Spring into Spring

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, Apr 10, 2024.

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  1. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I can never get Flower Spray Arts or Jack O'Gifts (?) in my Barn, normally they end up on a field and I keep harvesting them accidentally! :(

    Happy Discount Day, PF Sale, Baby Boom, etc, Saturday 10h00 to Sunday 22h00. :inlove:
  2. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    You and me, both... heavy sigh. I wound up with TWO Jack o' Gifts from piccolo boxes on the park and I keep forgetting they are there and harvesting them when I don't need them!

    It's hard to get those givers where they are in our inventory as we mostly get them from the piccolo boxes. But, I do have a couple in reserve on my farms - not sure how/where I got them, but I am saving them for "good". cough cough
  3. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Cloud row is up and running on both farms, just finishing the last few steps to get the rest of the goodies on my baby farm.

    You got bonus prizes when you buy packages, harvester subscription, etc. That's where I got mine, still sitting in my inventory.
    Jarrow, Mooboy, BellaMary69 and 4 others like this.
  4. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I noticed this farm has a couple of them waiting in the inventory as does SL's farm, so yeah, that's where I got them.

    Side note: as I predicted - there IS a CHIPMUNK STABLE available at level 39 of the upcoming Dragon Season. It is available without buying the Season Pass. If you do purchase the Season Pass you'll also receive at Plane Tree for completing level 39. I'm on the fence for this farm and PM23's about the season pass. I don't normally purchase it for those two farms.

    And back to scheduled programming: All 3 participating farms are finished with this event. Yay. Don't forget to refill your breeding hut before the end of Discount Day (that's a reminder for all y'all AND especially for myself because I forgot to fill this farm's last discount day, doh!)
    Jarrow, Mooboy, BellaMary69 and 5 others like this.
  5. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    Done and dusted:D Got CR up and running. My Neon stables were: Bear, Butterfly, Dog, Fish and Mouse.
    Still unable to get a Cat Neon :pxD
    Jarrow, BellaMary69, Nordais and 2 others like this.
  6. Flower

    Flower Forum Expert

    Done :oops: My neon stables were of basic animals too :sleepy: On the bright side, so many breedings allowed me to finish some quests :)
    To avoid harvesting my few and precious Jacks unnecessarily, I open my piccolo at crystal falls ;)

    Good skips to those who are still doing the event and have all a great weekend!
  7. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    My Crates O'Neon Stables on my baby farm turned into 2 Neon Horses, Neon Chameleon, Neon Duck and Neon Frog. On my main farm I got 1 Neon Horse, 1 Neon Chicken, 1 Neon Chameleon, 1 Neon Cow and 1 Neon Bat. I'm cursed with neon duck and horse stalls, that's the majority of stalls I get from those crates...

    Yeah, Neon Cat stalls are hard to come by...
    Jarrow, BellaMary69 and sanddollar15 like this.
  8. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I have done all 200 Levels of this event Many Thanks to Happy Discount Day, I did get couple of good skips but not super skips :p:p

    I did make 2 Billion CC from this event, it is most i ever made from Farmerama Event as it is extra bonus to make lots of CC plus rewards from this event too:):)

    I have got Cat Neon Stall from Crates of Neon Stalls :D:D as i already got couple of these in my barn i am happy to trade at Barter Gift Event ;);)

    I actually have Two Flower Spray Arts in my Barn, Must have won them from previous event:wuerg::wuerg:

    I have Flower Spray Arts, Jack O Gifts and Mighty Mower in my Lighthouse, i have activated them by accident from time to time it not easy to avoid activating them when they are needed combined with Buffs:music::music:

    I know this event needed at least 500 Power Feeds, Those who did the Right Side gets 112 Power Feed Back. But all those Farm Coins gained from all the Breeding Huts plus Farm Coins doing the Left Side with these Farm Coins can purchase back Power Feeds in Farm Coin Shop;):p

    I was amazed to sell Skunks for 1 Million CC each and Hamsters over 600,000 Each in my market I was really curious how many Millions of CC many Farmers Spent buy Animals and Breeding Animals from this event

    I am happy to sell lots of dusted items in my barn as some FSQ are completed or not worth doing so now i need go on Shopping Spree in my market :p:p

    Hope all those enjoyed doing this event, but at the same time feel sorry for those not got the resources eg lack of power feeds for this event But doing events that rewards PF and winning PF on Farmerama Wheel and Opening CR and Crates all helps you stock up PF for such events as this Also every now then we get Code that rewards us with PF too

    It would be nice we get PF Tree or Deluxe Pheromones Tree it is only wishful thinking xDxD
    Jarrow, dumbunny, BellaMary69 and 4 others like this.
  9. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    The Harvester "Assistant" has two buttons; 'harvester' on the left and 'pets and buff givers' on the right.
    The 'harvester' button will Not activate those listed above and some others. But this strategy is not for the 'faint-hearted' as it can be nerve wracking.
    I now put all my piccolo boxes on the one field (the Park) so I can remember Not to use the right side button. The payoff is now I have five Flower Spray Arts, so I can do "Instant Animals" whenever I have managed to accumulate enough feed.
    Jarrow, Noelle20001, dumbunny and 3 others like this.
  10. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Like David, I try to only put piccolo boxes on one giver area (usually the lighthouse) that way I know to leave the right side harvest button alone and manually harvest the special givers.
  11. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I am same with dumbunny I place my piccolo boxes in the Lighthouse I avoid clicking right harvest box , the manually click givers for my harvesting needs

    Once you place them you can't move them otherwise lost remaining buff effects
  12. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Good advice about the piccolo boxes.
    I got the CR, but was a few hamsters short for the entire thing.
    Jarrow and Nordais like this.
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