Swap the Harvest Helper Quest rewards for Coupons

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by epicamazing101, Aug 31, 2014.

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  1. epicamazing101

    epicamazing101 Forum Apprentice

    The title says it all really. I find it really frustrating just waiting to finish a Farmers' Society quest so I don't waste the harvest helper rewards I get from that quest. I get that some quests only give out one type of helper, like 6hrs Seeder, but for the ones that reward you with the whole works could be swapped for coupons which we can use at any time. I recently finished Gertrude's Organic Eggs, and I thought that the rewards on level 10 were actually coupons. Imagine my frustration when I found my harvester, seeder, builder and farm droid all had 84 hours on them, which I could have split up, or used during an event! It seems a really small problem, but it does annoy me quite a lot. It would be so easy to fix :)
    Elva7, TCRooster, Michael1877 and 2 others like this.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    good idea!
    Coupons for the harvest helpers are way more useful!:)
  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I agree! I think all harvester rewards should be coupons that players can activate when most convenient for them to do so. After all, prizes should be enjoyed and benefit the farm as a reward for the effort to complete a task. I think this should be for all times you can win them (quests, events, farmwheel), not just FSQ.
    imafarmer72, farmlily3 and julie1013 like this.
  4. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum Ambassador

    Add my vote for coupons only please.
    farmlily3 likes this.
  5. Oops-a-Daisy

    Oops-a-Daisy Someday Author

    i agree coupons would be much better
  6. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    YES! YES! YES! PLEEEEEASE DO THIS!! So many, many times I will complete a quest at night before closing out....and get one of these! Which, of course, are GONE before I log on again. How frustrating this is!!>:(>:(:mad::mad:-.-:cry::cry::cry:
    And some of these quests cost dearly in goods/animals/etc.
    The point is well taken - this is supposed to be an enjoyed benefit and reward for all the sacrificed goods.

    Please add my request to all the rest. Thank you...
  7. watershipdown

    watershipdown Forum Apprentice

    YES!!! Coupons please :D
  8. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Need I add more ... you have my support! :inlove:
  9. birdiesaunt

    birdiesaunt Padavan

    I agree with the others that coupons would be much better.
  10. marlenef24

    marlenef24 Forum Expert

    I vote coupons as well :D8)
    Maybe we should start a list and get people to vote for this change...at least then BP can see a clear statistic and market research ;)or maybe they already know all this?!:(
  11. imafarmer72

    imafarmer72 Forum Greenhorn

    I totally agree. And I wish they would add coupons to market so we could buy them. I would love to buy the 1hr coupons to use on the days I work. Use one when I check the farm in the morning and one when I check the farm at night.
    farmlily3 likes this.
  12. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    Yes....also a very good idea!
  13. msmeow

    msmeow Junior Expert

    Agree completely, I have a number of FSQ's I could fill but won't, because the timing never suits my times for farming. I am hoping for a nice, friendly solution from the Developers/BP relatively soon. ( and that the perfect opportunity will open for me to use the harvester/etc. to fill those quests):music: Options for times might also be considered carefully for the variety of the players needs/styles.

    Thank you OP for starting this thread.
  14. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Buying coupons like that would basically distort the process. I mean, most people don't play for 8 hours constantly, so no one would buy the longer term subscriptions that are already available. The difference is that you can decide when and if to buy the subscriptions. Rewards are different. When the rewards have to be used instantly, it pretty much means its no reward at all for most people. Why even have a reward that is worthless to most people?
  15. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    I'm also all in for changing the instantly starting machinery rewards to coupons.....for those who live Farmerama it is already enough to consider and plan, to wait completing a Farmer Society Quest that rewards machinery is ok and a matter of patience to use it when the time is right.....but to have to reserve 3 hours for farming just in case you win machinery on the wheel is going a little bit over the top. I can not count how many times I was punished by winning 3 hours of harvester and not being able to use it because "real" live was happening and demanding my presence.
    So my vote clearly goes to coupons....