Strategy: The Great Chase

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by illy1996, Nov 14, 2018.

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  1. MsTheaP

    MsTheaP Active Author

    Aye carumba!! I'm only getting 55 points each game. The only good thing is hearing the items don't move. And I got super lucky -- I filled my baha fields yesterday with saguaro, then realized crops didn't count. Then they update the FAQ to include baha crops. SCORE! Not sure what I'm gonna do about the neon event. I wanna I wanna, but gez!
    joanc123, shellhappybj and 12ss12 like this.
  2. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Now 71 to 80 points is my average. I am in 510/6750 points. Played 7 games including 3 free mini games.
  3. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    I've editet my outdoor post. Added more items
    Link to my post here: Strategy: The Great Chase

    Need tips on how to improve it - got a bit muddled and maybe not so helpful. Thank you all that added to the list of words. Would never have found that potato among the yellow apples without you Joan :inlove:

    @SuzeeRabbit I think the yellow stuff is just pieces on the tractor.

    @Neddy38 : Not a native English speaker either. And there is a few words I don't think I have in my native daily vocabulary either. Like scythe - no clue what we call it. But I don't care so much what I call it in my own language, I just accept these random letters = that picture. Then again I am just a simple dog that doesn't want to use up the brain power I was born with :D

    @12 - You give me hope this is very doable. Always nice when someone tests your plan and confirm it's doable. Thanks!
    SahraB, Brookeham, joanc123 and 5 others like this.
  4. Neddy38

    Neddy38 Forum Great Master

    Thanks Moriane for your picture & list :inlove:
    It will let me got much idea and easy to try the games.
    If you could give the other 2 will be a big thanks! :p
  5. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Hey ! Everyone can get 80 points with the help of F5 Key. Try to find out as many items as possible. If the time is running out press F5 key, time will start from first & then find the rest of the 10 items. Earlier items you found out will already been taken into out. I tested. From Hungarian Forum.

    Hi Moraine you have surpassed. Thanks. In every picture there are 60 items.
    The remaining 5 items are
    1. water gun - just below No.35 TV
    2. Clog/shoe - next to watergun & below No. 34
    3. toy boat - inside the bucket at the foot of the scarecrow & above the egg
    4. Hay bales - above No.35 TV
    5. Iron Rod (Don't know what they call it in English. I am also not a native of English) - above No.36 potato.

    Thanks Moraine
    Aluntino, swCactus1, SahraB and 9 others like this.
  6. Neddy38

    Neddy38 Forum Great Master

    I used I-pad for farmerama quite a while as it is touchscreen.
    yesterday, my fan come and open my PC for serach something then find that
    My PC had some problem which cannot operate properly.
    I think, OK I seldom used it.
    Now, 12 tell me the F5 tab which is not available in I-pad :cry::cry:

    Edit: I study the picture,add 12 new add, there is still 2 item had not circle or list
    9 zombie rabbit, this one I think It look like the white creature beside of #43 viking Helmet
    32 lunch box, this one I really can’t find where it is?
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
    joanc123 and Cassie101 like this.
  7. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    My computer also broke down and has to have a new hard drive. I'm borrowing hubby's laptop and while it does have F5, it doesn't do anything, but thanks for the tip anyway. Refreshing does reset the mini game but it doesn't save the items already found. It resets the game and you still have to find 10 items.
    tlcmom, joanc123 and Cassie101 like this.
  8. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    I think your idea of adding descriptions of where to find the items is the best one I've seen Moraine :D:D
    joanc123 likes this.
  9. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    A scythe is used for harvesting similar to a machete. Most farmers in developed countries use more advanced methods. But Lassie aka Moraine, has an important point... unless you have some previous memory of the item, like potato, just memorize the picture to the letters. If it's previous use helps you to remember, great.
    All you non native English speakers really do have an extra challenge. Puts you at a significant disadvantage.

    I don't see an iron rod above the potato.

