Specter of the Opera

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Sweet_Cassiopeia, Oct 15, 2014.

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  1. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Just got a Fire and a Wild from 4 basic. Very pleased.
    puppiesnponies and Arielh like this.
  2. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    I had not start event,because I forget to clean my field & plant organic cotton.
    (They will be ready in two hrs. then I will start breed to get some PF from quest.)
    I think yesterday I got a little over excit by my golden donkeyxD

    However, once the event start, I open some toolbox & got enough scrap metals to build
    my 1st basci forge, I will get my 1st cooking pot after 1 hr :music::music:
  3. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Oh No,,,Dienstag.......That just awful I bet you spend a fair bit of Power Feeds to get 80 Wild donkeys....I Guess No One can make a bigger Mistake than you......I Guess you have learn hard painful lesson, in your future breeding quests
  4. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I finished the event on both farms - incredible! Didn't think I had enough of anything to get anywhere near - started with less than 200 PF and, on other farm, less than 200 Donkeys!. On this farm I had a couple of Operas left over. On the other farm I had one Opera left (which I sold - didn't even have a chance to see it go!) and one Donkey King. :)

    Not only that but I leveled up with all the EP the event gave - so I am especially happy. I am working all weekend so this has put a smile on my face when I thought I would be missing Baby Boomer! Happy, Happy, Happy! :DxD:DxD
    TCRooster, Brookeham, baw815 and 4 others like this.
  5. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Went back and did another round and got a Charm 8) two Donkey Kings, two Opera, 3 Poitu's and a passel of Pack Donkeys.
    Anyone got a ballpark estimate on the Charm? I don't trust the scale given.
    Brookeham, heidels, JJenks and 3 others like this.
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Oh so sorry Dienstag! Hopefully, you will get the last ones soon.
  7. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Congrats on your skips Banjoman :) On my market Charms are going for between 3.5 and 4 million....might be different on your though.
  8. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    There was an Opera Donkey on the Wheel!:music: I didn't get it. :oops:

    But I did breed my last on to complete the quest. :)
    Banjoman and puppiesnponies like this.
  9. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    Yes, I finished yesterday night.
    It's just, when I use the helpers, my thinking is to slow. So I did a lot of other peoples mistakes also. Like harvesting without CAC at an event, or nuke everything not only the event seedling and so on.
    The wild donkeys make good money on my market.:cry:

    And I don't have enough scrap metal to build the forge. Should the toolboxes have enough to built one??-.-
  10. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    I have not seen a donkey yet on my wheel, what the heck?? I probably wouldn't get it anyway, I used all my wheel luck on a pink ostrich egg pen last week. Since I've rarely won anything remarkable up to that point, I'm pretty sure that was all my lucky wheel spins in one go, never to be seen again. ;)

    I only had time to do some breeding last night, done with everything except the Opera Donkeys. Skips are were pretty dismal last night, never any higher than Poitou, so I have my fingers crossed for better luck this morning. :music:

    Dienstag, I bought the 3 toolbox offer thing this time, and with the quest step I've finished (1 Opera), I somehow have 5 scrap metal in my barn. That still leaves me one more xxl toolbox to unlock with another Opera donkey. I remember with zen rakes, though, it was at somewhere between 7-10 days before I had enough for even one. The toolboxes I got from finishing FSQ that gave them as rewards did not net me one. single. zen. rake. I don't know if it's just better/easier this time, or if it really is low odds that are totally random.

    Good luck to everyone still working on it! :D
  11. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I finally finished on both my farms. I have been waiting since yesterday for two flippin' Opera's. I got to the point of talking to the breeding motels to give me skips. I was even breeding pitous to get them. I usually don't with a BBD. I finished first on my big farm, one breeding then the next breeding. I was getting disappointed if I didn't get them every breeding cycle. On my little farm, I got both of them the same cycle. Let me just say I am sick and tired of *&^%KO) donkeys.

    Arielh, AnnTAngel7, TCRooster and 3 others like this.
  12. crzyjoyce

    crzyjoyce Forum Expert

    Finished the short time donkey breeding and got my cooking forge I checked other breeding quests to find on i could turn in for xxl toolbox, rubber duck did the trick.. it netted me 5 scrap metal. :)
    baw815 and Banjoman like this.
  13. river2008

    river2008 Someday Author

    I opened the tool boxes on the donkey quest and did the honey one and only have 4 scrap metal. But on my lower practice farm i got 11 scrap metal, i even got it from the xl toolboxes from the donkey quest. So it is totally random but in favor of my lesser farm. Hopefully by the end of the month i will be able to build a cookpot station for my main farm.:music::music::oops:
    Arielh likes this.
  14. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    finally, I buy 2 opera from market, For the donkey breeding, I don't get any good skip,
    Best is skip 1 level , So, I get my Operaa when breed poitou.
    No any upper lv for my breeding time. Thus, I stop breeding when my PF gone down to 80,
    I love the orange workshop, I start to think if I should buy 2 Opera on Market, the price
    over 300K for yesterday, But slowly down to below 300K, few hr before, there is 220K offer
    I grab 2 & fill LV6, got my orange workshop. It will put on my basic Forge after my second
    harvest, still need 9 hr.
    However, I had 2 cookpot on hand, I grab one on market with only 750:p
    Arielh, CaliChrome and -Mir85- like this.
  15. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    I finished on all three farms on Sat and kept breeding until I ran out of PF.

    Main farm:
    best skip... reg -> opera
    got one scrap metal from one of the 4G toolbox
    5!!! zen rakes from one of the 6S toolbox
    2 zen rakes & 1 scrap metal from the 6G toolbox
    got the 5th scrap metal from harvesting this morning and built my first forge
    made a few million CCs from selling bred critters

    3rd farm:
    best skip... reg -> opera
    got one zen rake from lvl 6S toolbox
    got 1 zen rake & 3 scrap metal from lvl 6G toolbox
    still holding at 4 scrap metal but harvesting twice a day, instead of once, in anticipation of getting more scrap metal
    made a few million CCs from selling bred critters

    2nd farm
    best skips...
    reg -> GOLDEN!!!
    reg -> KING!!!
    2 zen rakes & 1 scrap metal from lvl 6S tools
    1 scrap metal from lvl 4G toolbox
    still holding at 3 scrap metal but harvesting twice a day to get more
    made MILLIONS selling the GOLDEN, KING and other bred critters
    Arielh, Banjoman, Arrouquelas and 4 others like this.
  16. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I wasn't very happy with my breeding results on Friday, so Saturday I bought some more PF to do more breeding :music: xD

    Results were much better on Saturday, and I did get a much desired fire donkey :D Bought two more in the market, so now I am only waiting for the scrap metal :sleepy: to build build a red forge upgrade :inlove:

    I sold quite a lot of colored donkeys and was able to buy some others to make a red donkey upgrade, a red panda stable and an orange chopstick factory. So in the end I am very happy :) And I am still left with much more cc than I usually have. I am sure I will find ways to spend them though :p
    puppiesnponies likes this.
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