Specter of the Opera

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Sweet_Cassiopeia, Oct 15, 2014.

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  1. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Did I calculate this correctly?

    It will take 768 Donkeys + 384 PF to get 3 Opera Donkeys Without skips or Baby Booms?

    Not to mention all the donkeys it will take to get to that step.
    spotsbox likes this.
  2. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Thanks cassi! I'm never good at figuring out the totals, always off somewhere :p. With the PF sale going on, I'm guessing (hoping) that there will be a baby boom. Every other breeding quest we've done has had a BB in the middle of it, so probably this weekend. The real challenge is holding out from breeding that long xD.
    baw815 and puppiesnponies like this.
  3. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    Hoping for a BBD but it's not looking promising for the weekend. If there's no BBD then I guess I shall enjoy selling donkeys!
  4. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I am quite sure there will be a baby boom day :D I can usually do the event with 200 PF and 200-300 animals (during BBD of course) :)

    But without skips and BB it actually takes more power feed:
    348 power feed is needed to breed the 768 donkeys to 192 wild donkeys
    96 power feed is needed to breed the 192 wild donkeys to 48 pack burros
    24 power feed is needed to breed the 48 pack burros to 12 poitou donkeys
    6 power feed is needed to breed the 12 poitou donkeys to 3 opera donkeys​
    This adds up to 474 power feed :eek:

    spots: Hope these numbers helps you wait til the weekend :p
  5. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Thanks Mir, I wasn't sure I'd done that right. I was really hoping I was wrong in the other direction though. At this point, I only have 243 donkeys. This could take awhile. :(
  6. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Yeah, this seems to have been in response to the requests for more higher level events, which is good... but I think I will wind up passing on this one (or rather, selling donkeys instead of filling the quest). WAY too much power feed for me.

    Maybe if it comes around again?
  7. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    woody: no, the events introducing new breeding animals have always (as long as I can remember) been more or less like this.

    Note that the example was breeding without BBD. I am sure BBD will come this weekend and the quest can usually be done with around 200 PF (my experience) :) You can argue that that is still a lot, but that is another discussion ;)

    Anyway, this has not so much to do with high level or low level, but more with the willingness/possibility to spend BB for PF. Of course higher level players might have more cc than lower level players and therefore be able to buy breeding animals in the market instead of breeding them themselves. But this depends a lot on playing style and I don't see it as a clear low level/high level issue.

    The short time donkey breeding quest will not come again. But the pattern seems to be that next month the cuckoos will return with a new quest (in addition to the old ones). And the month after there will be a new breeding animal with a short time quest like this :)
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2014
    spotsbox, baw815 and SuzeeRabbit like this.
  8. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    If you only want cloud row, & those upgrade pen, workshop, you could skip LV 2 Gold &
    diamond . That save 11 wild donkeys for upper lv breeding.
    I hate to find there is ony 60 PF reward from quest, having 214PF only. get the cloud row
    seem impossible. I don't buy PF anymore, I want to hold my wallet tight. I only buy BB for machinery & spend some BB for mystery seed /stable.
    If there is BBD,I will breed donkey, I got over 700, But they will be keep for FS held next
    week. I may do LV 1 as using 20PF will get 10 wild donkey which giving 30PF (not count skip
    & BBD)
    Remind Farmers :
    once the event start, go to workshop store to see what scrap metal is, they are new tools for
    donkey workshop, then best wish we could get some from harvest,(take reference from Zen rake, they will be rare)
    And then, check those unfinished FS quest, Panda's workshop teach me, always leave some
    XL, XXL toolbox for reserve. You may get new tools from them.
    Then pray that , We could get 5 unit to build the 1st Cookware Forge xD
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
  9. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    If Mir hadn't posted before me I would have said pretty much the same things said in the second post.

