Strategy: Soak Up the Sun

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by illy1996, Jul 17, 2024.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Thank you for pointing that out, I just browsed the FAQ this time around and didn't see that. Anyway, seeing the 3playfield tiles made my day this morning! :D

    3 Tiles on the playfield means that there were 3 ready to play tiles on the right side of the screen + the 7 beach towels in inventory. We all started with the same narrow cramped playfield this morning = not fun! :wuerg:

    This is most complicated because it all depends on which cloud row you did collect and when you started playing. Also, there's cloud rows that are offering +1 animal (in general).

    If you go into your cloud row screen and select the sheep figure in the drop menu on the left side of the screen, it will lists all of your cloud rows that affect stalls and workshops. You can see there which stalls get a time reduction on harvest and/or the + 1 animal. I have 3 cloud rows that give me +1 all animals and my pet neon butterfly which also gives me +1. If I'm lucky they all align and basic stalls go up to a production of 5 animals.
    yagmur_5, BellaMary69, Raelyn and 5 others like this.
  2. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Cloud rows
    • Octo-tastic Daycare +1 for 10 hours
    • The Great Chase XI +1 for 3 hours
    • Changing Leaves +1 Protest Pig for 6 hours
    • Clockwork Conundrum +1 Raccoon for 2 hours
    • Great Feast III +1 Anaconda for 2 hours
    • Catmania +1 Horned Heath for 6 hours
    • Frozen Dreams +1 Horse for 6 hours
    • Bunny Bonanza +1 for 3 hours
    • Spick and Span +1 Beaver for 6 hours
    • Viking Saga X-3 +1 Padovana Chicken for 6 hours
    • Lion's Den +1 Thuringian Goat and +1 Dolphin for 4 hours
    • Octo-tastic Monstercare +1 Mothling for 6 hours
    • Birthday Fun 'n' Games +1 Shire Horse for 6 hours
    • The Art of Pranking +1 Salamander for 6 hours
    • Fright night at the Drive-in +1 Trollophant for 6 hours
    • Soak Up the Sun +1 Belted Galloway for 6 hours
  3. porkchop1

    porkchop1 Junior Expert

    Thank you so much! I have several that reduce but also have plus one going back to glowworm. Knew someone would know!
  4. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I wish it were so simple that I could find all those +1 rows among Animal Buff Rows. Some of those +1 rows are under Other Buff Rows, while they give also other Buffs than Animal Buffs.
  5. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    From the list that @-Päärynä11 wrote, the only cloud rows that I didn't find under that tab were the ones with +1 MM animals. So I think it's a neat little shortcut, after all MM is not opened that often. I've aligned all my MM booster cloud rows together (the 36-48h ones) together, so I know that if needs be, I can power feed the lot and/or turbo mulch MM trees at the same time.

    Anyway, to take advantage of all the +1, I keep 1 animal stall of each that has an upgrade all the time in baha and the main farm. On MM I have 2 of each stuffed into the Eerie Menageries with the rest out in Mushroom Forest. I also keep a few newer stalls out until I have 1500 animals on the main farm and then I replace them with the new one coming out.
  6. acia66

    acia66 Forum Apprentice

    Thank you Illy, for doing the numbers, I'm in as always :)
    I started playing my baby farm again for the summer calendar, and it has already got 17,640 Parasol Flowers :0 The main farm is just plodding along but as this is a Baha challenge I'm in no hurry, it's nice to get a bit of time on my main farm to catch up with some of the FSQs
  7. sapeli

    sapeli Junior Expert


    The forum is read by fellow players.

    If anyone has the impression that that player "sapeli" has nice things or has benefited from my ideas, then:

    You CAN - there is absolutely no obligation - to donate an item:
    "Tiki Timer"

    I only had one and with it I put Lablab Beans for the night so that there would be more "drops" from the night plants, of course my neighbors may donate but if you want it would be a BIG HELP and gratitude to get a couple of those, which shortens the Vegetable plants by 20%.