    I can't seem to find a lunchbox or the number 32. Is it supposed to be that thing that looks like a blue purse? Some really old metal lunchboxes are round like tin cans. Lunchboxes from the 60s are rectangular. Today's lunch "boxes" are softsided bags...

    F5 key on my computers have all done different things. I think it's USA based keyboards. From previous conversations they mean "browser refresh".

    Going back to bed... It's only 4a...

    Lassie/Moraine, you've gone above and beyond this time. But if you can do the other two pics as well... LOL!

    I plan on doing some searches this afternoon if I'm not too tired, after my appt with the audiologist. The smoke from the wildfires is worse than ever. Even tho I'm locked inside most of the day it's still making me tired. But maybe I can contribute something then.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
    SahraB, tlcmom and joanc123 like this.
  10. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    Try Fn (function key) + F5. In some computers (or, more precisely, keyboard settings) it works with Ctrl+F5. I hope it helps.
  11. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    Good news: I got a +200% 12 hr so that I had 12 detetive tools now.
    Bad news is: I play 1game, system give me barn, even with the hungarian picture, without the name of list item, it is impossible for me to find them, Like lost in the sea :cry:
    So, I had to use all 5 glasses to serach out. My F5 not work !
    joanc123, sanddollar15 and 12ss12 like this.
  12. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Yes, F5 is the refresh button. I pressed it when I was in my 9th item & then when reloaded I only had to find 2 items & the time started from first. Try hard pressing F5 button not F+5 button. But F5 function button.

    Now I am in 821 points.

    Try Aluntino method if F5 alone does not work.
  13. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Moraine! You are a very smart dog:inlove: thanks for sharing, and 12ss12 thanks for F5 wonderful information! I may actually
    do way better than I thought I would!:pxD
    SahraB, joanc123 and 12ss12 like this.
  14. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    I'll work on it later. Someone suggested in feedback to have picture if each items. will see how we can fix this so it's easier for us all. Please share items for the two other locations

    Happy farming!
    SahraB and joanc123 like this.
  15. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Just like in the HO games I play, made by people for whom English is not their first language - I have had to figure out things like this before... I played one a while back where the clue was "brush" - and the object was a tassel. So this one has been pretty good - not perfect, but pretty good as far as object identification. The good news is that it gets repetitive fast, so after about the first 6 games, I started picking up the extra points for finishing in under a minute. Now my goal is to actually get that +25 - I don't think it's humanly possible, so if any of y'all do it, I'm coming to look for alien pods in your basement.
  16. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Aluntino! That did work to refresh. I don't normally use a laptop and thought (mistakenly) the keyboard would function the same. You taught this old dog a new trick;):pxD
    SahraB, tlcmom, Sue46 and 2 others like this.
  17. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Me too, Pups! I will try that next time. Though I am now starting to increase my average to 66. If I am struggling, I try to get five then use my Magnifying Glasses! :)
  18. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Any of my neighbors that want gifts... send me an IGM to let me know if you want soot, magnifying glass or neon heart. As usual I don't need drops but if you want to send me one send magnifying glasses.

    I'm milling 2 "tools" per harvest. I'll probably manage 5 harvests per day. I should be able to play all 100 games. If browser refresh works I should be able to get all the prizes. Nov is starting to look almost as much fun as the very exhausting Oct games.

    I've never used an iPad. If you're using Puffin or Photon or Chrome or any browser really... There is a "browser refresh" button next to the URL. It looks likes an arrow chasing it's tail. Should work on all devices and all browsers. I prefer it to trying to find rarely used keys on a keyboard.
    SahraB and joanc123 like this.
  19. Neddy38

    Neddy38 Forum Great Master

    I know the refresh button.....
    I try but after refresh, no matter you had find any item or nothing,
    The game just re-start and then it ask for new item. So it is useless!
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
    joanc123 likes this.
  20. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    It seems that game team has found the bug and fixed it. That's what it is said in the Hungarian Forum.

    When I initially tried it in 2 mini games, I was asked to find only the remaining 2 items. Now changed.
    tlcmom, zerodegrees and joanc123 like this.
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