FAQ Snake Eyes 8

Discussion in 'FAQ Archive' started by shooger.sweet, Sep 19, 2023.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Reminder! All the info in this FAQ was correct at the time of testing. Some info could get changed when going LIVE, the FAQ will be updated as soon as possible with correct information, so thank you for your patience and understanding, and don't forget to refresh every now and then to check for updated info (particularly translation of names).

    Snake Eyes 8
    20th of September 2023 - 26th of September 2023
    Difficulty: Medium - Hard
    * From what level can we participate in this event?
    You can participate into this event from level 3.
    * How can I access the event?
    You can access the event from news layer and event timer.​
    * What is special about this event?

    info layer 1.png
    • There will be a special event crop:
    Gamer's Glory
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 EP
    Plantable on the Main field only!
    Every player will get 10 seeds at the beginning of the event. If you drop under 5 plants the system will check every 5 hours and replenish up to 5 seeds.​
    • There will be a special event drop:
    You will get these drops when harvesting your crops and trees
    on the Main field only.
    You have a medium chance of receiving 1 x Shaker with each breeding process completed.
    • There will be a special Event item:
    Lucky Dice
    Each lucky dice reduces the amount of crops & drops needed to make the Cup O' Dice in the mill.
    You will get these drops when harvesting your trees on the Main field only!
    You have a small chance of receiving 1 x Lucky Dice with each breeding process completed.

    • There will be a special Mill product:
    Cup O' Dice
    Option 1:
    Ingredients: 160 x Gamer's Glory, 8 x Shakers
    Time: 15 seconds​
    Option 2:
    Ingredients: 110 x Gamer's Glory, 5 x Shakers, 1 x Lucky Dice
    Time: 15 seconds

    They can be produced in the main and tropical mills - Events feed tab!

    Note: Each player will receive 1 Cup O' Dice for free to try the mini-game!
    • There will be a Dice mini-game requiring you to collect Yahtzee style combinations and earn points to fill 2 progress bars for special rewards.
    * How can I get more drops?
    • The Shakers can be gifted to/from neighbours and friends, for free as long as it is one of your 5-7 free daily gifts, or for 2 BBs. You can receive up to 20 gifts per day.
    • You can buy drops in bulk from the Shopping Center (see below)
    • You can get some in the event baskets.
    • If you have a Magic Tree, it will reward 1 x Shaker per harvest
    * Is there anything else I should know?
    Yes! You need to grow event crops and collect drops to mill the special item to play the Dice mini-game. The event has 2 parts -

    1) Each Game played, counts towards the Main Progress Bar to earn the Event rewards. Each Game Played earns 20 x Star Coins to spend in the Event Shop.
    progress bar.png
    2) Each total of Dice combination points earned go towards the 2nd Progress bar to earn extra rewards.
    prize list.png
    This is how the event place looks like:

    game layer.png

    Clicking on the Cup O' Dice will start the mini game.
    This is how the mini game looks like:
    Each Game needs 1 Cup O' Dice to start.​

    game info.png
    1) Final Dice
    2) All possible combinations (highlighted) First time bonus combination (highlighted in yellow)
    3. First encounter Combinations used (green check mark)
    4) Combination reward points
    5) Total Game Points
    Here is how the mini-game works:

    game animation - small.gif
    You roll 5 Dice. Try to earn the Dice combinations shown. Click the dice you would like to keep. You can then hit the play button to re-roll the remaining dice. You can re-roll up to two times in total. Click on the combination choices on the right to choose the combination and collect those points.
    The Game Ends when:- you have re-rolled the dice for the second time or earlier if a combination is chosen on the right.

    Each time you first encounter a winning combination, once chosen will reward special bonus points
    Dice combination points, followed by bonus points if earned:

    bonus combo points.gif
    (a total of 65 games is required to earn all event rewards)

    Dice Combinations:

    info layer 2.png
    Tip: There are no loosing combinations. All dice will reward points and 20 x Star coins after each Game.

    That is not all! With each game you play the combination points are totaled in the Special Reward progress bar where you can earn extra rewards. There is no limit to the amount of Games you can play. Rewards stop being rewarded once the 100th step has been achieved.
    * Which are the event requirements and rewards?

    Main Game Rewards

    main rewards.png

    Combination Point Rewards
    point rewards 1.png
    point rewards 2.png

    *What Can I get in the Event Shop?

    Main Rewards
    shop 1.png

    shop 2.png

    shop 3.png

    shop 4.png

    * What other special items are offered as prizes?

    Event Sticker
    You'll find this sticker in your Sticker Album!

    The Bards’ Song
    Gives: 60 EP x Farm level or 60 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Knockout Roll
    Gives: 65 EP x Farm level or 65 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Blessing in Disguise
    Gives: 70 EP x Farm level or 70 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Snake Eyes Magic Stalk Row VI
    snake eyes msr VI.png
    Cooldown Time: 20 hours
    Rewards: 3500 EP x Farm level, 3500 TEP x Baha level, 1 x Crate O' Treats II,
    1 x Crate O' Farm Supplies VII
    Requires the three event items

    * Can I pay my way through the event?

    Not really, you can buy crops, drops and mill products from the Event Baskets.
    * What drop item packages can I get in the Shopping Center?
    • 1 x Shaker - 2 BB
    • 50 x Shakers - 85 BB (15% off)
    • 100 x Shakers - 150 BB (25% off)
    • 200 x Shakers - 270 BB (33% off)
    * Will there be any Event Baskets during this event?
    Yes, there will be 6 "Gamester’s" Baskets:​

    Special Gamester’s Basket
    5 x Cup O’ Dice
    Buyable once only for €4.99 or equivalent in your currency
    Available from 20.09.23 at 14:00 CEST to 23.09.23 at 22:00 CEST

    Small Gamester’s Basket
    75 x Gamer's Glory
    15 x Shakers
    30 x Suzy's Super-grow
    Buyable once only for €2.99 or equivalent in your currency

    Medium Gamester’s Basket
    120 x Gamer's Glory
    30 x Shakers
    50 x Suzy's Super-grow
    Buyable multiple times for €4.99 or equivalent in your currency

    Large Gamester’s Basket
    300 x Gamer's Glory
    80 x Shakers
    2 x Cup O’ Dice
    10 x Lucky Dice
    80 x Super-grow
    Buyable multiple times for €12.99 or equivalent in your currency

    Giant Gamester’s Basket
    180 x Gamer's Glory
    60 x Shakers
    10 x Cup O' Dice
    15 x Lucky Dice
    300% more EP/TEP when harvesting "event" crops for 48 hours
    Buyable once only for €24.99 or equivalent in your currency

    Deluxe Gamester’s Basket
    500 x Gamer's Glory
    100 x Shakers
    15 x Cup O' Dice
    30 x Lucky Dice
    +1 extra revenue when harvesting "event" crops for 48 hours
    Buyable once only for €34.99 or equivalent in your currency
    Note: Bonus starts as soon as basket is purchased!​

    * What will happen with the leftover event goods?
    All the leftover goods will be exchanged after the event:
    • 1 Gamer's Glory = 7 EP + 5 CC;
    • 1 Shaker = 29 EP + 20 CC;
    • 1 Lucky Dice = 44 EP + 29 CC;
    • 1 Cup O' Dice = 653 EP + 871 CC + 653 TEP;
    • 1 Star Coin = 335 EP + 536 CC + 186 TEP.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2023
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~edit~ corrected mill requirements and lucky dice drop area
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