Solotime's Secret Headquarters

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by solotime, Oct 9, 2014.

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  1. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    By entering this room, you agree that you will not share or steal the information posted in here. It is very valuable and can cause Solotime to loose money on the market.

    I have played this game for many hours and learned how to play the market.
    But sadly real life gets in the way and makes me miss out on millions of country coins.
    I would really have around 200 million if I never made mistakes. But we can't tell the future and have no idea knowing what would have happen. One thing though, it reminds me of real life for how hard it was to even become rich on this game. Having 20 million CC's is nothing today for me, I can bring that much in within a three days from breeding animals

    Back many days ago, farmerama had no limit on lettuce nor other seeds you could buy from the seed shop. So I liked owning huge amounts and would buy around 10,000 a day. When I looked at my amount, I had something like 200,000. My first idea was to sell it for 1.70.
    At that time I was laughing at the fools buying it. Very next day, Farmerama Police raided the seed shop taking their seeds away. They had to sign an agreement that they wouldn't sell more than 100 seeds a day to anyone ever again!
    When that happen, the market went crazy! Prices doubled for the low level crops! I looked down so disappointed and very a shame of myself. Turns out, those fools got the better deal after all...

    Lets go back into the days where products were dirt cheap. I laughed at the people selling my Koi for 350 to 750 CC. I knew one day Farmerama would want to use products. But for some reason, I only invested around three million into the market. I wish I put more CC into it because I must of had 20 million country coins at that time. One day, my dream came true! products went up in value! Yay for me! I just ripped off all those people and sold those dirt cheap products for double of what I paid! I had three thousands Koi and only sold one thousand off in case the market changed. Many days pass, Koi still going cheap again.
    My Koi must have been locked in my inventory for a whole year now. When is the market going up? Who knows how many days passed now. While in chat, I came a crossed a Teddy Bear. It told me that Koi breeding is around the corner and was posted on the forums. The first thing that happen was, my eye's turned into Country Coins!! Lets skip a little now, getting bored thinking of what to type. It's Koi breeding now!! Yay I just made a huge profit that took around two years to pay off!! I am so happy now! <-- Okay, I lied.. I am mad it took so long.

    Today you would think I am smart but I aren't.... I done the dumbest thing you can ever do...
    It's called not checking the forum everyday! Donkey breeding is coming out soon and you must buy, buy, buy Donkeys! Oh, an once you buy them, ship them to Solotime's Barn.
    Do not buy them if they're priced 1600 CC or more because you won't profit much. I think they might jump to 2450 at least on breeding day though.

    My post needs more information it looks like....
    Back about two or three years ago, I loved dumping BB's into the farmwheel. If only I would have saved them BB's for powerfeed. I know for a fact I spent well over two thousand. But breeding animals weren't around back then so can't blame me. Hey, stop pointing and laughing at me... I was a newbie. I done some testing with breeding animals since today we got them. It turns out that the market is very rewarding if you play it right. I rolled in 12,700,000 CC from buying three offers of the 249BB powerfeed. Now please don't go and buy it because I said what I made... you probably won't have the market skills like I do. It took lots of thinking and yes you will make mistakes. I mis-priced and lost around 500k CC what would have been more profit.

    With Donkey breeding, I feel I might roll in 35 million to 75 million country coins. It might be more since everyone will want my Donkeys once I turn them into breeding animals. I got the best prices and more than anyone on my market. Unless @CJAT tries to complete with me. No idea if she has like 10 at least million country coins and 100 USD to spend. Might seem like I'm showing off the spending real money part but I'm not... people pay much more money then what I did. I'm just showing off my CC amount since the richer players don't do it. :)

    * If you got millions to invest, buy peacocks if they are not over 900 each.
    * Bananas make me money
    * Max out the clouds for CC
    * Tree's will pay themselves off if you invest in whatever ones are owning the market
    * Some crops make you instant thousands if you don't like trees
    * Always buy Snowies or Snuggles if they drop under 140,000 CC
    * Don't sell your Albino bats, they're great for breeding (Nor brown pigs) ---Clouds----
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
    Brookeham, Mooboy and Banjoman like this.
  2. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Hi Solotime, Hope you are we need need to get use to this new forum layout, as you guest it been a while since we last spoke to each other in chat.

