Smart way to get golden bananas

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by NoLongerServe, May 15, 2017.

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  1. NoLongerServe

    NoLongerServe Advanced

    obviously earn golden bananas lel by lel its So Unbearable Naive is far away reach my goal, i d like see some 'expert' show generous, i will be impress your talent.
    MARLYMAR likes this.
  2. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    There aren't that many way of getting golden bananas.
    • Level up in bahama
    • as prizes in events
    The quickest way I know of is to level up is to do quests alongside with farming. The quickest way to complete the quests is to sell stuff in the market, earn CC and buy what you need. There might be a few quests that have GB (Golden Bananas) as reward as well, but I don't have the complete overview of those.

    You are probably not impressed by my talent, but at least you got my 2 pennies xD

    Just as a curiosity, what is your goal ?
  3. NoLongerServe

    NoLongerServe Advanced

    From my childhood i alway dislike the things that 'bark' xDwhich thanks for my neighbour's dog:pset on me for nightmare.
    clearly you lack good talent to tell:) so keep up with that naive. so do i.
    MARLYMAR likes this.
  4. CylentLea123

    CylentLea123 Old Hand

    HaHa I have NO idea what you just said- but it was hilarious
    omg ur a trip ~
  5. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    she's looking for a roommate what do you think?
  6. CylentLea123

    CylentLea123 Old Hand

    lol Perfect for you oldman49 :)

    btw- moraine, you tried ...... :)
  7. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    What a hoot ;)
  8. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    123. all i can say to that is, God Bless The BEER Truck Driver's i couldn't take it, we would make the news it read's oldman goes bs.
    MARLYMAR and CylentLea123 like this.
  9. FarmerDelight

    FarmerDelight Forum Master

    Am I the only one who thinks leveling up in baha is easy?

    Every day I just harvest some crops and cloud rows that give TEp and suddenly I level up. :music:
  10. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    NoLongerServe, I have enough Golden Bananas but only after about 3 years of levelling up on Baharama, doing Farmer's Society quests and the occasional temporary event which gives GBs. I also used real money to buy an item which gives one GB a week. That item isn't available any more
    There simply aren't any shortcuts. If you think a 3 year wait (and probably longer as they keep adding more stuff) is unbearable, perhaps this isn't the game for you.
  11. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Weeelll it's not rocket science, but early on it takes some work. You lack long time crop, and lack high EP trees/crop, maybe lack animals all together. Also as a fresh farmer you normally lack a lot Cloud Rows, and don't have the Shipwreck Bay.

    I am sorry, but there are only 2 ways to get those elusive bananas. There are a few tricks that helps to level up, like using buffs. As I have just been handed my dunce hat, I shall leave you to it.

    Best of luck and happy farming :music:
  12. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Moraine, given who started this post, I wouldn't take it personally.:) We all know that there is alot of time and patience involved in this game to level up. Some players just don't have it and never will
  13. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    It was just a poor translation, those online translations aren't always that good. It was meant in good spirit and in good gesture, and that is how I took it. Thank you for worrying about any bruised ego, mine doesn't get dented that easily though. I covered the fur with teflon many many dog-years ago :D
  14. NoLongerServe

    NoLongerServe Advanced

    i alway believed there have a unknowing way to gain GB as long as the 'expert' generous enough to share it:Dso the rest of us dont had get on with naive play. moraine can yu quit to despair me tell me something i dont know:pi hate to give up my goal bcos of ur selfish or dishonest.xD
    oldman need a petsitting for sure.
    u know im a patient person:) i used to spent more than four years to train my neighbour's dog not to random bite but we fail end up. u know why? bcos that dog is wild unlessonable and his owner reject to leash it. we feed up it injure our pet cat as pleases. we move out from there.xD:cry:so the matter not about time and its about u dont know if you gonna make it or simple waste time after 3yeear.
  15. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    I'm not sure what led you to believe that there's a way to get Golden Bananas more quickly and easily than leveling up, but there are no shortcuts in this game.

    The developers intentionally made it difficult to earn Stars and Golden Bananas so that people won't lose interest after a few months and move on to another game. It's supposed to be challenging. It's supposed to take years to unlock everything.

    Whether or not you meet your goals depends entirely on how much effort you're willing to put into it. If you work hard and try to learn as much as you can about the game, then you should be able to unlock most of the statues in the Ancient Monkey Temple in 2-3 years (unless they add more).

    If you're only willing to do the bare minimum, however, while complaining about how hard and frustrating it is every step of the way, it will take you a lot longer.

    Call it naive if you want but that's the whole point of Farmerama. Some games are designed to provide instant gratification; this isn't one of them.
    Last edited: May 17, 2017
  16. camauflage

    camauflage Someday Author

    open spa, drink lots of punch

    short and sweet answer...
    tlcmom and shellhappybj like this.
  17. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    To be honest there is no tricks at all to gain golden bananas simply have to earn as many tep as you gain using buff,pet,cloud rows, doing events working on completing quests etc bases on farming tactics, farm as often as you can plus use strategies to complete events plus gain as much tep as you can a have surplus of 550Gb the reason why I got so many Gb from a event that rewarded loads of gb
  18. NoLongerServe

    NoLongerServe Advanced

    Yes. there many reasons and player led me firmly believe they are not Type of person would stand for step by step who could follow the game rule, other one maybe but definitely not such peoples . i don't know what you think, but i guess we supposed to disappointment on this game both sometime someday. maybe one day i find out some farming tactics that surpass on farm rule, things gonna change.xD bless me
  19. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    So you are looking for ways to cheat... out in the open for all to see... on a forum that belongs to Bigpoint... where the mods regularly monitor posts for rule violations...

    That's... smart... o_O
  20. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I'm not entirely sure that rule abiding is on their agenda to be perfectly honest ;)

    If you are disappointed that this game doesn't have a cheat function then there are other games out there that may be more to your taste. Most people here aren't inherently disappointed that they can't bypass the rules of the game; generally speaking people play this game (and others) because it is something they enjoy and is structured in a way that is to their taste. If you're hoping to find out cheat codes or something like that...well good luck to you. They don't exist. That's not me being naive. That's that there are no cheats in this game. You can hope and pray that they exist until the cows come home but insisting that they are there and people are simply withholding them from you isn't going to make them magically appear. They do. not. exist. ~edit~
    Last edited by moderator: May 19, 2017
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