    THANKS in advance if someone wants, can, and would deliver me something like that.
    Affectionately "Sapeli" - so my game nick is also that sapeli !
  8. Flower

    Flower Regular

    sapeli, i've just saw your request. When the clock changes, i'll send you one. I'm also waiting for drops :sleepy:
    But what really upsets me is this kind of event that i swear i won't make again, but always end up doing xD

    Anyone knows if the hot chocolate hot tub affect all the items in the garden, lighthouse, etc?
    yagmur_5, dumbunny and BellaMary69 like this.
  9. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    The fact that it says "farm fields", my guess is that it affects only the three crop fields (main farm, green meadow & magical glade). For it to affect all, it would have to list main fields. The terms used for givers are confusing to say the least...-.-

    I don't like the fact that after placing EP/TEP boosting givers, we cannot see what they do. >:(

    Is it me or are the playfields impossible to play to make huge area of the same fabric?
    yagmur_5, dumbunny, Flower and 6 others like this.
  10. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Commissioner

    Does anyone know if the +1 harvest for field crops in the Season shop works on event crops as well? I have forgotten. Thank you.
  11. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Yes, it does. :)

    I'm done with the event as I had some good farmwheel bonuses and grew long crops overnight for drops. Back to normal farming :)
    yagmur_5, dumbunny, Flower and 5 others like this.
  12. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    The login reward for July 21 is 4hrs +1 Harvest Bonus, so consider claiming it when you have full fields ready to harvest.

    I'm not doing the event, but will claim my login reward tomorrow morning to get the most benefit :)
    yagmur_5, dumbunny, Flower and 7 others like this.
  13. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    AFFECTS - all in farm, PET-area and so...
    I have 14 on those, if NOT collected "right order" when I collect my PETS and Lighthouse etc. LightHouse gives 50 to 70 millions, if used those 14 ChosoTubes ---> 80 to over 100 millions... every day, not in "some days when all CR´s are ready too"

    EDIT: and now "only" have to play those 342 puzzle pieces... and my girls farm too over 340, she says "i don´t get it, you play"... my eyes burning already beforehand!
    BellaMary69, Jarrow, yagmur_5 and 5 others like this.
  14. anki74

    anki74 Junior Expert

    Thats me... and only to get 2 Piccolos and then those gives that "thing" with 5x 11000 CC ouhjee!
    BellaMary69, Jarrow, yagmur_5 and 5 others like this.
  15. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I've finished the event too, didn't really take much advantage of the swaps so didn't get as many Star Coins that I wanted. No worries, enjoyed the game and got a few extra bits ... now if only the Piccolo Box could turn into a certain tree! :inlove:
  16. sapeli

    sapeli Junior Expert

    and "look-there-is-more" - 378 piece to me, I´m 72 years old uncle-of-Anki - that means over 1000 pieces to Nuubi-Joonas2210 - smile, this is NOT candid camera!
    BellaMary69, Jarrow, yagmur_5 and 3 others like this.
  17. Flower

    Flower Regular

    I couldn't agree more!

    Shouldn't the last pet Alchemist Lab give 300% PE/PET? Well, it may be my mistake, but when i harvest my playground and the list of bonus rises there is any 300% :wuerg:o_O

    Regarding the event, i got the boxes and the CR. Now, i'm using the plants left to catch what i can.
    BellaMary69, Jarrow, yagmur_5 and 4 others like this.
  18. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Connoisseur

    This is a nice little event with an easy minigame. ;)
    The event continues for me until the end, although I only grow event plants 2 crops per day.
    470 pieces set on the main farm.
    434 pieces set at Babyfarm.

    Oh you young people :pxD ...yes, the mathematician can handle it ;)
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2024
    BellaMary69, Jarrow, yagmur_5 and 6 others like this.
  19. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    This farm is still sitting it all out.

    PM23's decided to do a little bit - on account of needed all the extra season points it can garner. Won't make it to the CR, but it has gotten a few star coins, so there is that.

    SL's farm is all done as far as goodies on the left side bar. Still has over 100 tiles to play off - to get moar goodies from star coin store, so goal is star coins - but of course, as Northy mentions, this is very difficult on most of the boards - the obstacles are very much obstacles.

    Good luck to all who are still playing...may the star coins be plenty.
    BellaMary69, Jarrow, yagmur_5 and 5 others like this.
  20. kesh2020

    kesh2020 Forum Apprentice

    Drops Please
    For anyone who is done, I would love some drops if you are willing to send any
    Thank you!!!
    BellaMary69 likes this.
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