    Glad you are still around, I am the same as you as i make cc whenever i can if i see potential or got a hunch I go on my instincts but I dont always get it right as we all make mistakes. As usual can often at times buy and sell things at the wrong time or wish i brought more of those in the market, or doubting my hunches....Which has prevented me from being even richer than i am now....but reguardless to what i am doing I am doing Pretty Well

    I Do buy and Sell in the Markets Daily to see Bargains, Hoard buying or stocking up on things i am short on needy things, or just to see protential to make cc or how is my selling is doing. I have played this game as nearly as long as you been, I am still playing the game LOL

    At the Moment got 115 Million cc as my disposal I have made about 8 Million cc so far with Chili Weather Run Event as I am surprised that cows have been selling for 3000cc each on my market do to frantic cow breeding to get Brown Cows

    Hey Solotime be cool i aint pointing or laughing at you I too was a Newie just like you....Yes Totally Agree with you need skills and good maths to play the market well and understand them too It always handy to be aware of up coming events and knowing what is required when the FAQ shows up for Event Requirements

    When it comes to selling in the Markets anyone need to be careful not to mispriced things as i have often seen many things mispriced in the market can be very costly mistake when you are selling breeding animals. I always shop around breeding animals to buy bargain breeding animals to make cc later for profit or to help me progress with my Breeding Quests using Little Power Feeds as possible. This is the one luxury you have if you got millions of cc to spend in the markets. It has saving me alot of Power Feeds as I am able to prevent spending alot of BB on Breeding Animals as I only breeding during BB, as it more cost effective way to use Power Feeds as you get more for your BB/PF this way

    I have my methods when to buy and sell Breeding Animals at the right time have been for a while now....For Those who do buy the Power Feed Bundles can make alot of cc in no time providing you get lucky big skips of Rare Breeding animals that sells for good cc, also all new breeding animals sells well when new breeding quests starts as there are a lot FOCD Farmers like to do well or even complete these quests as soon as they are available

    I have been working on Donkey Breeding Prep for several weeks now since i found out it going to be the next breeding animal as I have so far got 5000 Donkeys in stock, have been growing and buying them when i see them cheaper enough for me. I am not convinced that we will be getting BB or power Feed sale this weekend cos Donkey Breeding Event is not due until next week
    julie1013 likes this.
  3. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Hi solo - This is a great thread! Thank you for allowing us into your "secret headquarters'! LOL I think many of us (at least long time players) have tried to outsmart the market and lost. My biggest oops was about 6 months ago....I was convinced (by poor rumors) that elephants were going to be the next baha breeding animal. You guessed it, I loaded up on peanut butter at 1700cc a piece. I bought 100's of them. Now where is peanut butter 900-1100 cc's.:wuerg: It made me feel good that I was already doing you helpful suggestion list. I agree checking the forum(especially for OA's) daily is crucial. Especially now, as the new PTB seem to like to spring mini events quite frequently with only 1 day notice. I was unprepared for the last Mega EP day....and lost tons of extra EP!!!:eek:

    Mooboy - This Chili Event has certainly proved to be interesting to the market...specifically brown breeding animals. You've made 8 million cc's this event???:p I'm impressed!!!! I've made some too...but not near that amount! Kudos!;)
  4. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I had 200 brown animals and sold them like a week before this event... they went up to 26k on my market.
    Made me mad but now I know, save some of them always. xD

    Do you plan on selling the donkeys @Mooboy

    That's a great amount of Donkeys and CC. But don't be shocked if I am right next to you once donkey breeding comes.
    One thing though, I might of joined in 2010 but I took like almost a whole year off because I would be playing Dark Orbit.
    Now that game was costly and I kind of back to playing it. But don't worry, I won't be taking breaks off until Florida. Cause I'm pretty sure my Aunt wouldn't want me to play a game on her PC. ;)

    @Brook, I guess this is why when you're rich, you can take hits like that. I now have a thousand something donkeys and 700 fish.
    Got more animals too but I don't check that xD

    By the way everyone, the first text you see about sharing this information, that's only a joke to make my thread more professional.
  5. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Hi Brookeham It is Cool if we can outsmart the market with our effective methods as we have our own hunches, at times we can be impulsive on our hunches and dont always get it right. Lucky for me i get it right most of the will sell those peanut butters eventually when elephant breeding starts, as peanut butter is still selling atm for 1000- 1200cc it is still a bargain to buy at these prices as i have a few thousand of them in my barn but put the buys on hold

