Suggestion Smaller Farm supplies

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by neily33, Feb 15, 2015.

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  1. neily33

    neily33 Someday Author

    I don't need 6 hours of a build for 3 BB's. I just would like 2 Hours for 1 BB?
    penguilnz likes this.
  2. Kim.com2000

    Kim.com2000 Active Author

    To do that would be missing the point of this game, Neily and you can EASILY get BB's at the cinema. its not hard. i know you are suggesting this but it does not seem to follow the point. We must WORK to get our produce so i do not agree :wuerg:
    bygo_cris and penguilnz like this.
  3. neily33

    neily33 Someday Author

    well i play for about an hour because I do real life stuff. so I would be wasting 5 hours and bb's.
    penguilnz likes this.
  4. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    The one hour coupons do exists. you just can't buy them. And the Cinema does not give everybody BB's. You are lucky if it does. Also, fuzzles and or the farmwheel sometimes give harvester time too. 2 hours, sometimes 4.
    penguilnz likes this.
  5. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I like this, even though I am now buying subscriptions, I, too, had no use for the 6 hour coupons.. or not as much as I would hte 1 hour ones.

    Farmerama will make just as much from 6 coupons at 1BB as from 1 coupon at 6BB, and more people would buy them then.
    penguilnz and steph2014 like this.