Special Items--Tools, etc.

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by nlm24, Apr 20, 2023.

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  1. nlm24

    nlm24 Forum Pro

    Today I collected all the items from the Cloud Row and since I was looking for more PF to help with the Clockwork Event I opened all of my Consumable Items other than those that have a limit to them (Party Spins, etc.).

    After doing this I decided I would check on my Toolboxes and open them up too while I was at it. I found that I have around 3000 of the tools alone and numerous other toolbox kits. The tools only let you collect 100 at a time so this took some time to open them all.

    I would like to see anything that is listed under the Consumable Items tab open every available box (crate, etc.) as long as it goes to inventory and is not wasted.