    I am buying other things that are more likely to make me lots of cc real soon way before elephant breeding will start, recently stocking up on other level 1 and level 2 breeding animals i did recently brought cows at 300cc now selling over 2000cc each ;)

    Glad you made some nice cc on Selling Breeding Animals same as me @Brookeham I Do anything to get Bahm EP to help me get more GBs This Cloud Row will certainly help up level up the island quicker

    @solotime I Intend to sell at least about 4000 Donkeys, with the BBD Event you will get back lots of Donkeys I intend to use 1000 Donkeys plus the Donkeys Returned to Me from My Lucky Breeding Motels xD I Might still be ahead of you solotime even after Donkey Breeding cos i am going to do it too lol.....I Think you got alot of catching up cos i am hoard of many things You Welcome to try ;)

    So Far got 5000 Donkeys in my barn i just checked the Market Donkeys now selling over 2000cc each, I am Try to Build up stock of Power feeds too for Donkey Breeding

    Yes the Chili Event is proving interesting it certainly has an impact on the breeding and animal markets :D
  6. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    @Mooboy, how much powerfeed do you plan on getting about?

    Cause you know that I will have 4875 when we get twin breeding? This is 2437 breedings meaning I should get around four skips to second best breeding animal. Now I might get lucky and get one skip for the best which can be an instant 15 million profit. Cause I'll be breeding donkeys a lot for the money they will bring in. But yeah, I'm only guessing I could pass you and it will be fun setting my goals to catch up to you with CC. I need to be rich like you :)
  7. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I have 875 Power Feeds At Moment will get 50 More Power Feeds with Chilli Event. I have Completed Some Breeding Quests which will Unlock decent amount of Power Feeds Ready for Donkey Breeding.

    You will have Far more Power Feeds for Breeding Donkeys that the amounts of Donkeys Required for Breeding if you was to do Entire Breeding on Donkeys will the Amounts of Power Feeds you have at your disposal you will be needing 9748 Donkeys.

    The BB Rune gives Roughly an additional Breeding at 20% of Your Breeding output using Breeding Motels, For example every 5 Breeding Motels should give you an extra Breeding Animal or Base Animal but we dont always get the third addition at 20% of Breeding Motels.
    Why you can do 10 Breeding Motels not get an Third Addition Breeding Animal or Base Animal, Then the Next 10 Breeding Motels might give you the Third Addition Twice. It is quiet Random if you understand Maths it works like Median Formula or closely as it can

    I always do breeding during BBD Event the Extra Additions Really Does help a lot. Certainly helps you make more cc too and get more money value using Two Power Feeds at Time too. Every Body would love to get a great skip of Level 9 or Level 10 Breeding animal as it helps to make Pink Pens or Make you Millions of CC As you was hoping to sell Level 10 Donkey Breeding Animal for 15 Million CC.

    I would not be so sure about getting 15 Million CC, to get Level 9 or Level 10 Breeding Animal is very rare and hard to come by it based on pure Luck. If you Compare the Last Breeding Event of Bees. The Bee-utiful Bee i was surprised it struggled to be sold for 10 Million CC I did Buy one for 8 Million CC I Struggled to sell it for 10 Million CC but not much profit really as not want to get stuck with it.

    The Best Breeding Animals that sells well for really good cc is Bahamrama Breeding Animals, the last breeding animal was Pandas If you did alot of Panda Breeding it would certain made you more millions compared to Donkey Breeding, But then again you might get Lucky Breeding Skips which make you alot of cc using less Power Feeds

    I am Now to Try to Keep My Power Feed Usage as Minimial as Possible, I actually Do Spend some Millions of CC Buying Breeding Animals that are underpriced under current Breeding market conditions

    You are very Welcome to Catch up with me as I like to have couple of competitors Maybe Brookeham and CJAT can join use too ;)
    solotime likes this.
  8. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    That's a well explained post and I understand what you're trying to say.
    Now it does completely make sense. As you know, I am not so good with typing
    cause I just trying to get it done fast. But what I meant in my post was, I would hope to
    get one level ten and sell it. I was thinking the value might be a little more. But when you
    said it, I see what you mean. Well anyway, 11 million is still a great amount to get.

