Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by liz, Jun 4, 2016.

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  1. liz

    liz Junior Expert

    any one else who could do with more space i would love a forest or wood or orchard area just for trees
    12ss12, 007Farming and MARLYMAR like this.
  2. FarmerDelight

    FarmerDelight Forum Master

    I think with proper space management, the current fields are quite sufficient. During events I usually clear out my animal pens to make more room for event crops and lay them back after the event. Plus trees don't take up too much space so I don't find them an issue.
    JJenks, -Mir85- and TCRooster like this.

    MARLYMAR Forum Ambassador

    a lot of people DO agree with you liz for ppl who have a lot of trees and pens and workshops ect... that would be very nice :p buuut we better not hold our breath I believe if we hold our breath a lot of ppl will be turning :wuerg::wuerg::wuerg: xDxDxD
    farmlily3 and 007Farming like this.
  4. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    IF we do get more land, it should be designated for trees or pens only. As stated before by others on this issue, with more free land comes a higher amount of event crops and event drops;):eek: Hopefully those buildings where we are supposed to be able to stack pens and trees will be coming soon:p:D
    MARLYMAR likes this.
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