    I'm hoping that the scrap metal drops at the same rate as the zen rake. It was slow getting started but I have plenty now. Not as bad as I initially thought. Thankfully better than feather collectors. :D

    I don't breed without a BBD. It's a waste of resources otherwise.
    julie1013, howk01, baw815 and 2 others like this.
  10. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    So, I completely missed the Event announcement and the FAQs! Just popped in to farm quickly when I got home from work yesterday and didn't fully check the OAs! :p

    So this farm has lots of donkeys (well 750 should be enough) but only 107 PF.
    The other farm has 181 donkeys and 161 PF.

    Does either stand a chance or do I sell all my donkeys and hang on to my PF? Decisions, decisions. :music:

    Have fun everyone! ;)

    Edit: Of course I try - what am I thinking! I love the breeding events. Just hope they start BB soon ... like today at the same time as the Specter of the Opera starts would be very good. (Working weekend! :wuerg:)
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
  11. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Unfortunately, Illy, the best strategies got posted in another thread...
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2014
    illy1996 likes this.
  12. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I just saw it! Will go and check it out. ;)
  13. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Had fantastic skips for once - only had 260 donkeys to start with and I am done!
    baw815, JJenks and Banjoman like this.
  14. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I am done too. Did not have fantastic skips. Highest one was opera. I used 356 PF and 360 donkeys. Was really hoping for more scrap metal in the toolbox rewards but only one. Got one from harvesting animal pens yesterday. I have some donkeys and PF left but not sure if I will keep breeding or not. Will take a nap and decide later this afternoon. Good luck to you all!:)
  15. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I got a fantasic skip on Baha. A squirrel monkey, a TIKI monkey and a chimp from 4 monkeys! :inlove:
  16. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    Finished the event, enjoying my new cloud row. It's really even more prettier than I anticipated!!:inlove:

    Bought all wild donkeys (except gold and diamond L2) yesterday.
    Today, bought all poitous and opera donkeys, also. (around 85K and 180K respectively I think it was worth it than spending power feed)
    Didn't get much luck with the pack burros yesterday and I didn't like the price of each at this point. So, it was the only thing I decided to breed. Started with regular donkeys, very few skips (no higher than pack burros) and then with the wild donkeys (again one skip to poitou only.)

    I'm not a fan of breeding as you all know it and I'm beginning to feel tired of being manipulated into the importance of having power feed these days.-.- So, I'm not a good person to being asked for advice in this particular event...:(

    Anyway, good luck to all with those skips!!!;)
    I'm now heading for the MM / halloween event!8)

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that the event tool boxes gave me 2 scrap metals. Only 3 away to have my first cook-something donkey product pen... I'm so excited with that...:sleepy:
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2014
    TCRooster likes this.
  17. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I Have Finished This Event, I Done a Combo of Breeding and Buying Breeding Donkeys Needed for Specter of The Opera Quest, The Surplus Breeding Donkeys are Held onto to Do Donkey Breeding Quest, anything left over is sold for Profit to get Back CC is spent on completing this Quest with Little Power Feeds Spend, Which we get back some Spent Power Feeds From Quest which i be using up work on other breeding quests.

    On my Second farm I was surprised to get Great Skips I could not believe I had almost nearly all I needed for this quest on my first harvest, it saved me loads of Power Feeds I Do some more Donkey Breeding on that farm to make CC to sell back into the markets I used only about 100 Power Feeds On This Farm only had few Good Skips No Super Skips yet But I managed to Grab Golden Donkey for 6.5 Million CC they are sell it twice that now, wonder should i sell it or not....mmm
  18. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I've built my first Cookware Forge! I can't believe I managed to get enough scrap metal. It seems to be as scarce as hen's teeth. :p
  19. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Finished. Cloud row installed. Now I just need 4 more scrap metal to build my basic Forge for the upgrade I got.
  20. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    I could bang my head against the wall.
    The first round was pretty good. The second not that good but also not bad. The third.... I accidentally erased because I was to fast with the farm helper and did not really read the "pop up". Lost 80 wild donkeys that way. Now I am breeding some more. Need only 2 Poitou and then I'm done.
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