off topic ?
    Have said all i have wanted to say ...Am now off to the greener pastures to have fun xD
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
    A7XKo7nchick, GuineaUp, woody and 5 others like this.
  12. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Many have. I don't see them posting any longer. See the threads especially strategy thread. :(
  13. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    It's time to let this go, let it play out and see what happen's. they got the message the oldman49
  14. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)Yep - they 'got the message' why does it seem like it's in the trash can? Does anyone really like seeing all these long time players leaving in protest??
  15. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I want to clarify a couple of points.

    First, I DO understand that limits are necessary. Things like outside advertising, personal information get into legal issues. These need to be broad because different countries have different rules, and even though a site might not need to adhere with every single country. Just to give examples (intentionally silly examples to avoid being accused of making a political commentary) I doubt there is any country that would permit you to post detailed instructions to assassinate their leader, and if you try, almost any website will not only remove the post, but probably refer you to the appropriate law enforcement. However, if a country were to outlaw all use of blue, the game team might decide that excluding the color blue takes too much effort and so are OK with the game not being played in that country. Yes, rules are needed.

    Even the bit about "not off topic" -- stray too far and it makes finding correct information difficult, makes threads and forums too big, etc.

    The issue here is how fine to cut this, AND, that despite protests to the contrary, there is no consistency. After being on this site for a couple of years, I strongly believe that part of the issue may be translation. Subtleties are very, very hard to translate. I don't know if its the moderator involved or direction "from above", but the people making the decision seem unable to really and fully grasp fine distinctions and subtleties. If the issue is an individual moderator, then at least part of the answer to that is for more people to step forward and volunteer. I have already said I cannot. However, if the real probably is direction from above, then extra help won't matter. Just as an example, I have been accused of "double posting", had posts removed because I posted my own thread and then answered other people's threads. That is actually NOT double posting per the rules, but a particular moderator, when new did think it was. In this case, the question is what is and is not off topic for strategy.

    Event strategy threads are by nature the most dynamic threads here. The give and take "by play" not only makes the threads fun, but do encourage and help us all learn. Farmer broke's post are particularly classic. He always has something fun to share, and always makes us think, in one way or another about the game. Most of us would argue that the deleted threads WERE strategy. When so many people disagree with the game opinion, then well.. it is time to rethink. Sure, BP does own the site, can set the rules.

    ..... and we can simply elect not to spend our money or not to participate ... at all.

    Some users have kindly created an alternate site. ( I cannot post the link here -- one of the fairly reasonable restrictions, I have to say -- BP cannot be responsible for random links). However, my perspective is that if I have to go to those lengths, then the game is just not worth my time. Right now, many of us are at that point.

    BP can do as it wishes... and you know what? So can we!

    Only part of that was my quote, elimeno.. but I guess it does not really matter.

    Some limits are necessary for a variety of reasons, including server space (it is not unlimited, costs money to expand), the desire to keep things "nice" (ergo avoiding anything close to an argument or political discussion, etc.), and just keeping threads accessible/readable. If there are 3 pages of commentary, then folks wanting real information can get frustrated.

    That said, while some limits are needed, the question is whether the current interpretations of the rules are too strict or uniformly applied. This is not a clear cut issue, and thus the problem. When moderators (either at BP behest or on their own) insist it is clear cut, that no change was made, that the decision was reasonable and we are just wrong to disagree (that is, no room for "OK, this is opinion")... it frustrates us even more.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 3, 2016
  16. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    Sorry post somehow ended up in the the grey box with yours...
    A7XKo7nchick, sirpippen and farmlily3 like this.
  17. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    This only make sense in that it keeps things strictly the way you want it to work, and completely ignores what the community is requesting. Updates on how strategies function are critical to those who commonly develop the strategies, and they come in many different forms, from many different types of users.

    There are only a handful of us that do the math, develop strategies, and confirm what works and what doesn't, and we don't mind that people add a human element and interject things into their post while also keeping us up to date on how our strategies are working for them. Without these updates, my brainstorming or best farm practices cannot be updated. Thus, the strategy in the thread becomes the outdated farm practices, not the best farm practices. In addition to this, as far as the community is concerned, it's pretty common knowledge that the only post you need to look at is the first post, and if you don't find what you're looking for you will typically find it in the first few. After that, if you still haven't found the answer to your question, then you would typically post a question. These questions are not brainstorming or best farm practices, so they should not be allowed?

    Additionally, there is a language aspect to consider. Do you, as employees and volunteers of BP, go to separate rooms in the office to discuss slightly different material on the same topic? Probably not, that's because conversation is fluid. It moves from one aspect to another, even when talking about the same overall subject.

    The strategy threads should be considered a place for strategy AND discussion while that event is going. This will allow users to comfortably communicate. If there is an actual problem, allow the community to regulate by using the report button. Once a post has been reported, moderators should step in and review the issue. Moderators should DISCUSS with the users any post which has been reported, only after discussion should moderators then take appropriate measures.

    Last but certainly not least, everyone at BP, including moderators needs to stop treating the community as "players" or "farmer" but as CUSTOMERS, because that is what we are.
  18. FionaSky

    FionaSky Active Author

    Or you forget the strategy thread altogether and in the game related chit chat section open the topic "xxx(event name) strategy and event discussion".

    Then you as long as the post has some relationship to the event it wont be off topic.
  19. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    This might actually be the best option.. just leave the bare basics -- the info post that seems to have become the standard first post and clarifications on that, plus a link to the chitchat thread where all other discussion will happen.

    I will say that this does not necessarily make sense from BPs perspective -- that is, it will use more server space. And, for us, that thread will probably get TOO wild, but it looks like it might be the option.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 15, 2017