SOS Comic Event #5

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by illy1996, Sep 12, 2014.

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  1. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Hi all!

    The Comic Event #5 has started (sorry for delay in this thread but I was on my hols and only got back yesterday!) and this thread is for those who need a helping hand from fellow farmers to finish or achieve personal goals during this event.

    Below is a link to the Guidelines for using this thread (strategy thread(s) will be added if they are created:

    Guidelines for using the SOS event item thread

    Comic #5 The Storm Strategy Discussion

    The (very rough) estimated daily/24 hour period requirement is: 160 Comic Books

    Please note:

    My main farm (Illy1996) usually manages to get all drops. If I do need help, I will post here, My second farm, Chevrefeuille, will not be attempting to finish this event so likewise will not require drop gifts.

    So If you receive gifts from either of my farms, please do not send gifts to either of them.

    If you want to return the favour, send to someone else asking for help.

    Good Luck everybody!

    PS: Excuse me Mods but I need to raise my voice: PLEASE LET US KNOW HOW YOU GET ON WHEN THE EVENT ENDS.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2014
  2. Mar_Bear

    Mar_Bear Regular

    Hi i am attempting to complete this event only up to level 4 and have all the comics i need for level 3 right now but i am having a really hard time getting frosting from my harvests (lucky to get 1 harvesting 4 fields). if anyone would and can help i need frosting really bad. I will try to send something back if not during the event after it is over. Thank you all and Happy Comic Event!!

    id is for gifts is blitz828

    p.s. i am sorry if this is not where i am suppose to post this but i really dislike this new forum and am having a hard time finding things and getting to where i want to or need to be. thank you!!
    julie1013 likes this.
  3. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    You are definitely in the right place - this is where farmers will look for those needing help with events. I am still getting used to the new Forum but I am sure it won't be long till we are old hands at it! ;)
  4. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    Well, this is a first (I think). :music:

    Having started late and not being around tomorrow, this little farm is struggling for the Comic Books. I am all on target for the other requirements (and well in advance) but only have just under 400 Comic Books. Please let me know what you would like in return. ;)

    Thanks in advance! :)
  5. Scarlett

    Scarlett Active Author

    Hi everyone! My goal is to complete level 1-4 of this event. As I am not yet skilled enough to get through it all. I could use some help & would appreciate Frosting & a Carrot-Apple Chutney. Thanks for considering me :D
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014
  6. dnisis

    dnisis Forum Apprentice

    Hi, my drop rate on the comics is terrible. I have 263 of the 700 needed for the last step. Even with 25% on the trophies and LL rune, I am behind. I have enough crops and will finish the cupcakes tomorrow, but need many, many comics.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014
  7. VickyB71

    VickyB71 Someday Author

    I can surely need the help with the comic books. If you can help me, i will make note and make sure you get one as well. You might want to send me a message so i can add you to my buddy list. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Namaste' VickyB1
  8. pocahontas-1

    pocahontas-1 Someday Author

    Hi, I have everything I need to complete the event except 169 drops. Have long term crops in but will not be able to harvest until late tomorrow afternoon. Any help would be so very much appreciated and good luck to all still working on event.
  9. -Niknar-

    -Niknar- Padavan

    Hi, I have all the crops and cupcakes but I am not sure if I will get all the comic books at the moment.
    I need 168 more comic books. I have my overnight crops out so they should help.
    Thanks -Niknar-
  10. snobunny333

    snobunny333 Junior Expert

    Hi everyone, I too have all the rhubarb ready to submit to the last level but the Comic Books just won't come. Right now I have 539 of the 700. I'm not sure if I can pull this out at the last minute but I'm hoping.

    I may be able to gift back after reset.

    Thanks for your consideration.

    EDIT: Getting closer - still need 80 to complete. Thanks to all who have helped so far, I couldn't have gotten this far without you!!

    UPDATE: I have now finished!! Thanks again for all the help. :D
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
  11. porkchop1

    porkchop1 Junior Expert

    I have over two hundred need of comic books. Can't believe after having rasberry out got less then a 100. Have ruin open and high trophies. What is up? If you can send let me know. Also could use some neighbors as my keep fading away.
  12. crzyjoyce

    crzyjoyce Forum Expert

    I am on track for finishing all but the comic books.. donated 397 so still need close to 303 if my math is right. any help would be appreciated and will pay it forward!
  13. desi20

    desi20 Forum Pro

    Drop rate is not real good, still need over 250 comic books for last step. All help would be greatly appreciated :) farm name desaray17
  14. porkchop1

    porkchop1 Junior Expert

    Thanks for help. Still so far behind and only 17 hours left. Not sure any help will be enough LOL. oh well. Thank you so much.
  15. schtirbea

    schtirbea Forum Greenhorn

    Hi everyone, I'm almost finished, only 100 comic books missing :) Any help would be much appreciated, thank you. Farm id schtirbea
  16. .FarmerArchie.

    .FarmerArchie. Active Author

    Hello, I am the same being 100 comics short despite hurrying my crops along! Any comics sent my way would be very much appreciated. The drop rate is really low as I have both my trophies on highest level. If you require anything in return, send me a message and it will be done! Thanks in advance. My farm ID is .FarmerArchie.
  17. josstreater

    josstreater Advanced

    Similar situation here, completed all growing etc a day or so ago but despite being a top Living Legend (lol) still short of comics :-( Any would be appreciated. Thank you. Farm id: josstreater
  18. jimmiemc

    jimmiemc Forum Greenhorn

    hello everyone been working long hours and all I need to finish is the comics 220 left to get any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance
  19. littlejim331

    littlejim331 Forum Apprentice

    hi all boss has been a pain and had us working long hour during this event and hoping to finish but 300 comics short so any help will be appreciated thanks to all in advance
  20. pocahontas-1

    pocahontas-1 Someday Author

    Hi all and thanks to all the wonderful farmers who sent comic books. Am just now getting to harvest my crops. I am still short 59 comic books and have just planted roses. Hope that does the trick. Good luck to all still running to the finish line.
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