    However, I still think I will have a shot at getting a few level 9 skips cause I will be doing so many breeding's.
    From my guessing with animals needed, I get like 8350. But Got no idea what to really say about this though.

    It would be quite fun to see @CJ or @Brook to be completing against us. But as you know probably know, they might not has as
    much time to do the market. But one thing, CJ is on my market so that might be hard to go against me. I have seen her newbie offers
    from time to time. She probably sees mine 24/2 when it's twin breeding.

    But anyway, my goal is to reach 100 million CC and probably just give up and go for EP.
    I will have to spend my BB's for XXL tree's then. My park gives 100k a day if picked twice.
  9. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Yes 8350 Donkeys Does Seem a alot for your Breeding Donkey Mission, as you dont even have half of that amount available for Breeding, unless you are Constantly Growing Donkeys. But These Donkeys does need Donkey Feed to Be made at the Mill or Buy Donkey Feeds from the Markets as currently Donkey Feeds are selling from 300cc to 400cc Plus They Do Require Two Dates and Two Oats to Make Donkey Feeds, which is nothing compare to current Donkey Feed Market Prices

    Therefore if buying Donkey Feeds from the Markets to Makes Donkeys for Next Breeding Event, if you plan to sell surplus Donkeys in the market you have to pay 10% Admin Market Feeds plus the cost of Brought Donkey Feed which have to be deducted from the Profits of the Donkeys you sell in the markets. But if you do Donkey Breeding when BBD is running you get lots of Donkeys Back, you can use for Further Donkey Breeding, while the need to buy additional Donkeys from the Markets By Then they will be very expensive to buy

    At This Stage is best to sell these surplus Donkeys while the prices are high, then instead by as many first breeding Donkeys as cheap as you can before prices starts to climb, Buying Breeding Donkeys Does save you lots of Power Feeds Usage, or prevent the need to buy Power Feeds. There will be a Pre Donkey Breeding Quest that will be out that can get back a fair amount of Power Feeds before the Official Donkey Permanent Quests Comes out.

    My Next Goal is to Reach 150 Million cc then onto 200 Million but it takes a good while cost i do spend millions of cc buying up cheap Fruits, Crops, Products, Crafts,Animals and Breeding Animals. I Only Spend on things i need to make crafts, complete quests, Stock uo my barn as i am a hoarder, to Make more cc later on or help complete events or farm house orders that i not got the space to grow others things i need
    solotime likes this.
  10. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    In all for the animals I play to breed, I got 3809 right now.
    Have 22 donkey stables placed down and used the mill to make all the feed.
    Didn't have to spend one solotime cent.

    Keep in mind, I would not even have enough time to do all the breeding's. (If they do twin breeding for two days only)
    This is why I don't care if I only use 1/3 of my powerfeed. At the time of writing this post, I got 4926 powerfeed.
    If I DID use it all up and made good amounts of CC, I would buy more powerfeed. But looks like no twin breeding
    so I wouldn't be able to do that.

    Donkeys were at only 1500 CC but when the Powerfeed sale came out they jumped to 1900 to 2000.
    Don't look like they will go up much more. Probably like 200 to 500 CC if people weren't making them.

    One thing though, I own all the clouds you can buy with BB's and disappointed they never made more.
    Earn like 15,000 CC every time I fully harvest the clouds. So that is a great investment. BB's are pointless to me cause
    I can always get more from quest, surveys and buying them.

    So, I guessed that I would make anywhere from 35 million to 75 million CC.
    Well, my guess was pretty dang good! In one day I pulled in 56 million CC.
    Today I'm pulling in more but slowly. Now what you might all be wonder, how much powerfeed did it take? I started with 5000 powerfeed and got 1600 left for the NEXT animal to come. I'll be honest, I wasted like 600 breeding fish and few other animals cause I started getting bad luck with breeding. I did in the end win a Doctor fish! But was that worth the 600 powerfeed? I believe it wasn't but I had fun taking the risk.

    Looks like this will be my favorite part of the game, when a new breeding animal comes and you make million from the high demand! Of course I can't spend that much money every time... so I'll have to find a way to build my powerfeed up and buy some BUT not a lot.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2014
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