Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by rpugh19, Dec 3, 2023.

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  1. rpugh19

    rpugh19 Someday Author

    Why is game running so slow
    gr_6153 likes this.
  2. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello rpugh19 :)

    The game team is aware there are some slow issues and they are trying their best to resolve it. For now, the best advice we can give you is to make sure your browser is up to date, clear the cache and cookies and please be patient while it is being sorted out. You can try a different browser or even the Standalone client to see if that helps.

    May I assist you further?
    farmingfreebird likes this.
  3. rpugh19

    rpugh19 Someday Author

    Still SLOW
  4. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    For what it's worth: I tried different browsers with no improvement - the game runs so slowly it's nearly unplayable. Switched to my old laptop running Windows 7 and the game runs much faster than on Windows 10. Perhaps that will mean something to the game team. Thank you
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  5. candy06

    candy06 Forum Greenhorn


    in french forum, they say to play "in private", they say it's better

    (i'm sorry, i speak very bad english :s)
  6. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    We will pass this info onto the Game Team. I am glad you can play more smoothly even though using an older version.

    Can I assist you further?
    farmingfreebird likes this.
  7. rintha

    rintha Someday Author

    Still SLOW
  8. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    We apologize for the inconvenience. As stated above, the Team is aware of the players' experience, and several suggestions have been made. At this time, we just ask for your patience and appreciate your understanding.

    Closing thread.
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