SOS Teabrew Bag/Event Drops Septemberfest 2014

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by illy1996, Sep 18, 2014.

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  1. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Hi all!

    Septemberfest 2014 starts today and this thread is for those who need a helping hand from fellow farmers to finish or achieve personal goals during this event.

    Below is a link to the Guidelines for using this thread (strategy thread(s) will be added if they are created:

    Guidelines for using the SOS event item thread

    Septemberfest 2014 Strategies

    Septemberfest 2014

    The (very rough) estimated daily/24 hour period requirement is: 110 Teabrew Bags*

    * You only need these if you haven't go time to give the barrels the full 16 hours.

    If you need anything else for the event, ask for it here.

    Please note:

    My main farm (Illy1996) usually manages to get all drops. If I do need help, I will post here, My second farm, Chevrefeuille, will not be attempting to finish this event so likewise will not require drop gifts.

    So If you receive gifts from either of my farms, please do not send gifts to either of them.

    If you want to return the favour, send to someone else asking for help.

    Good Luck everybody!

    PS: Excuse me Mods but I need to raise my voice: PLEASE LET US KNOW HOW YOU GET ON WHEN THE EVENT ENDS.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2014
  2. grllvs2hnt

    grllvs2hnt Padavan

    I could REALLY use some SUPER GROW to get seems like I cannot get enough time in to get the required harvest. I used all I had at the last event....thanks ahead of time!!
  3. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it is not possible to send Supergrow as a gift. I know it can be a pain trying to get going with no Supergrow. Have you got any unfinished Farmers Society Quests that give Supergrow as a prize? :)

    Good Luck! ;)

    Edit: I hadn't noticed there was a Supergrow Sale Mini Event on so hopefully you will receive some Supergrow if your neighbours buy some! :)
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2014
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